Tag Archives: First Introduction

Hello World

Hello World, Kussnacht am Rigi

Essentially Lili’s first outdoor market
at Kussnacht am Rigi in Switzerland &
introducing our all-natural products.

Whilst waiting for our webpage to be ready to launch, I bit the bullet and headed off to my first outdoor market at Kussnacht am Rigi. A lovely hot summer day in August, full of locals visiting and curious about the all-natural skincare products on offer. It was so nerve-wracking and scary for me, as my German/Swiss German isn’t very good, but I managed to communicate and explain as best I could!!

In the meantime, our website www.essentiallylili.com is almost ready for the launching to the world!I am writing this blog whilst trying to figure out how WordPress and Woocommerce works!

Sharing the journey of Essentially Lili first began on Facebook . We opened the Facebook business section, though we used it as a diary to share the journey and add Testimonials from customers when we received them.  We wanted to build up credibility and Our Brand. We launched it for public viewing almost a year later which we were really nervous about.

Seeing Essentially Lili Products being talked about on Instagram by our first customer was an amazing feeling!

We set up an Instagram account so we could share more photos and share it with others. Months later, we set up a Twitter account so that we could begin cross-linking the social media avenues to each other. Essentially Lili is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

Today it is necessary to be part of various Social Media avenues in order to build up your reputation and rapport. Though it does take a little getting used to.

In the meantime, the Essentially Lili website was being developed as I continued my studies.  The website has had some highs and lows on the journey, a combination of great feedback and suggestions for change.  We wanted to take on board the comments made by those that took the time to test and check it out.

We are working together in making the website the way Essentially Lili visualises it to be.  The key is being an effective team, listening to each other, bouncing ideas, sharing suggestions and ultimately achieving the goal in sight. Sometimes this part is the hardest.

We believe that sometimes baby steps are better in the long run, as it gives us a chance to reflect, improve, evolve, experiment, change things around before jumping in with both feet and taking the plunge! Whilst we strive for perfection, we realise that perhaps we can never achieve it – but we would like to think we tried hard in getting it right from the beginning.

We will launch sooner than later!  Please let us know what you like about the website and suggested improvements in case we missed something important.


Have you had a chance to follow Essentially Lili on either of the Social Media Pages?    Which are your favourites – Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest?  Do you think Essentially Lili should join any other means of Social Media?   I would love to hear what you think in the comments below and your suggestions too!

Should you wish to Contact us for more information, email info@essentiallylili.com

You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered.

Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili