The topic of overwhelming stress has been cropping up in my personal and business feeds quite a lot lately.I had been reflecting on what life was like when I was single in the 90s. I used to travel a lot solo or with work, to various locations around the globe, with confidence and a little bit of angst about the unknown.I would research the places I was about to discover, collating as much information about what I wanted to see and do.
In 1999, whilst based for work in Houston Texas for 3 months, I used my 12 weekends to explore surrounding areas, both near and far, making the most of my limited stay in the US.Grabbing a small bag, I’d drive to various places in Texas, or catch a flight to New Orleans for my 30th, Miami or head to the Mexican border .I had very little fear and almost everything was so much fun!
From 2000 to the beginning of 2003, I was based in the UK. I spent many weekends exploring not only the UK but headed off with my ‘Lonely Planet Europe Book’ to discover different cities on the mainland.Enjoying the history and so much of what Australia didn’t have, I spent time locating long-lost family members who I reconnected with their cousins back in Melbourne! I was often asked, ‘What’s in that city you’re going to visit?’… My reply was, ‘Tell you on Monday when I get back!’ These were the days of city maps, internet cafes and 36mm film in your camera!
It might sound really dumb, but lately, this aspect of planning and booking has become something my husband has done since we got married in 2004. I can’t believe how ‘lost’ I feel, trying to find the right deal, or plan ahead. Whilst I have loads of ideas, I am often overwhelmed by doing it all myself for the family.
As mentioned in the newsletter, I recently went to secretly visit my Uncle for his 90th birthday in Sicily. I was about to book the trip when my husband found a better deal than I would have otherwise missed. But once it was reserved, I suddenly realised that there was no public transport on a Sunday morning, and the panic set in. As stupid as it sounds, the logistics became my stress – and it consumed my mind, thoughts and sleep.
Totally crazy, right?
The reality is that often something that seems so silly or insignificant to others is what throws you off your own game.It makes you feel weak, incapable, unsure and questioning your inner strength. Should I accept th e role as ‘guest speaker’?What would people think of me at an Exhibition or event that I’ve been asked to attend? How do we overcome these feelings, step out of our comfort zone into our fears and take the ultimate plunge?
Whilst I was having my moment about the trip, I reached out to my Sicilian friend and another connected with Sicily, asking for their advice and help. I felt bad imposing myself on my relatives to take me on the 2+ hour journey back to Palermo airport. I considered driving a car, but again my fear of being alone and behind the wheel in Italy was so consuming that my brain went into overdrive: ‘What if they have snow, what if there’s no snow-tyres on the car, what if I get lost, what if …?’
My husband found a ‘Get Transfer Service’ and booked the trip back on a Sunday morning, and suddenly my fears of being lost, stranded and driving alone all vanished.
Image: Rocks of Love, Breathe Easy & Blissful Minds Products, Lesley Calvo, Pots of Magic.
“Sometimes we just have to be brave enough to ask for help and admit that we are scared in order to be reassured, encouraged or find an alternative solution”
I recently spoke to a dear friend of mine who shared this story with me. Lesley was invited to guest speak in the USA to over 400 women.She explained how anxious she became, to the point of not wanting to step onto the plane in the first place.She just wanted to turn around and go back home, but instead, she proceeded.At her UK stopover, the fear came back, and Lesley tried to convince herself that remaining was better than completing the flight to LA, as this apprehension increased.She went and succeeded in delivering her speech to the 400+ women!! This feeling of fear can be also used as a sign that you are ready to move, and as a sign to take action. It becomes your body’s way of telling you to push outside your comfort zone and expand your limit line.
Quoting from Lesley’s Instagram page:
‘When you feel the chaos and overwhelm, know that your next move is still a choice you get to make. The darkness inside is not to be avoided or hated. That within it there is a gift.It is your soul calling you to courage. Through it there is a strength in you that you haven’t even met yet. A desire for greatness that is pulling you through.Breathe. You Will Make it!’
What powerful encouragement – we need to be in tune and listen to our own inner voice and gut instinct. It is usually right and steers us where we should be heading.
“Trust Yourself, You Know More than You Think You Do” – Lesley Calvo
Lesley mentioned that the concept of stepping out of our comfort zones can make us feel uncomfortable, self-doubt and scared. It can cause hidden feelings from our past to resurface. This overwhelming nervousness can cripple us into non-action, provoking and deceiving us into thinking that ‘we’re ok to stay put or make no alterations to what is necessary for change’.
If we take our health as an example: When we know we are not well, our body will constantly tell us we have pain or discomfort. Instead, we pretend, make excuses, ignore the warning signs that stop us from changing old habits which could eventually have longer-term and detrimental effects. Imagine if we all made small changes that could actually improve and extend our Healthy Life Expectancy? Here are some words of advice:
1. Be honest with yourself and admit you are unable to do certain things on your own;
2. Seek out those who can genuinely help you reach your goals, even if it’s one small step at a time;
3. Be kind enough to give yourself the time and space to reach what you’re capable of doing; and
4. Notice how much stronger, braver and capable you are of becoming.
What other techniques can we apply to help us overcome the stress that consumes our mind? There are a few things we can do to assist the improvement of our overall well-being:
1. Take on a relaxing form of exercise, like Yoga or Pilates. This can help release endorphins in the brain which not only lift our mood but act as natural pain-killers.
2. If you’re able to take on more, do dance-related exercise which will increase your heart rate and improve your overall fitness;
3. Some find meditation and prayer their personal choice for a peaceful mind, as well as dealing with anxiety and stress;
4. For those willing to try Acupuncture, this technique can free blockages to the energy flow in your body;
5. Having regular massage can assist with releasing knots and built-up tension, particularly the neck, shoulders and lower back;
6. Ensure your diet is full of the necessary nutrients, which will help your brain deal with stress, and assist your body’s total functionality;
7. Seek techniques like Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to help deal with stress and depression that can have a negative effect on your body;
8. Write your thoughts and feelings in a diary to keep track of what is causing stress;
9. Connect with people, friends, nature, taking time out to be around and with those that make you happy;
10. Use your blends and essential oils to improve your overall well-being, reduce the feeling of anxiety and stress on the body.
11. Stress can affect our whole body, from digestion, skin and hair loss too.
Writing lists is something I have been doing for a long time, and I found that it frees my mind from stressing or over-thinking particularly whilst I sleep. Eating healthier and slower, being more conscious of what is consumed can also prevent your body from overworking and becoming sluggish. The food awareness tends to go out the window whilst we’re socialising, travelling and in company with others, enjoying what life and adventures have to offer, though the reconnecting element can be a wonderful key element to overcoming stress.
Pampering yourself with deep tissue massage can release built-up tension and relieve knotted areas. Speaking to friends who know you, offering words of encouragement and support during your time of anxiousness can be a huge step towards a peaceful mind.
Be aware that stress affects our bodies. Our hormones can become imbalanced as the blood flow to our skin, hair, teeth and throughout the body is hindered. A common reaction to stress is Eczema, Acne, Hives, Psoriasis, Rosacea, gum disease and hair loss. Trying to get our body back in control will help overcome this. Often, simply controlling the foods we eat can have a tremendous result for our body’s recovery process.
And for those that enjoy the natural things in life, there are the Essential oil blends I make, that can clear a congested nose and aid with breathing to allow a decent night’s rest. For the children, there’s the Kids Breathe Easy Concentrate, whilst for grown-ups, Adults Breathe Easy Concentrate. For headache sufferers, there’s the Blissful Minds concentrated serum, together with the Anxiety Pick Me Up inhalers. All of these products are made using 100% natural ingredients, containing no hidden nasties or chemicals in the blends.
This year I have decided to do some things differently. I will update you in the coming months, but for now, I’m writing my lists, seeking the help of those who know better than me, asking for advice, and taking one day at a time. I hope that 2020 becomes a different kind of year and that you all get to be part of it, right here! It’s time for me to overcome those fears and just go with it. Watch this space and keep you posted.
Should you need help with finding your feet, don’t ever hesitate to book the Consultation session to fast track your steps to wellness.
Should you wish to contact Lesley Calvo, please message me
Images: Healthy Living Chart & Concentrated Serums Blissful Minds & Congestion for Adults/Kids

- What part of this blog resonates with you?
- Has your stress overwhelmed you so much that you stopped following an activity or event through?
- What technique do you find is the best stress reliever for you and your family?
“Why I make Essentially Lili all-natural Products.”
About Lili & Essentially Lili
My 40 years of personal experience is the foundation of Why and What I do at Essentially Lili.
My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder.If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a Private Confidential Paid Consultation.
Please send an email to <a” href=””> should you need further assistance.
My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management, Member of International College of Holistic Medicine.Currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.
At Essentially Lili, the Products made are all using 100% Natural <a” href=””>Ingredients. See the wide variety of Help Skin Assistance available on the webpage.
Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have dared to try them out. We have had some amazing Before & After results with their using the All-Natural Skincare products. Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.
See the Blog Library for previous writings about how to deal with Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne and Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made. We look forward to hearing from you, With Much Love Essentially Lili.