Tag Archives: Mt Vesuvius

We All Want Pampering Fun

Sophia Loren Sorrento

We All Want Pampering Fun

Pampering fun – travelling, shopping, spa treatments & massages are all part of loving oneself!


Ask any woman what she loves to do and I bet you being pampered is on the top. Whether it’s traveling, going out shopping, buying something that makes her look great, feel wonderful about herself and smells amazing.

Ask any man what he loves to do – get a shave and haircut with head massage, have a deep tissue massage, manicure & pedicure together with a session at the gym. For kids, it’s going on holidays and getting new stuff!!!  Well, at least that’s my kids!!

We all love that massage to relax and release tension in our bodies especially if it’s done by someone who knows how to do it well.  We love having our feet pedicured and maintained for the spring and summer seasons.  If we are not sensitive to the heat, we definitely love sessions in the steam room and having facials. Relaxing spa baths, swimming at the beach, and eating great food are all what I would include in pampering treatments.

This April, we recently ventured for a short Spring break with the family to the Central part of Italy. We flew into Naples, took a bus drive along the windy roads to Sorrento and had an even more crazy coastal drive to Amalfi & back to Positano.  We walked up to the crater of Mt. Vesuvius and then explored the ruins excavated at Pompeii.  The kids swam at Amalfi and Sorrento Beaches, where we explored the many tiny cobbled streets filled with a variety of stores.

Caught the fast trains to Naples and onwards to glorious Rome. Here we spent our last days exploring the Colosseum, Vatican Museum & St Peter’s Basilica.  We had a Melbourne reunion with my friend at Trevi, where we threw 3 Coins in the Fountain, making our wishes.  We did lots of walking, enjoying the sunshine and eating sooo much food, OMG!!  You really need to be on a diet beforehand so that you have space for all the yummy food & gelato that is available in Italy.

On every trip we make, we always bring our pampering products with us. On this trip, it included Mozz Off for mosquitoes in case the kids were bitten by those bugs.  We had sunblock & caps to ensure no-one burnt their faces in the averaging 25 deg heat.  We had our moisturising balms to keep our skin hydrated all day, Lime Foot Repair to keep the feet soft and free from cracking; the Cypress Cleansing Balm to remove any dirt and pollution in the evenings, as well as Green clay for a session of pampering during the trip.  It was also wonderful seeing our kids apply their own Natural Baby Moisturising Oil at the end of each day to keep their skin hydrated!  All of us had something to take care of our skin, as well as drinking plenty of water to keep our bodies hydrated from within.

The Lime Foot Repair has kept my feet the softest they have ever been, considering how bad they were before I started making all-natural skincare products. I have been applying it to where I managed to get blisters from my new hiking shoes, which were rubbing on the tops of my toes. With only 2 applications the signs of the blisters are almost completely gone!

With Mother’s Day approaching on Sunday 13th of May, you can ensure you get your loved ones something to help pamper themselves. You can create your own package of goodies to from the range of Essentially Lili all-natural products.

Please check the ingredients first. You can order your Pot of Magic before the 10th of May to ensure it arrives in time for Mother’s Day.

And remember, for maintaining your glow:
* Rinse your face with warm water only in the mornings. Gently pat it dry before applying your face balm. Do not cleanse in the mornings as you could remove any new cells that were generated whilst you were getting your beauty sleep!
* You should only cleanse gently at night time to remove any dirt and pollution from your skin.
* Some Serums & Balms contain Essential Oils that will make your skin sensitive to the sun. These should only be applied at night time.
* Applying a little of the balms as often as needed helps prevent your skin from drying out and cracking.
* Kids should also keep their skin hydrated, especially after being in the sun.
* In all things, apply common sense – drink water, wear sun hats, sun block, if something doesn’t agree with you, stop eating /drinking it, and find alternatives!

I will be updating the Photo Gallery with our products at these various locations. If you would like to add yours, please send them in.

Gallery: We All Want to Have Pampering Fun: Amalfi Beach, Doing a Green Clay Mask, Yellow Products made from Lemons at Sorrento, Products amongst the Mosaics of Pompeii, Trevi Fountain, Rome.


  • What do you love about pampering yourself?
  • What’s your favourite way to -self-love-pamper?
  • You can read more About Lili here and check out the variety of Help Skin Assistance products available on the webpage.

    The other Essentially Lili’s Blogs can also be found on our webpage or you can send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.

    Always love to hear from you, Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili