Tag Archives: Communication

Customer Satisfaction

Give Thanks for everything

Customer Satisfaction
The best kind is reading & seeing how
Happy your customers are with their amazing results.


Customer Satisfaction is the Ultimate Success Story..

I’m sure we all love when someone goes the extra mile to provide genuine Customer Service, and that person makes you feel special and important to them. The service industry used to always be about ensuring customers are looked after. We gave the best service which was then communicated to our managers at Performance Review time.

Ironically this seems to be missing lately as businesses are more interested in making their money, rather than connecting with those they are helping. Some situations are so irritating. For example, when you pick up the phone to resolve a crisis or situation, and the person at the other end isn’t interested in helping you fix the problem. Usually, escalation is the only way to have these kinds of problems sorted.

I remember a time whilst travelling in Europe, I wanted to ask the lady at the Customer Service Desk about the trains. Whilst I was asking the question, she proceeded to shut the blinds in my face, her eyes facing downwards as she spoke into her microphone, ‘I’m closed!’ Oh the shock on my face, thinking how can she be sitting at the customer service desk when she didn’t want to help anyone?

This was just so against the grain of what I had been doing all my years working for Blue Chip companies around the globe. Communication is important, as well as being honest and offering assistance to help resolve situations. In my opinion, this makes the best kind of employees, and are the type that Clients and Managers always like to speak positively about.

At Essentially Lili, we have heard good and bad things, all of which is to help improve and build rapport, reputation, and credibility. In our previous Blogs, we don’t always get things right the first time and with feedback, we are able to change, evolve, and improve … or in some cases, scrap altogether!

What we love the best is when someone is brave enough to ask for help. They send us their close up photos of their skin, including the blokes who add, ‘Lili, here are my pics without makeup on!’ … We love that everyone is able to join in our humour!!

Once their products arrive, they follow instructions on when and how to apply and any other advice given. When the note comes back to say ‘OMG I love your product, my skin feels amazing, my feet look better than ever before, the Rosacea / Eczema has calmed down, the Acne has vanished, the Menopause – what Menopause?’… This has been the best Testimonial and the ultimate feel-good story for us.

I recently met with a customer who took a risk when asking about my non-commercial products earlier this year. She tried it, changed her routines, and saw an improvement over a very short period of time. She then moved on from the problem-solving Magic Serum to the lush Frankincense Face Serum. She looks Absolutely Fabulous and for me, showed Customer Satisfaction at a wonderful level! This made us both feel happy to see how a little bit of change can make a massive difference to how one looks and feels!

With an overall holistic approach, we try to help our customers achieve the results they are looking for. We believe that a happy, stress-free, well-nourished and hydrated body reflects on the outside with clear skin, a fresh mind, and a body that functions according to its purpose. One that is out of balance stressed, not well-nourished is like a car that hasn’t had a regular oil change, which chugs along inefficiently. Please don’t get us wrong – we all have moments like this, where we are stressed and out of sync. Though finding the balance that works for us individually is what we try to achieve.


Yep, I’m sure you could share some really bad customer service stories with us!! We are looking forward to seeing some fantastic and some cringe-worthy stories from you. Please Don’t be shy!!

Should you wish to Contact us for more information, email info@essentiallylili.com

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Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili