Tag Archives: Feet Products

Pedicures Super Dry Feet

Tango Lime & Peppermint Feet Products

Pedicures Super Dry Feet

Have you ever thought
‘OMG My Feet!’ are an embarrassing
sight for sore eyes!

Have you ever thought ‘OMG My Feet’ are an embarrassing sight for sore eyes, whilst looking at the yukky dry skin?  Do you scratch it off whilst watching TV, making a horrible mess on the floor, hoping that no-one notices whilst you get the vacuum cleaner to remove the evidence? 

If you have said ‘Yes’ to these questions, then don’t feel bad – I was the same but probably worse.

I went for a pampering session to get my feet pedicured. I was embarrassed to be honest, thinking that the Beautician was going to see my awful, concrete feet as I referred to them.  They were really dry with cracked skin on my heels.

The gasp I was given when she sat down to start my feet was confirmation that they were pretty bad.   She said, ‘Liil, what happened to your feet?  In all my years doing pedicures, I have never seen such dry feet!

She took photographic evidence, which has conveniently disappeared…. to be honest, you wouldn’t want that kind of information flying around if you were running for the Presidency, right?  Ironically, I wish I had kept the picture to show you the before and after photos instead!

My Beautician puts on the face mask, takes out her electric foot filer, and begins sanding my feet. I felt like I was in a ‘Mr. Bean Movie’. It was so embarrassing to say the least, needing so much work to find new skin underneath.

My pedicure always took longer than normal as the Beautician needed more time to finish and paint my toenails. Crazy huh?

A few months later, in making my Essentially Lili Products for people to try, I thought I would make something to help keep my feet nourished.  I experimented with a few different blends, trying always to keep it natural and easy to apply.The one that I loved the most was had Peppermint and was so delish to smell and felt even better on the skin.  My feet were hydrated, fresh, soft and smooth as they enjoyed the butter, oils and Essential Oils being applied every morning and night!

Peppermint Feet soon became a favourite product.  The home-spa treatment process was easy. The trick with this home pedicure was to gently remove any dry skin from the heels using a foot filer, not the ‘cheese grater’ type apparatus. Rinse off and pat dry both feet.  Using the back of my thumbnail to take approximately half a 1/2 a thumbnail of Peppermint Feet apply the product to the heels, soles, toes, and tops of the feet, gently massaging in the process.   If a little bit of product was used, I was able to put my shoes on without needing to wear socks.   Too much product would just take longer to absorb into the skin in which case, socks would be needed and perhaps a lie down for maximum chillax!

It’s been over a year since I needed to have this long embarrassing pedicure take place.Now I can have a home-spa treatment every day!!

At Essentially Lili, I have often changed a blend to suit others that would otherwise be excluded from using a product.  In the case of the Peppermint Feet which is a favourite, I wanted to make something which included Pregnant & Expecting women so we named it Tango Twinkle Toes.  I think it’s lovely being pampered and included whilst expecting the arrival of your little one(s)!

For those that have stubborn dry feet, I made Lime Foot Repair which contains beeswax and helped heal the cracks, repair the damaged heels, and make that skin new again! The Beeswax works like a barrier, keeping the moisture locked in under the surface!!

This means that everyone can enjoy their home-spa treatment and as there is a product suitable for all.


Essentially Lili wants to give you the chance to pamper yourself every day, by giving away some Peppermint Feet & Tango Twinkle Toes to the best stories shared.

I want to hear about your hilarious feet stories, pampering sessions, or anything else that made you feel awkward! Sharing is Caring!

Simply fill in the rest of the following comment with your story in the comments below:
“I never forget the day I took my Super Dry Feet out to…” We will pick a winner by 26th January 2017 and notify the winner via email. Don’t forget to put your details below!

Should you wish to Contact us for more information, email info@essentiallylili.com

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Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili