Tag Archives: Natural Ingredients

Steps for Treating Maskne

Flavio Gasperini Unsplash Jun21

Steps for Treating Maskne

Which is ‘Acne Mechanica’
caused by wearing masks.

Unsplash image by Flavio Gasperini


Have you noticed an increase in breakouts on your facial areas once the mask is removed?   If your answer to this question is yes, then ‘Maskne’ – acne mechanica is what scientists are calling this kind of acne which is caused by mask wearing.

We have been wearing masks to protect ourselves from potentially becoming ill as well as protecting others.But it has been causing our skin to become hot, sticky and sweaty underneath the fabric & materials.The friction against our faces can become uncomfortable, though it can foster the growth of bacteria and oil whilst being worn throughout the day.Our pores become clogged with dirt, sweat and oil as the masks keeps these trapped against our skin. In no time, these have developed into acne, particularly in the areas where the mask is resting.

For those who are in an environment where masks are required for longer periods of time, you may notice your skin is drastically more dehydrated, itchy and irritated.This can lead to other conditions like Eczema.Sadly, the acne breakouts and Eczema is happening for younger children as a result of wearing masks.

The masks are trapping all sorts of bacteria under What are some things we can do to prevent and aid these breakouts?

Change your Masks Often – if you have the opportunity, bring spare masks with you to changeover throughout the day.Try not to re-use the same mask to prevent putting the bacteria collected back onto your face.If you’re using the disposal masks, ensure they’re put in bins to prevent others from touching them.If you’re using washable masks, place them in the laundry bag for your next wash.

Keep Hands & Face Clean – Make sure you’re washing your hands, carrying your sanitizers with you as well.If your skin is feeling hot and sweaty, rinse your face with warm water and pat with a tissue. This temporary solution during the day, will assist in preventing the build up of dirt whilst mask wearing.

Wash Your Face – Once at home, and not going out again, cleanse your face and neck thoroughly.Make sure the ingredients are not harsh, to prevent further irritation to your skin’s condition. Some products contain retinyl acetate, parabens, aluminium and alcohol. From the Essentially Lili range, we have two cleansers available.You can choose from Cypress Cleansing Balm which is made with Beeswax, Butters and Essential Oils, or the oil-based Sunflower Cleanser which is great for treating acne.

Should we cleanse with our fingers or towels? – I would suggest to use your finger tips to gently massage the product into your skin whilst stimulating the removal of pollutants as well as encouraging blood flow.Rinse your face and neck with warm water, before using your face towel to pat dry your face.In this way, you’re not using disposable wipes or your face towel to cleanse, which ends up being more environmentally friendly.It will also prevent the built-up bacteria remaining in your face towel.If you prefer to use a face towel for cleansing, make sure you put it in the wash and get a clean one for the next session.

Wearing Foundation under masks – this can also cause your skin’s pores to become clogged with bacteria, particularly if you have to wear the mask for long periods of time.If you can avoid wearing make-up when wearing your mask for long periods, it can help prevent Maskne from occurring underneath.

Images: Unsplash – Gayatri Malhotra, Angelo Casto, Anton, Range of Products for treating Maskne Acne.

Watch your dietary intake – irrespective of the breakouts occurring from mask wearing or hormonal changes, there’s plenty of foods that cause our skin to become agitated.These include highly processed foods, sugar, fried foods and alcoholic drinks.Ensure your diet contains plenty of colours and whole foods, are rich in fibre and Vitamins too.

Don’t Pop – this will prevent unnecessary scarring and stress if you treat acne as naturally as possible.

Use Natural Skincare Products – In the mornings, after rinsing your face with warm water, ensure you moisturise your face to prevent it from drying out whilst wearing the mask for the day.At night time, ensure that you moisturise your face after you have cleansed your skin.

There’s a number of all-natural products from the Essentially Lili range which help treat, calm, rebalance and restore the skin’s healthy condition.All of these do not contain any harmful ingredients. For Acne prone skin, suitable also for youngsters and adults, there is Evanesce Balm which helps treat acne gently.It can be used in conjunction with Magic Serum .If your skin is prone to breaking out with both Acne and Rosacea, choose either the Vitamin Rich Mens Face Balm or Vitamin Rich Womens Face Balm.

Exfoliate once a week – – Exfoliating shouldn’t really be done more than once a week to prevent the removal of the necessary natural oils from your skin’s base.However, once a week, as part of the pampering sessions with clay masks and other fun items from your kitchen, exfoliating will allow for dead skin cells and built up bacteria to be removed from your skin, preventing Maskne from occurring.You can do your own steam treatment, then exfoliate you face to aid your skin feeling fabulous again.If you don’t have your own, you can check out my previous blogs for ideas: What’s in Your Fridge?

For other tips, I shared a Blog called How to Treat Cystic Acne in your 30s which many related to especially post pregnancy & during hormonal changes.

Whilst Maskne seems to be part of the new normal, taking care of our skin has altered to accommodate the changes.Remember to keep an eye on your dietary intake, stress levels as well as hygiene processes. Don’t wear used or dirty masks twice, and ensure that your face towels are washed regularly, especially if used as part of the cleansing process.For all-natural products that don’t contain any harmful ingredients, consider the Essentially Lili range which are soft, calming, gentle to use, whilst restoring, rebalancing and aiding the well-being of your skin.

“About Lili & Why I make Essentially Lili Products.”

About Lili & Essentially Lili – My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management, and a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to  info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients. See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili.

Clients Endorse Testimonials

Unsplash Adi Goldstein EL Birthday Apr2021

Clients Endorse Testimonials

Sharing your wonderful reviews
celebrating Essentially Lili’s 6th birthday!

Unsplash Image: Adi Goldstein


I wanted to mark our 6th birthday with a celebration of reviews and testimonials from customers, sharing your results from using the products. It seems like yesterday when I decided to increase the production of my personal favourite batch of Nourishing Face Balm into samples for distribution and trial.I was never really sure what would happen, if there would be a market for all-natural skincare products, or if anyone would like the products I make.

The best feedback so far has been from my client who has been using the Nourishing Face Balm amongst other products. One time, the waiter handed her the Kid’s Menu, and another time, the shop assistant asked her for ID when attempting to purchase alcohol!That still makes me giggle every time.Thanks for sharing these amazing comments Jeannine xx.

So this Birthday Celebration Blog is a compilation of Reviews shared on the Essentially Lili Facebook page and webpage, in your words, about your choice of products.Some have been for overcoming Eczema, rashes, dealing with acne prone skin, flying warts, dry feet and maintaining a youthful appearance to your ‘middle aged skin’. Hope you love the selection included in this celebration birthday blog.

Let’s start with the Essentially Lili Signature Product Nourishing Face Balm :

Magali B. in Switzerland wrote: ‘Thank you!!! The Nourishing Face Balm is already making my face look nicer’!!

Kate Kaufmann shared her love for the product: ‘The Nourishing Face Balm is absolute bliss for the face.Only a tiny amount is needed, the product feels rich and is easily absorbed.Wonderful!!’

The Love of the tiny jar of Cucumber Oil and Myrrh named Cool Eyes :

Dorothy N in Switzerland wrote: ‘ I love how Cool Eyes smells so refreshing. It’s just the right texture for an under-eye balm.

Erin Robson in Switzerland shared: ‘I love how light and smooth Cool Eyes feels on my skin.I feel really good about using it and keeping my skin hydrated.’

The potency of 1-2 drops of the Concentrated Serums can make your skin feel ‘Ah-may-zing! Here are some reviews for Frankincense Face Serum and Diamond Era Serum :

Dessi Dimitrova in Switzerland wrote: ‘I’ve been using both the Frankincense Serum & Diamond Era Serums for 8 months and I love them a lot. The Frankincense Face Serum is amazing, as it makes my skin feel very smooth and velvety. I use it mainly in the mornings. The Diamond Era Serum I use mostly at night time, and it makes my skin feel softer and plumped-up.Thanks a lot!’.

Gallery Selection of Testimonials from Essentially Lili Facebook Page:Jeannine, Claudene & Ann.

Testimonials 2 April2021

“Bespoke Service for those allergic to specific natural ingredients.”

Making Bespoke Products for your specific needs:

Monika Maier in Switzerland approached me whilst suffering with irritated skin on her face. Her story:‘I have severe dermatitis perioralis and thankfully, I found Lili.She made customized products after analysing my skin problems, which makes wonders.My outbreaks are under control now, and easily go away with her products.I absolutely love my Bespoke Nourishing Face Balm and Cypress Cleansing Balm. Thank you Lili, you saved me!Have a look on the before and after photos of the severe breakout.’

Before & After Photos – Monika & Ana.

Testimonials April2021

The Miracle of Renew Balm:

Deborah B in Switzerland writes: ‘Ohhhhh I have to send you my before and after pictures! And all the reviews I still owe you. The Renew Balm saved my hands!!! I ordered the balm long time ago for some other reason. I think it was for my daughter? Look, I don’t even remember, that short time we only had to use the balm. My hand were a total mess;I had to urgently go to the doctor for an appointment and then I saw the Renew Balm in the middle of my cremes. I thought I’ll give it a try before going to the doctor.Just with one application, I noticed a huge improvement.I’m not joking. 2 more applications and the problem was gone. And my hands looked similar to these hands of your clients. The Renew Balm is really a miracle!Love it!I will soon send you a bunch of before and after pics and reviews.’

Katherine Hege in Switzerland shared: Renew Balm is super nourishing and my daughter’s Eczema is disappearing fast!She loves the cool feeling of the balm when I put it on her skin, which is really soft.And yet again, Lili’s products have come to the rescue!!The Natural Baby Moisturising Oil is so soothing on dry skin.It has worked wonders on my 11-year-old daughter’s Eczema, especially in conjunction with the Renew Balm.

Montse Merino in Switzerland wrote about her experience: ‘I suffered one year with terrible Eczema on both hands.After 3 months of using the Renew Balm , the Eczema was gone.My hands are completely healed, and this was 3 years ago.’

Testimonials – Christophe & Mags.

Testimonials April 2021

For those dealing with Acne prone skin using a combination of these products:
From Evanesce Balm with Magic Serum, Youth Face Balm and Sunflower Cleanser

Renowned and Award-winning photographer, Elaine Pringle shared this wonderful post: ‘I HAVE to share this amazing product and business of my friend Lili. I was NOT asked to do this or prompted in any way. She is the founder of Essentially Lili and her products are truly magical. My teen had developed some spots and Lili’s products Evanesce Balm with Magic Serum are working miracles. They spots are mostly gone. Thank you so much, especially from my daughter.’
To her friends, she continued to share: Check out her range for all types of skin conditions including dry cracked heels, anti-wrinkles, stretch marks, sunburn, age spots.It really is the best kept secret.My husband calls her ‘The Engineer’, which is a compliment by the way!!All her ingredients are natural and she makes them herself.Check out her website. You will not regret it.’

Maria Natalia Gantenbein in Switzerland writes: ’My kids are doing good with the 3 products they’re using – Youth Face Balm, Magic Serum and Sunflower Cleanser. It makes their skin really nice and soft.’

Christine Small in Switzerland shares, ’The kids love their products, Youth Face Balm and Sunflower Cleanser. My daughter commented on how soft her face was this morning, and my son loves the smell of the cleanser. Many thanks!’

Ioana Marin in Switzerland wrote: ‘The Sunflower Cleanser is a very nice, nourishing cleansing option.It leaves the skin clean with just very little quantity.I think this is a thing I still have to get used to, as it’s so different from mainstream cleansers.As well as with not having to use a toner afterwards.I am happy to have discovered it as I was not really comfortable with the latter ones.’

For Young Babies & Older Kids, our Natural Baby Moisturising Oil has been really popular:

Irina in Switzerland shared, ’My 4.5-year-old loves the Natural Baby Moisturising Oil!! She wants to have it every evening before bed on her dry hands (especially now after frequent washing and sanitizers), and says it smells like chocolate. Some nights when we forget to put it on, she would literally jump out of bed saying, ‘Oh no, we forgot the cream from Zia Lili!’I can highly recommend this very natural product that makes both kids AND parents happy!’

Mae G. in Switzerland wrote: ’Lili, I must say thank you very much for the amazing Natural Baby Moisturising Oil for my kids!Their skin is very smooth now and they love it very much!!’

Anete Berzina-Rodrigo in Switzerland is another fan of this product.She wrote ’I will need 2 x Natural Baby Moisturising Oil as I also use it for my always dry hands in winter.Love Love Love Forever!!’

Reesha Lewandowska in Switzerland recently shared her experience using this for her child. ’My daughter, (now 21 months old) suffered from Eczema and we were prescribed by our pediatrician a cortisone-based creams and Dexeryl lotion to be applied after bathing.But what really worked wonders for curing my daughter’s Eczema was Lili’s Natural Baby Moisturising Oil made especially for toddlers who suffer from Eczema.It worked wonders for my daughter.I highly recommend Essentially Lili’s products for treating Eczema. It’s 100% natural.’

Testimonials – Maria Natalia, Saakshi & Reesha.

Testimonials 4 April 2021

Consult Therapist Helps Fast Track what you need for long-term Health & Well-Being:

Tessa James in Switzerland shared: ‘Lili has amazing products, is always ready to advice, offering Consultation and is super responsive.We have tried a few products with the family, from Natural Baby Moisturising Oil, the hydrating Rosey Hemp Hands and even gifted the Renew Balm to treat my sister’s Eczema.The products have all been great.Highly recommend.’

Mirriam Tyebally-Fang in Switzerland wrote: ‘Lili’s products are the best I’ve ever tried – it feels so natural and nourishing, and the ones I’ve used have such a calming scent.Although, I can highly recommend her products, the thing about Essentially Lili has to be how personable Lili is with her Consultation and attention. She has followed up with every order I have made, and has checked on me and my skin periodically to see if we are moving in the right direction.’

Those contagious and annoying Warts disappear with Go Molly:

Jane Pfister in Switzerland has been a huge fan of the Essentially Lili range of products for years.Regarding this product, she wrote ’I used Go Molly too and it helped.I just dabbed with a cotton pad.My daughter had warts for about 6 months.’

Sandra Reido in Switzerland shared, ’Another vote for Go Molly!!Purchased it a while ago and, as the name indicates, gone were the ‘Mollys’ (as we now call them) within a short period of time.Highly recommend this product!’

Katherine Hege from Australia living in Switzerland wrote, Go Molly is Magic!! Got rid of ALL my daughter’s spots and NONE have returned. Thank you again Lili!’

Unisex Products that keep your heels feeling fabulous with Lime Foot Repair :

Dorothy N also wrote about her Feet products: Lime Foot Repair is wonderful stuff and smells great too!My dry and cracked heels are feeling so much smoother.Definitely part of my bedtime routine to slather some on.’

Jo Brady in Switzerland shared her love too: ’I love the Lime Foot Repair. It has made such a difference to my feet.And it smells sooooooo good!!’

Discolouration & Sunspots change with Sun Kissed Balm:

Daksha Desai in the United Kingdom shared her experience using this product:’I ordered and used Essentially Lili’s Sun Kissed Balm for age spots/sun kissed marks on my face.I have been using it for the last 7 months and find it absolutely marvelous.The marks on both cheeks have lightened considerably.Initially gave me inflamed spots on the area which in time got resolved.I’m very happy with the result. Thank you!’

Using Geranium Hands & Body Butter For dry hands:

Monika Maier wrote: ’Lili, I find your products amazing!I recently had a weird rash on my hand, which I self-diagnosed as contact dermatitis.I put Geranium Hands & Body Butter and it worked wonders, the rash disappeared in a couple of days.’

Testimonials – Daksha (UK), Katherine, Anna.

Testimonials 5 April 2021

’Word of Mouth Advertising is the best way of promoting your favourite brand!’

There are just so many wonderful stories that I was unable to add to this Celebration Blog.However, you can check them out on the webpage and Essentially Lili Facebook pages too.

Thank YOU so much for sharing your stories and pictures too.I hope you have enjoyed the free gifts, coupons/vouchers I have given to show my appreciation not only for this, but for your loyal custom.Your stories and reviews have inspired others to want the same success for themselves.

If you need help, please don’t hesitate to book your own session: Consult Therapist.

Testimonials -Danna, Denise, Ivana, Laura & Olga.

Testimonials 6 April 2021


  • How have the Essentially Lili Range of products helped you and your family?
  • What have you found to be the best part about using the products?
  • Would you like to see other products available in the range? If so, what would you like to try?

About Lili & Essentially Lili – My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management.I’m aMember of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili.

Keratosis Pilaris Tips

Keratosis Pilaris 1

Keratosis Pilaris Tips

For skin that suffers
with bumps & dryness that can
look & feel irritating.


Keratosis pilaris is often called ‘chicken skin’, which looks like many small, rough or red little bumps on the skin. It often appears on the upper arms, cheeks, buttocks and thighs, around the hair follicles.Normally dead skin cells flake off the skin. Whilst the cause of it is not totally understood, researchers believe that sometimes, the keratin formed around the hair follicles builds up or becomes twisted which causes the clogging the pores, resulting in the bumps.Keratosis pilaris is generally linked with other skin conditions like atopic dermatitis and eczema.It also tends to happen during childhood and adolescence, though whilst not always the case, it usually disappears by adulthood.

From Wikipedia, ‘Keratin’ is part of the fibrous structural protein family, otherwise known as ‘scleroproteins’ which is found in vertebrae.It’s responsible for making hair and nails, as well as our outer layer of skin.Keratin protects cells from becoming damaged or stressed, is extremely insoluble in organic solvents and water. It’s an essential building block for our skin, necessary for generating new cells.

Usually the condition can become worse during the winter months, as the skin tends to dry out more when the weather is less humid.Another factor seems to be the age of the person suffering, frequently appearing in childhood, reaching the peak during the adolescent years and vanishing by adulthood.

So what can we do to help treat the condition naturally? Here’s a few things we can add to our daily routine to help reduce the built-up keratin on the skin:

Dry Brush the Area – this technique can help remove the dead skin cells as well as unclog the pores.
Gently and preferably on dry skin, you can use a natural bristle brush or loofa in sweeping movements, as though you were brushing long hair.The last thing you want to do is hard brushing to further irritate your skin’s condition. Once the dry brushing is done, wash yourself in the shower and ensure your skin is pat dried. Apply the moisturiser to your body to invigorate the newly brushed cells.

Exfoliate the area with Sea Salt – The key is always being gentle to the areas you are exfoliating to ensure you’re not further aggravating the skin.Sea Salt contains anti-inflammatory properties that help calm and soothes the skin, whilst removing the dead skin cells, encouraging moisture levels to be maintained. Pink Himalayan salt is also great for achieving this.Below I’ll share some additional homemade scrub and the previous blog of ideas that you can put together from home ingredients.

Mild instead of Harsh Soaps – Preferably made with natural and non-toxic ingredients.This will allow the sensitive affected area to be cleansed, preventing further irritation, redness, or build-up. Further suggestions will be added below.

Moisturising Your Skin – Using non-irritating skincare products which have beneficial ingredients that are anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamins, reduce redness, hydrate and soothe the skin is what you are looking for.The idea is to find a product that you can leave on your skin, containing ingredients like Avocado, Jojoba, Coconut which will give your skin this natural boost required to keep it feeling wonderfully soft rather than dry, rough or flaky.Suggestions for the body butters we make containing rich ingredients will be added below.

Humidifiers – can actually bring moisture back to your environment, especially during the cold winter months, when your skin feels its driest. This can be kept in the bedroom or the most central part of the living area to ensure the whole space has moisture. Other tips for keeping moisture will be added below.

Eating Foods that are Anti-Inflammatory – can help your body utilize the vitamins and minerals required for skin cell growth.Green leafy vegetables, colourful ingredients like carrots and beets, berries, salmon, and those rich in Omega3 will all play their part. These anti-inflammatory ingredients provide antioxidants, encourage cells to repair, and reduce swelling too. Drinking water will also assist with flushing away toxins that may have built up in your system as well as keeping your body hydrated.

Images: Essentially Lili’s Body products consisting of Jazz Body Butter, Mint Body Butter & Geranium Hands & Body Butter.

” Who Says DIY skincare can’t be Fun? ” Lili

DIY Homemade Scrubs, Soaps, Body Butters, Vegetable Oils

A few suggestions to help improve your skin’s condition include making your own Homemade scrub combining:

Sea Salt, Raw Coarse Sugar & Olive Oil is quick and easy to mix together, great for removing any dead skin cells, especially from over washed hands;

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Raw Honey , which has natural skin-boosting nutrients, acids and feels wonderfully moisturising on the skin. Once made, apply in the shower to the area affected with Keratosis pilaris, gently rubbing into the skin.After approximately 15 minutes, rinse off with warm water;

Blend Pink Himalayan Sea Salt and Vegetable Oils together. Suggestions include either Coconut, Avocado or Jojoba oils. Apply these to the affected areas and the rest of your body as they have natural skin-boosting nutrients and acids which feel wonderfully moisturising on the skin.Please ensure the base is a Carrier oil especially if you are planning to add Lavender or Peppermint Essential Oils to the mix. Note: Peppermint Essential oil is not suitable for expecting/nursing women.

Using Vegetable Oils , like Avocado, Coconut, Jojoba Oil are extremely rich in Vitamins. They allow the skin to absorb the benefits, reduce redness, allowing the skin cells to regenerate whilst keeping it hydrated. Below are the Essentially Lili Products that can help keep your skin hydrated;

Refer to the previous blog: What’s in your fridge for more suggestions.

Essentially Lili Range of Body Butters containing ingredients rich in antioxidants:
The Jazz Body Butter contains Avocado, which is rich in Vitamins A, which can help reduce redness and encourage skin cell support. The other body butters, Mint Body Butter & Geranium Hands & Body contain ingredients like Coconut, Apricot, Soyabean, Grapeseed & Sweet Almond which are also bursting with benefits for the skin’s condition.The scents with the particular essential oils are subtle, yet refreshing.If you love mint, you’ll be tempted to eat the product (not suggesting it though) whilst the Jazz has a gentle Asian Fusion of Lemongrass and Jasmine.

Adding a bowl of water to a dry room during the winter months can assist with maintaining moisture in the rooms.It’s also important to ensure the heating is turned down whilst sleeping, as this can also draw moisture from your skin, leaving it feeling super-dry the following morning.

Castile Soap can be used to prevent the Keratosis pilaris becoming worse. Traditionally made with Olive Oil, you can include Jojoba Oil, Honey, Lavender and Vitamin E to your blend to keep your skin softly treated whilst washing up. I’ll write more about Castile Soap in the future blogs.

To conclude, Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition affecting more youth than it does adults. The surface of the skin feels rough and bumpy, usually caused by clogged pores. The most effective way to treat it is by gently exfoliating to remove dead skin cells and encouraging the pores to become unblocked. Also, by keeping the area moisturised with natural products, avoiding those that are toxic or harsh to the skin.The ingredients to assist hydration should include Avocado, Jojoba, Coconut Oil, Sea Salt, Raw Honey, Lavender Essential Oil and Castile soap.


Don’t forget to take advantage of the Mother’s Day Offer this Month. Purchases over 100 CHF will receive a bottle of Serum as a gift – either the Frankincense Face Serum, Diamond Era Serum, Magic Serum.This offer is whilst stocks last, and cannot be used in conjunction with other vouchers or coupons.

Images: Happy Mother’s Day Offers. What MOTHER Means, Serums Giveaway including Frankincense Face Serum, Magic Serum & Diamond Era Serum,

Mothers Day 2020
Mother Day Serums


  • Have you suffered with Keratosis pilaris before and do you still have it?
  • What did you find was the most effective way of treating the condition?
  • What advice would you give to others suffering this condition?

” Why I make the Essentially Lili Skincare & Wellness Products”.

About Lili & Essentially Lili

My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management.I’m aMember of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili.

Loving Your Feet

Loving Your Feet

Loving Your Feet

Why do we often forget
to take care of them?


Our feet are often the last thing we think about when we take care of ourselves.Do you forget to take care of your feet until you’re about to go on holidays?Or do you wait until they’re dried out, cracked, smelling and aching? I honestly think that we take our hard-working feet for granted.We stand, walk, hike, dance, run, exercise, and they take our weight from place to place in our shoes which are often too tight, low, high or non-supportive. How do we cope, remain active, play sport or compete when they hurt or ache? At what point do we stop and give them a whole lotta love with pampering and massage?

Day to day, after showering or following our morning routine, we make sure we put on our skincare, fix and style our hair and get dressed for the occasion before rushing out the door. If you’re wearing closed shoes, no-one really needs to see the condition of your feet, unless you’re wearing fancy open shoes or heels.Are you guilty of this? I can tell you I’m guilty of rushing out the door with my laces undone, tying them up in the lift to the garage!!! But let me share my yukky feet story. I hope you can relate to this and I would love for your honest feedback too.

I recently stumbled across those hideous pics of my feet the last time I went for a pedicure in 2014.Don’t get me wrong, I loved going to see the Beautician and spending time with my friend whilst getting pampered. What I didn’t like is how embarrassing my feet’s heels were, cracked and bleeding, hurting like hell and ugly to look at.The beautician exclaimed, ‘OMG Lili, what happened to your feet?’ as she puts on a mask to start grinding the dead skin on them. Urgh how disgusting, no matter what I did, they were always dry. That yukky habit of picking, itching, scratching, picking, pulling, rubbing, and ripping that then caused bleeding and pain had exposed me, and I felt awful showing my feet in public.

While she blasted my dead skin off, I just wanted to be sick and puke, or crawl into a hole from my embarrassment.And of course, she needed extra time to get passed the layers, cutting my heels by accident, which only added to my existing pain. Applying some feet product to my skin, she finished off with some colour nail polish, but my heels were already drying out by the time I arrived home. That’s just crazy, after all that time being pampered, why were my feet still dry?

I tried many products over the years, from cheap Supermarket brands to expensive ones. Some of them were so icky to put on and smelt awful, yet I would apply because my feet needed them. I just didn’t like the results, irrespective of how religiously I treated my feet. Can you relate to that?

When I started making Essentially Lili products in 2015, I decided that feet had to be included in the range. Shea Butter & Cocoa Butter are used to help provide the hydration to the skin.I experimented with blends. I accidentally spilled the liquid version of peppermint aero onto the stove which made our apartment smell so deliciously fragrant for quite some time!!I tried a number of blended versions to achieve the right buttery mix that would just melt onto the skin when it came into contact with my body’s natural temperature for the most effective application. This was the beginning of Peppermint Feet. It’s a definite favourite in Australia as another package heads out to Melbourne amongst other goodies.Not only does it get rid of smelly feet, athlete’s foot or fungal infections, it really hydrates the heels, keeping the skin soft and hydrated.

Did you know that Peppermint Essential Oil is not suggested for Expecting or Nursing Mums? When a newly expecting lady asked me to help with her feet, I created the new blend using Tangerine instead of Peppermint essential oil, making it suitable for expecting and nursing mums. My daughter and I wanted to have a cute name for the new addition to the Feet Range. We came up with Tango Twinkle Toes as we imagined the expectant and nursing mum wanting to dance with her little ones, which is what I did with both my babies!

The last product to be included to the range is Lime Foot Repair . The difference with this one is that it contains Beeswax, which seals the hydration into the skin.You don’t need much to keep the feet soft, but if you have stubborn problems, I suggest adding a little more and wearing socks to keep the product close to the skin whilst you sleep.

This leads me to this next wonderful story. I was contacted by a concerned wife about her husband’s feet. They were aching, causing him agony and discomfort to walk. I suggested using either the Peppermint Feet or Lime Foot Repair depending on his preference of oils, scents and overall goal for his heels. Instead he opted to take them both, using Peppermint Feet in the mornings and Lime Foot Repair in the evenings. A few weeks later, he sent me before and after photos with this remarkable testimonial.

From Andrew G, Zurich:
“With my religiously male application techniques – not every day, often missing a few in between and several false starts, it is still no surprise that my heels look so good. Including the use of a pumice stone and repeated application of Essentially Lili Lime Foot Repair the difference is easy to see. At the start, I had cracked heels with cuts so deep they bled and were so painful I could barely walk. Within 3 weeks my heels were healed and my feet were looking stellar. I used Essentially Lili Lime Foot Repair at night and Peppermint Feet in the morning. Now the pain is gone, my cracks have disappeared and there’s a newfound spring in my step.”

What an amazing result in such a short period of time … and how many men would ever admit to needing this kind of help for their feet? Check out his pictures in the upper gallery – before and after using the products!!

Another testimonial about happy heels from Sevi, Geneva:
My pregnant friend in Greece is very happy with Lime Foot Repair and keeps on using it every day. She has seen a huge improvement in the quality of her skin on the feet and toes. I must admit my daughter and I are huge fans of the Lime Foot Repair as well.
After bathing and applying the Natural Baby Moisturising Oil, she insists on putting Lime Foot Repair on her feet. We both love the texture and scent of this product. I am a forever customer of Essentially Lili, once tried, you can never go back to anything else. Keep up the great products Lili, you are doing an amazing job!”

This testimonial was from lovely Emily, Basel, who just wanted to try something different.
The Tango Twinkle Toes healed my dry scaly heels during my Camino de Santiago walk in Spain. As I wanted to carry only a few items as possible, I also used it for the rest of my body and it worked great!! It isn’t oily or greasy.

Judith from Zurich wrote:
The Tango Twinkle Toes is the only foot balm that has had any lasting positive effect on my feet! Absolutely love it! It was so nice to use a completely natural product whilst pregnant too.

Who wouldn’t love to have results like these? I know that I love reading these kinds of happy testimonials, every time!!

Gallery: Products for your feet; Before & After Andrew’s Feet, Yukky Feet at Beautician, Treated Feet, Products from Essentially Lili Range.

As mentioned above, there are plenty of brands you can get from the stores that may treat your skin. What I try to do with my products is give you long-term results, and make your feet feel great all the time. Depending on how bad the condition of your heels are, you’ll need to gently scrape away the dead skin before having your shower.

You can also make a gentle scrub using sea-salt, or Himalayan Pink Salts, coarse sugar, Olive Oil and some lemon juice .Mix the contents together in a container and gently scrub your legs and feet, before washing it off in the shower.I use this mix (without the lemon) to soften my hands after washing the dishes too. You only have to mix up a small amount in order to keep it for around a week before making a fresh batch.

As stated in the Newsletter, I’m discounting the Feet Range this month so that you can get your Pot of Magic and take care of your feet, all year round. Remember, your feet need just as much love as the rest of you, and if they’re aching, hurting or even smelling, get them sorted, as naturally as you can.

Be one of the many who add their testimonials to the Essentially Lili page, sharing your own story and experience with what helped you. This is what I love the most about what I do. Helping you overcome not only your skin concerns, but finding the confidence to be the best version of yourself to Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful.


    • Have you had a pampering nightmare session that you would love to share for laughs?
    • What’s the best way to apply your Feet Products products?
    • If you could have a special blend made, what ingredients would it contain?

About Lili & Essentially Lili

My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.  We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x