Monthly Archives: November 2017

Fusion of Essential Oils

Fusion of Essential Oils

Fusion of Essential Oils

That uplifted & take you
on a sensory journey to another location!

I love to experiment with the Essential Oils I have, but don’t use enough.We often hear a lot about ingredients like Lavender and Frankincense, but not necessarily others like Lemongrass or Jasmine.

Whilst making my customer’s products, I decided to make myself something new using Grapefruit White, Lemongrass and Jasmine.The Vegetable Oils selected also keep the skin hydrated, are rich in Vitamins and help conditions like varicose veins. I called it Jazz Body Butter but this could change depending on the vote from my customers.

Mine and my husband’s instant reaction was that it has an Asian fusion that smelt a lot like yummy Thai food.   He was worried about this new product being the replacement of his other favourite Mint Body Butter.  He loves how it smells like Aero Bar and using the product feels like smothering yourself in chocolate.The best part of using these body butter is that it melts onto the skin as soon as it’s in contact with your skin.

The benefits of using the Body Butters is that they contain Vegetable Oils that are rich in vitamins
A, B, C, E and Omega 6 Fatty Acids and Lecithin.
Wouldn’t you love to use a body butter that helps your skin repair as well as keep it nourished? The ingredients chosen for the 2 body butters also help with Varicose Veins which is a bonus.

I also decided to change the blend of the Hemp Hands.  It was originally made with Vanilla and Macadamia, which sounds delish like an ice-cream combo. But I wasn’t sure it was the right blend for this product.  What I love is asking my Customers what they think and what they would like to have in their products.  And just like that – out went Vanilla and Macadamia whilst n came Rose, Palmarosa and Rosemary to make the Rosey Hemp Hands products.

For Kids, I made the Natural Baby Moisturising Oil which has a gentle combination including Lavender which can be applied from face to feet. The ingredients are chosen help nourish the skin as also have the antiseptic properties for cuts and rashes they may have to overcome. The other product I have for Newborn babies is the Happy Babies Hydrosol which is made using Aloe Vera and floral Hydrolats. This product helps soothe and calm skin issues like baby rashes which are common during their early years.

Sometimes, all-natural products behave according to the weather: When it’s super cold, they can become hard, solid and difficult to apply; When it’s very hot, they can become soft and often runny. But being resourceful, we just need to think outside the box when trying to apply these!

Clean hands is a must for applying our products!Using your thumbnail to remove the balms is the other suggestion as it’s the best way to apply any of the Essentially Lili all-natural skincare products to your face, hands, feet and body!Your thumbnail allows you to apply throughout the day without needing to carry around a spatula!!

When I’m travelling in the summertime, I have found my products can become super soft from the heat. o if you are travelling by plane, keep your Essentially Lili products with your checked in luggage as it will remain cooler in the hold. I usually keep my sample pots in my carry-on luggage as it’s small enough to reapply during the flight and prevent my skin from dehydrating. When I arrive at the destination, I put my jars and sample pots into the fridge at the hotel/apartment/resort. Not only will the products re-set, but they will be lovely and cool when you need to reapply after being out in the sun all day.

When the weather is too cold, they can become solid and hard.The solution for the kid’s product is to run the bottom of the jar under warm running water to soften the Cocoa Butter and then give it a good shake. Sometimes, the product clogs the inner tube – so I suggest that you remove it, rinse it out, dry it and then re-insert it.

The best thing about all-natural products are that whilst I am making them fresh, they will not be tainted with other chemical or synthetic ingredients. Unlike commercially made products that are made to squeeze out with the same consistency, all-natural products that are untainted do what they should do ‘ naturally’.So when you receive your products, they will hopefully arrive quickly and without being stuck under a heater in the Post-Person’s delivery van which can make them look like a tsunami!

But if they do, just remember you can put your products in the fridge to re-set them!

Gallery: Jazz Body Butter, Jasmine, Peppermint Leaves, Evolution Jazz Body Butter, Rosey Hemp Hands Samples


  • If you had to choose between Peppermint and Lemongrass, which would you prefer?
  • If you had to rename Jazz Body Butter, what would you suggest?
  • Some of the choices were Asian Fusion, Fusion Body Butter, and White Jasmine which is a play on the 3 Essential oils! We would love to hear your suggestions … don’t be shy!

    Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email

    You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered. Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili