Tag Archives: application tips

How Perseverance is Key

Perseverance is Key

How Perseverance is Key

To Getting Your Glow,
Confidence, Health & Wellness back.


How Perseverance Is Key to Getting Your Glow, Confidence & Wellness back

What I love to do is to share my personal About Me story with with those who ask about the Essentially Lili All-Natural Skincare products. The reason I started making the Range and sharing the products with others IS because of my personal journey. The battle I had with Eczema as a Kid and Teenager and into adulthood, combined with the various types of medications I was given made my whole body a mess from inside-out.

The frustration of looking at myself in the mirror, being covered in red blotches, patches, bleeding scratches that were also weeping clear liquid was beyond painful and awful.  It made me feel self-conscious, hideous, lacking confidence and extremely isolated.

At 19, when my journey to wellness began, I remember being in a very dark and lonely space, away from everyone outside.   I only left the house to see my Naturopath who helped me get out of this medically created mess.  My skin was the worst he had ever seen. To make me feel more disheartened was getting worse at the beginning when I started my detoxification process.  However, the anguish I was going through was enough to keep me persevering, following his instructions with determination to get the results I desperately wanted.

How many of you have been ill or felt yuk and all you wanted to do was hide away from the world?

I know what it’s like.  I didn’t go anywhere in my state.  This was happening during my 3rd year of University and so I just stopped attending everything for 2 months – lectures, tutorials and social events.  I returned to sit my exams though it was no surprise I failed some that semester. I had to do an extra year of University, graduating the following year with my Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Degree.

Sometimes in life, things just go from bad to worse. They make us feel frustrated, angry, stressed out, anxious and willing to chuck in the towel.  But what if you took a different approach?  What if you just took some time out, to reflect, to write down what’s bothering you, change your strategy and do something different.  What if the results you are looking for are right in front of you?

For me, I took one month of totally detoxing my body, changing what and how I ate to bring the results I needed. It was not an easy path, but I persisted, persevered and was patient with my body’s recovery.

When I ask Customers to keep an eye on what they’re eating, wearing, touching and if their environment has changed, it’s not because I want to criticise or judge you. It may be that these factors are triggering the reactions in your body. They could be the reason for the breakouts in your skin, giving you cramps, headaches or causing you to feel irritable and cranky. By changing something, we can help speed up the process of getting well again and preventing those issues reoccurring on a frequent basis.

I really want to encourage you that Perseverance, Persistence and Patience are Key to getting your glow, your confidence and your Mojo back.  We would all love to have the overnight success, though it doesn’t always happen. Can you imagine if we only needed to go to the gym once to have an awesome Shaun T BeachBody Six Pack?   Can you imagine if you went on a diet and the next day could fit into size 8?   We can all dream of those moments, but the reality is that a lot of time, effort and persistence went into achieving these goals.

Gallery: New Labels; Lili March no makeup; Samples offered at Event;  Before & After photos Eczema;Goodbye Beauty Case Contents.

A quick summary for Getting Your Glow:
* Do not cleanse in the mornings as you could remove any new cells that were generated whilst you were getting your beauty sleep!
* Cleansing only at night time to remove any dirt and pollution from your skin.
* Some Serums & Balms contain Essential Oils that will make your skin sensitive to the sun.These should only be applied at night time.
* Applying a little of the balms as often as needed helps prevent your skin from drying out and cracking.
* Depending on the age of the child, sometimes we need to be clever and apply products on their nearby toys.
* Don’t be afraid to get rid of products that contain parabens & other nasty ingredients, no matter how much they cost.
* I recently cleared a Beauty Case full of Expensive well-known brands worth a lot of money, many of which were new & unused.I also threw out all my emergency stashes of Cortisone that were always in my drawers – just in case.
* In all things, apply common sense – drink water, wear sun hats, sun block, if something doesn’t agree with you, stop eating /drinking it, and find an alternative!
* Perseverance, Persistence & Patience are the Key to get your Glow, your confidence, your health, that job and the success you’re after.

I want to encourage you to NOT GIVE UP in your pursuits.   I too had many moments when I wanted to chuck in the towel with frustration. But instead, I want to inspire you to keep striving, persisting, pushing, reaching, changing, pursuing and wanting to go ahead.I have been encouraged by others to be myself and with that, I say the same to you:   Be patience, be kind to yourself, be genuine with those you deal with, love what you do, be honest but not a pushover and let those around you help (if they can).  And if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again!

The 7th of April marks the 3rd birthday & anniversary of when Essentially Lili took a plunge to make sample products and distribute them at a Women’s Breakfast in Zurich.Some of you have had the most amazing results with the Essentially Lili ProductsI love making these Fresh, with Love, without any fake ingredients, all Vegan/Vegetarian and suitable for many ages.

Your feedback allows me to improve & sometimes re-tweak the ratio of ingredients or the application of the products, especially when it comes to Kids. Your Reviews are the best way to celebrate your success with the products you have chosen. It helps others feel encouraged by your journey and assists them to choose what they need for themselves and loved ones.

If you want to be featured on the Happy Customers on our webpage’s Testimonials, please send me a recent picture of yourself without makeup with your testimonial.

You can also request to join the various groups I have set up: Essentially Lili Skincare Q&A and Essentially Lili Nutrition & Well Being Here you can ask your questions for conversation and resolution.I share not only what I have studied with the school in London about Nutrition and the Body, but what the other experts write too.You can also check out the previous Blogs  regarding the Products, Essential Oils, their Benefits, Managing Stress, Raiding Your Fridge and the funny Pedicure one too.

If you are looking to fast forward your journey to recovery, you can book your Consult Therapist.  I will help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey; who has endured & persisted; has had high and low moments; who can empathise, sympathise and encourage you along your path. Check out the variety of Help Skin Assistance products available on the webpage.


  • Have you had a similar bad experience with Medication which reacted on your skin?
  • What has helped you get well again?
  • What products have helped you on your journey?
  • Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

    You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered.

    Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili