Tag Archives: stress management

New Beginnings & Overcoming Stress

Moving Ess Lili Office

New Beginnings &
Overcoming Stress

Can be both exciting & irritating,
though being open-minded
Helps resolution!


New beginnings can be quite overwhelming especially if you are concerned about what adventure is about to commence. Whether it is the expansion of your family with the addition of a little one, moving house to a new town or country, starting a new school, or commencing a new job.  There is a mix of emotions and feelings, from excitement to nervousness, all which can play havoc in our minds and lives.

When we bring home our newborn babies and try to fit very quickly into the role of ‘super mum/dad/parent’, we soon realise that there is only so much we can do around the needs of our infants.  Sleep deprivation makes us parents exhausted and sometimes cranky or grumpy.It’s not that we mean to be unpleasant – it’s just that we are not coping well with trying to make a perfect environment.

One of the first things to give way during times of stress is usually our sleep.  Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night having a panic or anxiety attack?  These attacks consume your energy as they keep your adrenalin pumping when you should be resting instead.

Whilst living in Zurich, we moved apartments from a lovely international community to another location.  It meant our child changed school and was having to start all over with trying to fit in again. She was the target of bullies, getting picked on by kids who were taller than me.We notice the personality change, the not wanting to go to school, fussing over what to wear, and pretending to feel ill, all so that she wouldn’t have to go to school.  Has that happened to you and your child? If so, more than likely there is something else going on at the school, and it’s worth being present to see for yourself, which is what I did.

It was during this period of time I was making my blends for Congestion with the Kids Breathe Easy Concentrate and Breathe Easier Concentrate, as well as the Blissful Minds for headaches which comes in Concentrated form as well as Inhaler.

I decided to make my child her own blend of Pick Me Up to help relax and clear her head when overcome with Anxiety.  She kept her inhaler in her pencil case so that she always had it with her. Containing Cedarwood, Frankincense and Lavender these Essential Oils help relieve her mind when inhaled through the deep breathing technique.  For Adults, the ingredients included Vetiver which is stronger for calming and relaxing our nerves when they get stressed.

This year for us has been one with many challenges. We faced a whole lot of uncertainty with our young family and future plans.We all tried to keep a level of normality at home for the sake of our kids.But we had moments of epic failure as the stress levels became too much for all of us to bare at times.  For us we had the stress of finding a new place to live in a short space of time, trying to keep the kids motivated at school whilst dealing with the main factors for our anxiety.

When we found the place to live, we packed and moved as quickly as possible, whilst continuing to keep in touch with customers and their needs.I sometimes think how did we manage with such little support and help?Besides adrenalin and our parental instincts to protect our loved ones, we keep pushing on til it was all done.

Friendships can also become estranged during stressful times.  More so if there is little understanding between friends about what is really going on in the life of the other person.I remember a wise person saying, ‘Unless you walk in the shoes of the person who is going through their crisis, you should never judge them.’The reality is true, for it is only when you find out what their journey is about, will you understand the crisis they are enduring and the stress they are trying to overcome.

During our periods of stress and anxiety, I was unable to focus on anything other than making products for my customers.Studies stopped for a period of time until I began working again in July. It was during my studies on Stress Management that I wished I had read the course material to help me deal with our periods of anxiety.  Whilst reading my materials, I performed the breathing, visualising and calming techniques which relaxed me so much I almost fell asleep.This form of relaxing the body completely is extremely powerful and it gave me the energy to complete the next parts of my Diploma courses.

I remember going to dinner with some mum friends of mine who just kept asking ‘What are you going to do?’ And all I could say was ‘I don’t know, yet’.   Feels like a lifetime ago but one thing I can say is that we eventually got through that period of time, unscathed.

Stress is always part of our lives, despite trying our best to be the positive energy for our family and others around us. Sometimes we have to take ‘stock’ of what’s beyond our control, what is really worth losing sleep over and what isn’t. But most of all, is having that person or group of friends who keep you grounded, focused, encouraged and make you feel supported when things are not going as planned.Often that is what we need most – an encouraging word and a hug from a friend or loved one.

I have been fortunate these past few months to have those few who just say I wasn’t ok and reached out to me.For them, I’m really grateful and hope that I am always there for them in return.

Gallery:  Anxiety Inhalers, First Day of School, Breathe Easier Inhalers, Friendship Concentrated Serum.


Have you suffered from Anxiety and Stress that has kept you losing sleep?
Have you found techniques that helped you overcome these?
Would you be interested in learning more about the stress relief techniques I am currently studying?

Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

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