The shocking news about known brand sunscreens, the ingredients which can bring more harm than good whilst ‘protecting’ your skin. And this is what makes buying sunscreen can be so hard to buy. What do you look for when choosing sun protection for you and your family? Do you go for what’s familiar, a popular brand, something you heard or recommended? It can be so difficult, almost as bad as asking your kids to choose only one type of sweet in the candy store!! There are so many colourful options, funky names, and functionality which makes selecting even harder than choosing based on the SP Factor.
I recently posted a pic of my Sun Kissed Balm which was originally made for a fair-skinned friend of mine who was bothered by the sunspots discolouration that appeared on her face after holidaying in Spain. Apparently, she hadn’t applied sunblock or sunscreen to her face causing different tones to appear which didn’t make her happy.
Of course, when I take on the challenge to make a new product, I do my research about what I’m trying to achieve. For me, choosing the ingredients based on their benefits and the overall outcome is most important before I create the small sample batch. It’s necessary to note that some ingredients are best used at night time only, as they can make your skin super-sensitive when exposed to the sun,
In the last blog I wrote Getting Ready for Summer I explained how it’s not only wise but crucial to ensure your skin is protected before going outside and being subjected to the sun’s UV Rays. When growing up in Australia, the advertising campaigns were all about that gorgeous golden tan which made one appear healthy.This was before we knew better about the sun’s harmful rays, the Ozone layer and skin cancer. Today, the children in Aussie schools are not allowed to enter the playground unless they’re wearing a hat and sunscreen.It’s where the slogan ‘Slip Slop and Slap’ came from – Slip on a T-Shirt, Slop on some sunscreen and Slap on a hat.
Sometimes we forget to apply, can’t be bothered, or just don’t put enough sunscreen to protect ourselves. The risks of the skin burning and developing other complicated issues increase for those with lighter tones or less melanin. Despite my being of Sicilian background with an olive complexion, my normally non-tanned skin becomes extremely golden brown with blonde, whilst our kids, with their Italian and North Indian blend, obtain a rich gorgeous colour in the summertime. (If only I scored the tall genes as they did from their dad!) Irrespective of our natural genetic skin tone, we still apply sun protection before heading out to prevent burning, damaging or accelerating the aging of our skin.
Moderate doses of naturally sourced Vitamin D from the sunshine are beneficial for our overall health. Standing under sunlight for 5 to 30 minutes at least twice a week should be sufficient to naturally get what’s needed. And only 10 minutes of sunshine will help your body produce approximately 10,000 units of natural Vitamin D.
The other option is to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin D. The benefits of Vitamin D include boosting your brain’s health, keeping your bones strong, improving the function of your immune system, and assisting with managing weight. Foods that are rich in Vitamin D include:
• From Fish: Cod Liver Oil, Wild Salmon, Tuna Fish, Sardines and Mackerel;
• Fortified Cereal and Milk;
• Mushrooms;
• Eggs;
• For the brave, Beef Liver and Caviar.
• Note: Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to other serious conditions, like depression, heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis, and autoimmune concerns.
We need to make sure we’re not over-exposing ourselves to the sun and therefore preventing ourselves from burning red raw like a lobster. This can increase our risks of skin cancer (Melanoma) , which can happen to anyone.It’s necessary to be aware of what’s happening to your skin, preventing sun damage and excessive burning. Did you know that some of the ingredients contained in sunscreens can actually encourage skin cancer?
The Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s recent 2019 Sunscreen report showed that almost 2 out of 3 sunscreens bought in the USA contained worrying ingredients that are easily absorbed by the body. Within a day or so of using these particular sunscreens, high levels of the chemicals contained can be traced in the bloodstream. Approximately half of the sunscreens sold in the USA not only contain these harmful ingredients, but don’t work at all, or fail to provide protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. This same 50 % of sunscreens sold in the USA with insufficient UVA ray protection would NOT be allowed in Europe. This means that 3 times more UVA rays are being transferred through the skin in comparison to the brands that are available in Europe.
Why does this matter? The damage your skin endures with UVA rays is invisible whilst aging and suppressing the immune system. Over-exposure increases the risk of developing various forms of melanoma and carcinoma (which is a malignant tumor or cancer which begins in the lining of the internal organs or skin tissue.) Despite our skin protection, these SP Factor products are still allowing us to be exposed to large amounts of UVA.
Choosing a ‘perfect sunscreen’ will be extremely difficult as many contain harmful ingredients, nanoparticles which can pass through the blood but also damage life in the waters (lakes/sea). Usually, a product like soap is washed off soon after its application, but sunscreen is absorbed and reapplied throughout the day, remaining on the skin for a long time. Some US brands have ingredients like Oxybenzone which is known as an endocrine disruptor and acts like an Oestrogen in the body. This has been linked to conditions like endometriosis in women or abnormal sperm functionality in men . This same ingredient can affect coral reefs, in which the Hawaiian state took the opportunity to ban oxybenzone in sunscreens to protect their sea-life. Others like Retinyl palmitate, a type of Vitamin A can not only affect the skin but could lead to skin cancers.
The last 12 years have seen an increase in mineral sunscreens that according to the EWG are rated safer and block UVA rays better than those sunscreens with chemicals. Therefore, choosing safer sunscreens together with prevention, covering yourself with a hat and T-Shirt, and enjoying the shade are also methods to prevent being over-exposed to the sun.
In summary, some of the crazy sunscreen ingredient risks are:
•They are loaded with Hormones like Oxybenzone;
• They can cause allergic reactions
• Vitamin A which should be avoided includes Retinol or Retinyl Palmitate/Acetate/Linoleate as these can affect our hair’s growth, the liver, cause our nails to become brittle, osteoporosis or hip fractures for older adults;
• The higher the SP Factor doesn’t necessarily mean there’s more protection from being burnt by UV rays;
• The Sprays can be inhaled, or areas missed when trying to cover the skin.
To read more, please check out the link to the EWG Org Sunscreens 2019 Comprehensive list here.
Images include Best Sunscreens of 2019 & Most Toxic Sunscreens to Avoid.

Should your skin develop any kinds of sun spots that are aggressive in their appearance, get them checked out by a Doctor as soon as possible. Whilst prevention is best, early detection and medical attention can speed up the healing and recovery process. Please don’t ever just look at holistic alternatives but rather seek professional expert advice first.
Remember to also stay hydrated, switch your outing experience around by moving to the shade for cooling off. This will give your whole being a break from too much sunshine and heat.
In the evenings, take care of your skin afterwards too, a gentle scrub to remove the traces of sunscreen and rehydrating with moisturising product. We have a few products to help hydrate your skin – Geranium Hands & Body, Jazz Body Butter and Mint Body Butter. Check the ingredients to find the one best suited for you and your family.
Note that a lot of known body wash brands also contain harmful ingredients which are readily absorbed by the skin and transported into the bloodstream.
If your skin has developed sunspots, or changes in the tone, check out the Sun Kissed Balm . This product was made to help re-balance the discoloured tone of the skin which had been altered from being in the sun. It’s best used at night time as Bergamot Essential Oil can cause your skin to become more sensitive to the sun, if used during the day.
Having gone through the list of good vs bad sunscreens, I was happy to see the All Good sunblock for the face was included. The other is Goddess Garden sunscreen which was delivered today.
Should you wish to get some Sunblock or Sunscreen, I have 2 of each brand new and spare. Just message me and I can help create a special order for you. It will include a portion of the delivery cost to save you money ordering yourself.
Images: Sunscreens we’re using, Hands & Body Products, Sun Kissed Balm, Nourishing Face Balm, Lavender Spike.
- Have you read the EWG Report about their shocking findings?
- Did you ditch your previous brands and replace with a new one on the list?
- Have you dealt with sunspots and discolouration, and if so, what did you do to treat them?
- Would you be interested in trying Sunscreen made by Essentially Lili?
- Feel free to comment and share your personal stories below.
- For the Latest list of Sunscreens from EWG: 2020 Best Sunscreens list
About Lili & Essentially Lili
My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine. I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.
My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to should you need further assistance. At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients. See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.
Shou ldyou need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products. We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products. Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.
See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.
We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x