Tag Archives: rash

Summer Time & Sun Protection

Summer Time - Sun Protection

Summer Time &
Sun Protection

Get your fill of Vitamin D,
rest & recharge your energy levels!


We all love the summertime – well most of us do!It gives us a chance to chill, relax, spend time with our family and friends, and change our daily scenery.

Holiday destinations whether near or far can assist us in feeling revitalized. I particularly love seeing where my friends go to for their vacations as it gives me something to add to my bucket list of places to see.

During the change of weather, some of my customers write to me to ask about what sunscreen products to use and whether or not I make any. For strict legislative reasons, I don’t make certain products to sell, one of which includes sunscreen.
Though over the years, I found it difficult to find sunscreen products that wouldn’t irritate my super sensitive skin.

Australia is famous for being a ‘Slip Slop Slap’ culture when it comes to the outdoors – Slip on the T-shirt, Slop on the sunscreen and Slap on a hat. Even Aussie kids at school cannot go outside in the playgrounds without wearing a hat to protect themselves from the sunshine.

During our jet-skiing days with my siblings in Melbourne, Australia, we spent most of our days and weekends out in the sunshine having a blast.  Besides needing to keep hydrated drinking plenty of water, we had to protect our skin at the beaches and lakes for long periods of time. We wore our wetsuits & our caps but sunscreen had to be applied and reapplied especially after hours of being in the water & the sun.

One time I tried using the Cricketer’s famous ‘White Zinc’ on my face across the nose and cheeks.
‘Oh-My-God’ what a disaster trying to get off my face!

I had to cleanse and scrape at the end of the day and it still wouldn’t come off. The frustration of looking like a tomato face from both the sunshine AND the remains of White Zinc was so Urgh! Then there’s using Sun Creams which I found so rich on my skin, that they clogged my pores and caused me to break out with acne spots.

One day I tried something else.  The discovery of Sunblock in the form of a stick was the best thing ever for someone like me. Of course, once I started using this, I stocked up big time and always carried it with me. What I found with Sunblock is that I could reapply it when needed, carry it in my bag all the time, and not worry about clogging my skin.

For those that tend to break out in acne during the summer, Sunblock is definitely a protection treatment for your skin. It keeps your skin hydrated and protected without overfilling your reserves with excess ingredients.

The other annoyance of the summertime are bugs, insects & mozzies which like to feast on our yummy sweet skin. And if you’re sweet like my family, then the mozzies will be hiding and biting whilst we sleep. For this, I made an All Natural Mozz-Off which contains ingredients like Lemon Lime, Eucalyptus Essential Oils that are great for our skin but not what bugs and mozzies like to smell. It was especially requested for a Customer’s gorgeous wedding which was held in a garden and the ‘Mosquitos were NOT invited’.Now I carry a small bottle of the concoction in my bag and apply on the skin to avoid being bothered by bugs!!

As the Sun draws the moisture from our skin, we need to stay protected and hydrated throughout the day. Preferably using sunscreen, sunblock for our faces, shade, a decent hat and drinking plenty of water.
This means that our after-sun care becomes just as important as protecting our skin during the day.

Start by making sure you cleanse your skin with a gentle product that replenishes and restores, rather than draw out more natural oils from within. Remember water and natural oils that are stored in our skin have been slowly evaporating from our skin whilst being outside in the heat. Our Cypress Cleansing Balm is made with Beeswax, Butters and Essential Oils.It makes your skin feel like it’s been re-boosted from within as the ingredients replenish your natural reserves.The gentle removal process allows for exfoliation of the skin even though the reserves have been filled up again. I just love this concept of treating without damaging your delicate skin.

For kids, I made the skin boosting Natural Baby Moisturising Oil which allows their skin to be rehydrated from face to feet. The ingredients chosen are soft and delicate for youngsters up to 10+ years of age and includes Cocoa Butter, Calendula, Apricot Kernel together with Lavender and Roman Chamomile essential oils. I love using this on my kids as it protects & replenishes their skin, especially after spending hours basking in the sun like lizards!

For Adults that suffer from prickly heat or fungal infections, I have other products that help calm and restore the skin.
Depending on where the condition is, Nourishing Face Balm or Renew Balm works a treat assisting with the heat rash and fungal infections, amongst other conditions like Eczema.

For those that have been ‘kissed by the sun’, there’s Sun Kissed Balm which helps with re-balancing this discolouration of the skin. (Though it does not remove freckles!)  One of the key ingredients in this range is the Kukui Nut Oil which is rich in essential fatty acids linoleic and linolenic, Vitamins C, D and E to act as a natural preservative. The discontinued Sun Kissed Serum contains both Tamanu and Kukui Nut Oils for double the benefits.

For the body, we have 2 products that just melt with your body’s temperature when on the skin. The Mint Body Butter is what my husband describes as ‘Aero Bar’ for his body and always asks me to make bucket loads for him .
Unfortunately this is not suitable for ‘Expecting & Nursing Mums’ so for you, we have Geranium Hands & Body Butter. Both are applied the same way and benefit the skin without needing to apply very much!

In the previous blogs, Favourite Vegetable Oils , I shared about a whole lot of oils that I like to use. Sunflower Oil (Helianthus annuus) absorbs very quickly into the skin and leaves little residue.It has highly concentrated levels of Vitamins A, B, D, and E, together with insulin, lecithin, and minerals. Whilst great for the skin, it has added UV Protection qualities in addition to the unsaturated essential fatty acids contained.

When I write a blend recipe to make for my customers, I always try to pick ingredients with the best benefits to help speed up the recovery, rejuvenation, repairing and replenishing process.When the products work a treat for you, please share with others so that they too can benefit as you have! I love hearing these stories as it makes me love doing this even more.

Gallery: Mozz-Off, Sun Kissed Range, Beach Summer Fun, Mosquitos Not Invited, Summer Sunblocks.


Have you had problems with your sunscreen or are you one of the ‘lucky’ ones that can use anything?
What is your favourite product for protecting your skin?

Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

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