Tag Archives: Milia Cysts

Miracles in a Jar

Miracles in A Jar

Miracles in a Jar

Resolve issues without side effects,
whilst soothing, restoring, hydrating
& giving back your confidence.


Have you ever just wanted to look like the Super Model advertising the brand of skincare, makeup, clothing, and hair products? Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘If I buy that, I will look like them?’ Well, that’s what I used to do when I was a teenager, covered from head to thighs in weeping and bleeding Eczema.

I remember feeling hideous and noticing that people stared at me, a LOT. It made me feel insecure and lacking confidence, as I tried to go about my business unnoticed.

During my youth, I used all sorts of medications, cortisone, antibiotics, natural treatments, suction cups, Chinese & Herbal medicines, Acupuncture, exercise, Naturopaths, Homeopathy, and finally Aromatherapy. When I suggest to my customers, ‘I know what you mean, I have tried a lot of methods to find a solution’, I’m definitely not kidding.

I imagine what it would have been like if someone had given my parents a small ‘Pot of Magic’ when I was growing up.How that may have changed my life, my experiences, my confidence, and ultimately how I felt about myself. To think how being ill can have such a debilitating effect on our self-esteem, we can only really overcome this with the love and support of family & friends.

For me, the all-natural Nourishing Face Balm has kept my skin free of Eczema, dryness, irritation and redness.It keeps me moisturised all year round despite the weather conditions.
During the Swiss winters, my skin is soft and fresh, whilst the summers, it’s hydrated and nourished even after a day out in the sun.It’s definitely maintained the youthfulness of my own skin as I approach the next ‘decade’, more so than when I was in my teens.

Now let’s fast forward to the past few years of making miracles in a jar.I try not to give high expectations in case people are disappointed, so I try to be a bit more realistic idea of when they should see results. What I love is when the results come even faster than what I was anticipating!The first testimonials were from women using my Signature product Nourishing Face Balm. It had calmed Rosacea for women almost overnight, and for others, it had cleared Eczema and redness around the nose area very quickly.

I initially made Renew Balm for Eczema and Oasis Balm for Psoriasis for a lady who was suffering in Albania. I asked friends of mine to translate the ingredients and instructions in order for her to understand what to do with the products. Apparently she tried it once and gave up.

Unsure if the product was good or not, I sampled out what I had to others. The feedback for the Renew Balm was mixed between those that had quick results and others who didn’t’ want to persist with trying. Oasis Balm I used myself to moisturise my hands, when another lady based in Switzerland asked if she could have some.I sent her the remaining 5ml sample pot and waited. The next day, she posted before and after photos of the Psoriasis that was on her elbows which had almost disappeared. The transformation was so evident, it was hard to believe the difference was from the night before. This 5ml sample was enough to change not only her life but that of her father’s in Ireland. I was more than delighted for her that the product had worked so quickly!

Another lady asked me about the Cool Eyes which contains the Cucumber Oil and Myrrh Essential Oil.The Cucumber smells so fresh whilst the Myrrh is thick and gooey like molasses.
I explained how to use the Cool Eyes in the mornings around the eye frames.

Soon after obtaining it and applying it, she told me that she had the skin condition around the eyes called Milia. Milium cysts are like a small white bump that can appear on the nose and cheeks around the eyes. They occur when keratin becomes trapped beneath the surface of the skin. This condition had gone down since using the Cool Eyes. I was chuffed with that result. Another customer wrote that the Cool Eyes prevented her eyes from being irritated like other products and brands had.

I made Evanesce Balm to help someone who suffered with Acne spots and breakouts on their back.
Knowing it would be difficult to apply the Magic Serum in some parts of the body, I wrote the recipe for Evanesce Balm, choosing a positive name which means to ‘disappear’ like Magic! I sent the product abroad and waited for feedback – I am not sure the product was used consistently to get the results. Others asked if I had something to help with Acne, and the sampling began again. The feedback came rather quickly – cyst type acne had cleared up, persistent spots reduced and breakouts kept under control. The age group ranged from 10 to 30s, as the ingredients were gentle enough for a youngster’s skin, as well as those who seem to be going through postnatal hormonal changes too.

Go Molly came about when a friend asked if I could help with Flying Warts, otherwise known as Molluscum contagious. I kept visualising how I would apply this if it were on me and thus the instructions for the application came about. With persistence, my friend applied as much as her child would let her. And they slowly but surely vanished. Another mum heard about the product and got a bottle for her twins and applied as much as she could. These poor kids had been going to get them cut off for over 1 year and she was beyond sick of this condition.A few weeks later she called and asked for another bottle and brought the kids for me to meet.
Raising his T-Shirt to show me, there were only a few left on his tummy – the rest had disappeared.

For me, the best part of what I do is helping others.I love researching and writing recipes for the products I make in order to help the people who ask me for help. Sometimes I get it right the first time, whilst other times I have to keep blending until the consistency of what I want is reached. The feedback and reviews together with the messages asking how to apply when the original instruction doesn’t work are all part of what I offer.It makes me feel happy knowing there is one less person with low self-esteem, yet one MORE who has found confidence and a glow.

After-all, isn’t that what life should be about? Being able to face whatever challenges you have, with your best foot forward, knowing that how you feel on the inside is mirrored on the outside.

So if you need a boost in your confidence, get your miracle in a jar from here: whether it’s for your dry cracked feet, Acne Rosacea, Irritated skin, for your kids and their delicate faces, or just because you want something that is all-natural. Should you want to discuss further, you can book a Consultation session for a holistic approach to well-being.

Gallery: Oasis Balm, Samples, Frankincense & Myrrh, Go Molly, Psoriasis before and after.


    • Have you tried any of the Essentially Lili Products and found your miracle?
    • Would you love to share your story?
    • If you could have a product made to help resolve a condition, what would it be for?

I would love to be able to help so make sure you let me know.  You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered. Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili