Tag Archives: high in fibre

Secrets of Passion Fruit

Secrets of Passion Fruit

Secrets of Passion Fruit

A delicious summer taste with
benefits for your skin & overall health.


I wanted to share what gorgeous benefits Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis and Passiflora flavicarpa) have.They are often found on cakes like pavlova, in drink combinations or part of the exotic summer fruits selection. But what is it about this tiny fruit that makes us feel happy, both inside and out?

The plant and fruit is native to South America, grown in some regions of southern Brazil, through Paraguay and northern Argentina. It’s also found in other tropical regions of the world like India, Africa, Hawaii and Australia. Historically passion fruit was used for lowering inflammation, assisting and improving digestion, together with protecting the skin. Studies today are considering that it may also protect against other inflammatory conditions such as heart-related concerns and insulin resistance.

The Passion fruits are cultivated commercially for its sweet-sour, somewhat tarty, highly aromatic and seedy fruit. Round or oval in shape, it’s like a berry appearing yellow or dark purple when ready for picking, depending on where it’s grown.
It’s regarded as a Pepo, which is a fruit with a fleshy and multiple seeded interior and a harder outer rind. Melons and Cucumbers are also regarded as Pepos.

Consumption information about Passion Fruit:

• You can indulge in all the gelatinous pulp that’s full of edible but tarty tasting seeds! Either scoop out the pulp with a spoon and place it in a bowl, or brave and eat it all without sharing!!
• The fruit can be eaten, juiced, added to other combinations of summer selections to enhance both the flavour and the aroma.
• You would need to consume six (6) passion fruits to make up one portion of your 5 a day. Whilst that’s loads of seeds to ingest, the alternative is eat ten (10) blackberries or half (½) an aubergine!!
• Passion fruit is a Superfood as it is an excellent source of Antioxidants like Vitamins C and A, contains polyphenols and carotenoid.
• It contains a decent number of Essential minerals, including magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and calcium.
• Including Passion fruit in our diet can support bone health, physical, digestive and cardiovascular functionality.
• It can support digestion when consuming the rich in fibre seeds instead of just the juice.
• The fruit is high in fibre called pectin, which is lower in sugar compared to other fruits. It can provide necessary nutrients without causing blood sugar levels to spike too much.
(Note: If you have concerns with diabetes and insulin, please consult your Dietician Specialist before over-indulging).

For alternative ideas on how to Passion Fruits, see the recipes on Taste webpage: Passion Fruit Recipes.

Images: Passionfruit, Variety of Colours, Unsplash Sheng Gen Lin.

How can Passion Fruit help our skin’s health?

• Passion fruit oil is great as an anti-aging ingredient due its antioxidant content, being rich in Vitamin C and A, riboflavin and carotenoids.
• Vitamin A can protects your skin from sun damage;
• The high levels of fatty acids contained in the Passion fruit oil helps keep skin looking firm and youthful.
• The passion fruit seeds comprise of particular peptides that promote antifungal activity.
• These also encourage and stimulates the fusion and production of collagen. </br
Collagen rejuvenates and reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles slowing the aging process.
• The strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties found in Passion fruit can reduces the creation of free radicals, bacteria, pollutants or infections in our body, which can ultimately cause our skin to age.
• It promotes maintaining the skin’s health, encouraging wound healing.
• Passion fruit oil is light, is non-greasy, making it quicker for the skin to absorb.
• The non-clogging factor makes it a great moisturising addition to your beauty routine, assists skin cell exfoliation whilst treating acne-prone skin.

Images: Passion Fruit Flower.

passion flower

Please note: If you are using Passion Flower for its relaxing and calming benefits, ensure you obtain your supply from a reputable herbal or Natural store.

In a past newsletter, whilst studying Holistic Pain Management Diploma I shared the benefits from using the Blue Passion Flower, or bluecrown passionflower (Passiflora caerulea).

This plant can grow up to 10 metres (33 ft) high, with fragrant leaves that look like an open handed palm, and magnificent looking flowers containing an array of colours like blue, white and brown. The edible orange fleshy fruit can grow up to 6 cms, can be somewhat bland in taste.The part of the plant that grows above the ground is used for its gentle and calming properties, consisting of natural healing, food flavouring, teas, infusions, liquid extracts or tinctures.

Blue Passion Flower can be combined with relaxing and calming herbs like chamomile, hops, kava, skullcap, lemon balm and valerian root.

Benefits from using Passion Flower include reducing:
• Insomnia & improving sleep,
• Stress & Anxiety,
• Inflammation from skin irritations and burns.

Sleep is something we all love to have a lot of.Studies performed on patients who had bipolar disorder showed that using natural herbal medicines and drinking passion flower tea over a period of time, that they showed a reduction in anxiety and improvement in their overall sleep.For insomnia, the combination found that worked best was Passion Flower combined with Valerian root, especially if you have trouble switching off an active brain at night and need your cells to become calm.

” Passion Flower can used to assists insomnia, relieve stress & anxiety ” – Holistic Pain Management Diploma Course

Trivia About Passion Fruit:

Apparently, dreaming about Passion fruits suggests that in future, you will be able to do positive and sensible things.It reflects a sign of abundance, growth and financial gain, where being in this growth stage means you’re going in the right direction!

The fruit symbolises abundance, associated with the goddesses of fertility and the harvest.It often represents earthly pleasures, temptations and over-indulgence.

Some passion fruit contains high levels of caffeine, which will make it more difficult to relax and fall asleep. Passion fruit tea, however, contains alkaloids, which can aid your nervous system relaxing, making you tired and achieving a better night’s sleep.

Whilst the seeds and flesh of purple passion fruit can be eaten, the outer skin contains small quantities of cyanogenic glycosides (cyanide) and should not be consumed.
Therefore, commercial passion fruit juice goes through a process to deacidify via electrodialysis for this reason.


    • What do you find surprising about Passion fruit and it’s many wonderful benefits for your health and skin?
    • Have you tried Passion fruit oil for treating acne-prone skin?What’s your feedback about using it

“About Lili & Why I make Essentially Lili Products.”

About Lili & Essentially Lili – My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management.I’m aMember of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili.

Why is Pomegranate Fabulous

Why Pomegranate is so Fabulous

Why Pomegranate’s Fabulous?

Did you know the range
of benefits for your skin also
include your health & well-being?


Have you ever wondered about the benefits of Pomegranate for our bodies and skin? The fruit’s beautifully rich colour is enticing to look at, delicious to eat, whilst the oil from its seeds has fabulous benefits for your skin.

A little history about Pomegranate:It’s name is derived from the medieval Latin“pōmum grānātum, meaning “apple” and “seeded”. Pomegranate fruit is red-purple in colour, about the size of a lemon, with the husk consisting of two parts – the outer “pericarp ” and a spongy interior called the “mesocarp”where the fruit and seeds are contained. Pomegranates can have anywhere from 200 to 1400 seeds within this edible fruit, which is a berry producing its rich benefits from a single flower. The fruit grows like ornaments on a tree, is tolerable to drought type conditions, thriving in both dry and rainy environments, from the Mediterranean, to Iran and the Arabian Peninsula, India, Afghanistan and the warmer parts of North and South America.

Pomegranates historically represented fertility and wealth to various world cultures. It was a major food source but used conjunction with medicine, to treat intestinal problems, create a tonic for the lungs and heart or for toning and slowing down the aging process of the skin!To think how pomegranate was being utilised thousands of years ago is astounding!

The seeds of the pomegranate can be juiced or eaten raw, though the seed oil has wonderful benefits for our bodies internally as well as externally for our skin. Nutritionally, pomegranate seeds are low in calories, high in fibre for maintaining a healthy heart, rich in antioxidants and generous with micronutrients including Vitamin C, K, folate and potassium too.
Adding pomegranate to your diet can assist with:
• Lowering blood pressure levels,
• Reducing pain in joints,
• Enhancing the heart’s health,
• Fighting off bacterial infections,
• Improving sexual functionality, and
• Boosting memory capacity.

For these reasons alone, including pomegranate to meals will benefit the whole family. Check out some of the Middle Eastern dishes that include pomegranate seeds and juices to create amazing treats for your family. For other ideas, check out 22 different options here at Pomegranate Recipes.

Images: Unsplash Jennifer Pallian; Lavi Perchik and Sara Cervera.

Why is pomegranate seed oil an excellent addition for our skin?

Today, we want to take care our skin’s appearance, whilst protecting and nourishing it too.Our bodies absorb all kinds of invasive pathogens through our largest organ, so defending the skin’s tissues from environmental pollutants and harmful chemicals has to be an important factor, not a cosmetic one.With the simplest of routines, we can remove these damaging substances collected in our skin, promoting cell regeneration, revitalisation and rejuvenation to the overall condition and appearance.

It’s not like we should expect to look like a 19-year old without any life or laugh lines when aged 51!!What we do want is to look in the mirror and observe the person who is enjoying a fully functional body with a healthy head of hair!!There’s definitely nothing wrong with wanting that, particularly if it contributes and boosts your overall confidence as a person!

Having personally suffered many years with dry, irritated, swollen and bleeding skin, I discovered keeping routines simple to be the best gift of love for my healing body.Over-complicated and expensive techniques can cause us to eventually become uncommitted or bored with completing what should take minutes for daily self-love and care for our skin.

Using ingredients that come from plants and seeds, their individual properties work their magic to support, boost and treat the overall health of our skin. These ingredients should always be suitable for the age and time frame of individuals. Pomegranate seed oil is one of those essential oils that assists with tightening the skin, promoting healthy aging whilst maintaining a gorgeous glow to your skin. It also aids protecting your skin’s collagen, as it is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants.

Its properties are also bountiful in vitamin K, containing excessive protective compounds, consisting of punicic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanidins and tannins. These chemical compounds occur naturally in plants. They are able to shield and protect our skin from being damaged by UV light and sun rays, as they assist the neutralizing of free-radicals from the environment, before these create damage to our skin cell’s DNA defence mechanism.

NOTE:This still means you should take precautions, wear the suitable sunscreen and sunblock to protect your skin from sun damage.

When you inspect the thick exterior of the pomegranate, you’ll see how the grains within are rich in colour and vitality, yet protected from the outside environment as it grows in the warm weather.In summary, pomegranate:
• Encourages the regeneration of your skin cells;
• It repairs the skin;
• Effectively helps to reduce and slow down the aging process, preventing wrinkles in the epidermis;
• Beneficial antimicrobial properties;
• Works as an effective anti-inflammatory ingredient; and
• It’s extremely moisturising which nourishes and softens the condition of the skin.

Image Unsplash Roberto Carl.

Pomegranate Roberto Carl Unsplash

” Pomegranate is contained in Mature Range
of Essentially Lili Skincare Products ” Lili

From the Essentially Lili range, pomegranate has been added into the products for Mature skin for this reason. This is because our exposure to the sun has happened naturally over the course of the years, whether we have had sunblock and a hat on, or not. The idea of including this oil in the Serum and Balms was to help restore the balance of the skin’s tone, just in case it’s had too much exposure.

ForOver 50s mature and potentially sun damaged skin consisting of the Diamond Era Balm ,Diamond Era Serum as well as the Sun Kissed Balm.

This is because pomegranate seed oil prevents the damaging effects of UVB sun exposure, whilst preserving and protecting the collagen found in our skin. NOTE:This still means you should take precautions, wear the suitable sunscreen and sunblock to protect your skin from sun damage.Refer to Blog for sunscreen tips.

Applying several drops of the blended serum before and after sun exposure can help revitalise your skin’s condition.The Diamond Era Serum contains a wonderful selection of ingredients for mature skin, which often becomes tired looking as the years approach. Having reached my next milestone, I have been added two drops of this blend to my nightly routine and my skin feels fabulous the next morning when I get up!

The other essential oils that are great for skin tightening which are found in quite a number of our products include: Frankincense, Lavender, Jojoba, Myrrh and Rosehip Oil. Be sure to look at the ladies’ range for the list of ingredients contained in each product and the testimonials about these.

I really believe that less is more, adjusting how much is needed as you go, depending on how your skin feels.The wonderful attribute with natural products especially during the summer time, is that you can place the balms in the fridge overnight to re-set or to cool it for when you apply it next time around.


I’ve continued adding the Free Magic Serum or Frankincense Face Serum to orders over 100 CHF. Don’t forget to take advantage of this Offer. This offer is whilst stocks last, and cannot be used in conjunction with other vouchers or coupons.

Images: Diamond Era Balm and Diamond Era Serum, Essentially Lili Giveaways, Sun Kissed Balm in TATLER Magazine.


    • What’s your favourite Pomegranate recipe?
    • For those that have tried the Diamond Era Range or Sun Kissed Balm, what did you love about the products?

    “About Lili & Why I make Essentially Lili Products.”

    About Lili & Essentially Lili – My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management.I’m aMember of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

    My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

    Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

    See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

    We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili.