Tag Archives: peppermint feet

Loving Your Feet

Loving Your Feet

Loving Your Feet

Why do we often forget
to take care of them?


Our feet are often the last thing we think about when we take care of ourselves.Do you forget to take care of your feet until you’re about to go on holidays?Or do you wait until they’re dried out, cracked, smelling and aching? I honestly think that we take our hard-working feet for granted.We stand, walk, hike, dance, run, exercise, and they take our weight from place to place in our shoes which are often too tight, low, high or non-supportive. How do we cope, remain active, play sport or compete when they hurt or ache? At what point do we stop and give them a whole lotta love with pampering and massage?

Day to day, after showering or following our morning routine, we make sure we put on our skincare, fix and style our hair and get dressed for the occasion before rushing out the door. If you’re wearing closed shoes, no-one really needs to see the condition of your feet, unless you’re wearing fancy open shoes or heels.Are you guilty of this? I can tell you I’m guilty of rushing out the door with my laces undone, tying them up in the lift to the garage!!! But let me share my yukky feet story. I hope you can relate to this and I would love for your honest feedback too.

I recently stumbled across those hideous pics of my feet the last time I went for a pedicure in 2014.Don’t get me wrong, I loved going to see the Beautician and spending time with my friend whilst getting pampered. What I didn’t like is how embarrassing my feet’s heels were, cracked and bleeding, hurting like hell and ugly to look at.The beautician exclaimed, ‘OMG Lili, what happened to your feet?’ as she puts on a mask to start grinding the dead skin on them. Urgh how disgusting, no matter what I did, they were always dry. That yukky habit of picking, itching, scratching, picking, pulling, rubbing, and ripping that then caused bleeding and pain had exposed me, and I felt awful showing my feet in public.

While she blasted my dead skin off, I just wanted to be sick and puke, or crawl into a hole from my embarrassment.And of course, she needed extra time to get passed the layers, cutting my heels by accident, which only added to my existing pain. Applying some feet product to my skin, she finished off with some colour nail polish, but my heels were already drying out by the time I arrived home. That’s just crazy, after all that time being pampered, why were my feet still dry?

I tried many products over the years, from cheap Supermarket brands to expensive ones. Some of them were so icky to put on and smelt awful, yet I would apply because my feet needed them. I just didn’t like the results, irrespective of how religiously I treated my feet. Can you relate to that?

When I started making Essentially Lili products in 2015, I decided that feet had to be included in the range. Shea Butter & Cocoa Butter are used to help provide the hydration to the skin.I experimented with blends. I accidentally spilled the liquid version of peppermint aero onto the stove which made our apartment smell so deliciously fragrant for quite some time!!I tried a number of blended versions to achieve the right buttery mix that would just melt onto the skin when it came into contact with my body’s natural temperature for the most effective application. This was the beginning of Peppermint Feet. It’s a definite favourite in Australia as another package heads out to Melbourne amongst other goodies.Not only does it get rid of smelly feet, athlete’s foot or fungal infections, it really hydrates the heels, keeping the skin soft and hydrated.

Did you know that Peppermint Essential Oil is not suggested for Expecting or Nursing Mums? When a newly expecting lady asked me to help with her feet, I created the new blend using Tangerine instead of Peppermint essential oil, making it suitable for expecting and nursing mums. My daughter and I wanted to have a cute name for the new addition to the Feet Range. We came up with Tango Twinkle Toes as we imagined the expectant and nursing mum wanting to dance with her little ones, which is what I did with both my babies!

The last product to be included to the range is Lime Foot Repair . The difference with this one is that it contains Beeswax, which seals the hydration into the skin.You don’t need much to keep the feet soft, but if you have stubborn problems, I suggest adding a little more and wearing socks to keep the product close to the skin whilst you sleep.

This leads me to this next wonderful story. I was contacted by a concerned wife about her husband’s feet. They were aching, causing him agony and discomfort to walk. I suggested using either the Peppermint Feet or Lime Foot Repair depending on his preference of oils, scents and overall goal for his heels. Instead he opted to take them both, using Peppermint Feet in the mornings and Lime Foot Repair in the evenings. A few weeks later, he sent me before and after photos with this remarkable testimonial.

From Andrew G, Zurich:
“With my religiously male application techniques – not every day, often missing a few in between and several false starts, it is still no surprise that my heels look so good. Including the use of a pumice stone and repeated application of Essentially Lili Lime Foot Repair the difference is easy to see. At the start, I had cracked heels with cuts so deep they bled and were so painful I could barely walk. Within 3 weeks my heels were healed and my feet were looking stellar. I used Essentially Lili Lime Foot Repair at night and Peppermint Feet in the morning. Now the pain is gone, my cracks have disappeared and there’s a newfound spring in my step.”

What an amazing result in such a short period of time … and how many men would ever admit to needing this kind of help for their feet? Check out his pictures in the upper gallery – before and after using the products!!

Another testimonial about happy heels from Sevi, Geneva:
My pregnant friend in Greece is very happy with Lime Foot Repair and keeps on using it every day. She has seen a huge improvement in the quality of her skin on the feet and toes. I must admit my daughter and I are huge fans of the Lime Foot Repair as well.
After bathing and applying the Natural Baby Moisturising Oil, she insists on putting Lime Foot Repair on her feet. We both love the texture and scent of this product. I am a forever customer of Essentially Lili, once tried, you can never go back to anything else. Keep up the great products Lili, you are doing an amazing job!”

This testimonial was from lovely Emily, Basel, who just wanted to try something different.
The Tango Twinkle Toes healed my dry scaly heels during my Camino de Santiago walk in Spain. As I wanted to carry only a few items as possible, I also used it for the rest of my body and it worked great!! It isn’t oily or greasy.

Judith from Zurich wrote:
The Tango Twinkle Toes is the only foot balm that has had any lasting positive effect on my feet! Absolutely love it! It was so nice to use a completely natural product whilst pregnant too.

Who wouldn’t love to have results like these? I know that I love reading these kinds of happy testimonials, every time!!

Gallery: Products for your feet; Before & After Andrew’s Feet, Yukky Feet at Beautician, Treated Feet, Products from Essentially Lili Range.

As mentioned above, there are plenty of brands you can get from the stores that may treat your skin. What I try to do with my products is give you long-term results, and make your feet feel great all the time. Depending on how bad the condition of your heels are, you’ll need to gently scrape away the dead skin before having your shower.

You can also make a gentle scrub using sea-salt, or Himalayan Pink Salts, coarse sugar, Olive Oil and some lemon juice .Mix the contents together in a container and gently scrub your legs and feet, before washing it off in the shower.I use this mix (without the lemon) to soften my hands after washing the dishes too. You only have to mix up a small amount in order to keep it for around a week before making a fresh batch.

As stated in the Newsletter, I’m discounting the Feet Range this month so that you can get your Pot of Magic and take care of your feet, all year round. Remember, your feet need just as much love as the rest of you, and if they’re aching, hurting or even smelling, get them sorted, as naturally as you can.

Be one of the many who add their testimonials to the Essentially Lili page, sharing your own story and experience with what helped you. This is what I love the most about what I do. Helping you overcome not only your skin concerns, but finding the confidence to be the best version of yourself to Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful.


    • Have you had a pampering nightmare session that you would love to share for laughs?
    • What’s the best way to apply your Feet Products products?
    • If you could have a special blend made, what ingredients would it contain?

About Lili & Essentially Lili

My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.  We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x

Getting Ready for Summer

Sunblocks All-Good & Babo

Getting Ready for Summer

The weather is changing
& the sun will be coming out.
Are you ready?


What happened to the beginning of the year? One minute we’re putting our winter woollies on and watching the snowfall, the next, the blossoms have come and gone and April is almost finished.It’s taken me awhile to get organised with ordering my next batch of Sunblocks for the summer.But finding the right ones for me came from trial and error as far back as I can remember.

Growing up in Australia, I spent a lot of my days outside or at the beach jet-skiing with my siblings and friends.I remember the first time we went jet-skiing, we ached so much from doing it all wrong that we couldn’t move at the end of the day. We laughed so much and had such a great time.

In Australia, the sun is so strong that it’s recommended to ‘Slip Slop and Slap’ protection all the time. Applying sunscreen to my face was always a risk for me.I tried using cricketers’ zinc but found it so harsh on my face.It became so hard that I could only remove it by scrubbing my already sensitive skin. If I used creamy sunscreens, my face would become clogged and prone to breaking out in Acne.
Urgh, the dread for me trying to protect my skin without causing other problems.

For quite some time, I found sunblock that is thicker in size than a regular lip balm which is easy to apply and suits my skin just right. Look for those with SPF Factor 30+. I apply mine before going out in the sunshine. Gently massage the sunblock it your skin, particularly around the eyes, nose and face. To slow down the aging process, avoid roasting your face directly under the sun.

If you’re sharing sunblock with your immediate family, wipe the top off beforehand. This will prevent anything from one’s face being passed to yours. I don’t usually allow anyone else to use my sunblock.

Wear a hat to shade your face, or a shirt/ T-shirt whilst walking around to prevent unnecessary burning and sun damage. When the clouds are out but the weather is muggy, be aware that you can still get burnt from the UV Rays of the sun. We don’t even realise how hot the sun until after our skin is stinging, red or covered in discoloured sunspots. Of course, you could style it up like Audrey Hepburn and Sophie Loren with a classy headscarf and huge sunglasses too!

Keep yourself hydrated, preferably with water. Whilst we’re out in the sunshine swimming in the beach, lake, pool or river, we are refreshed and cooled down. When we get out to dry off, the sun draws not only the water from the surface of our skin, but that which is within. It’s important to remain hydrated, with water, fruits and other refreshing options available during the summer.

Gallery: Riaci Beach Calabria Italy & Essentially Lili all-natural skincare products that you can use for after-sun care.

After sun care is extremely important too. We often forget about taking care of our skin should be part of our daily life, as it’s the only one we’re going to get. Once we’re returned from enjoying the summer weather, beach and scenery, we start the whole age appropriate after care routine. This will ensure the skin is replenished from being outside. It will also keep that glowing tan healthy looking too.
Re-hydrating the skin is just as important as drinking water.

What we use on holidays or during the summer:
• For the Kids, we use the Natural Baby Moisturising Oil which is easy to apply and gentle enough from their faces to their feet.
• Dad uses the Hydrating Face Balm as it smells of Sandalwood and keeps his skin feeling wonderful soft.
• For me, it’s a combination of products starting with my cleansing to ensure that the sunblock has been removed. Choose from either the Cypress Cleansing Balm which is made with Beeswax, Butters and Essential Oils or the Oil based Sunflower Cleanser
• Then I use the Frankincense Face Serum with the Nourishing Face Balm to hydrate and protect my skin.
• Depending on what we bring with us, we apply either the Jazz Body Butter , the Geranium Hands & Body or the Mint Body Butter on our shoulders, arms, tummy and legs.Either one is gorgeous with its natural scent and feels lush as it melts into the skin and keeps it hydrated for such a long time.
• And don’t forget your feet especially if you’re planning to wear open shoes or sling-backs!!Peppermint Feet keeps those heels soft and helps prevent fungal infections and smelly feet. But if you’re expecting or nursing, use the Tango Twinkle Toes or the Lime Foot Repair instead.

But don’t despair if you have damaged your skin already.I made the Sun Kissed Balm to assist with sunspots and discolouration caused by the sun.This product can only be used at night time to prevent your skin becoming more sensitive to the sun.

This month I have bought extra Sunblocks. Should you wish to get some let me know so that I can do another bulk order for you.It will include a portion of the delivery cost to save you money ordering yourself.


  • What’s your favourite sunblock product?</li/>
  • Have you ever considered using Sunblock versus Sunscreen on your face?
  • Have you had any sunshine mishaps?
  • Feel free to comment and share your personal stories below.

    About Lili & Essentially Lili

    My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine. I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

    My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

    Shou ldyou need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.  We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

    See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

    We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x

Pedicures Super Dry Feet

Tango Lime & Peppermint Feet Products

Pedicures Super Dry Feet

Have you ever thought
‘OMG My Feet!’ are an embarrassing
sight for sore eyes!

Have you ever thought ‘OMG My Feet’ are an embarrassing sight for sore eyes, whilst looking at the yukky dry skin?  Do you scratch it off whilst watching TV, making a horrible mess on the floor, hoping that no-one notices whilst you get the vacuum cleaner to remove the evidence? 

If you have said ‘Yes’ to these questions, then don’t feel bad – I was the same but probably worse.

I went for a pampering session to get my feet pedicured. I was embarrassed to be honest, thinking that the Beautician was going to see my awful, concrete feet as I referred to them.  They were really dry with cracked skin on my heels.

The gasp I was given when she sat down to start my feet was confirmation that they were pretty bad.   She said, ‘Liil, what happened to your feet?  In all my years doing pedicures, I have never seen such dry feet!

She took photographic evidence, which has conveniently disappeared…. to be honest, you wouldn’t want that kind of information flying around if you were running for the Presidency, right?  Ironically, I wish I had kept the picture to show you the before and after photos instead!

My Beautician puts on the face mask, takes out her electric foot filer, and begins sanding my feet. I felt like I was in a ‘Mr. Bean Movie’. It was so embarrassing to say the least, needing so much work to find new skin underneath.

My pedicure always took longer than normal as the Beautician needed more time to finish and paint my toenails. Crazy huh?

A few months later, in making my Essentially Lili Products for people to try, I thought I would make something to help keep my feet nourished.  I experimented with a few different blends, trying always to keep it natural and easy to apply.The one that I loved the most was had Peppermint and was so delish to smell and felt even better on the skin.  My feet were hydrated, fresh, soft and smooth as they enjoyed the butter, oils and Essential Oils being applied every morning and night!

Peppermint Feet soon became a favourite product.  The home-spa treatment process was easy. The trick with this home pedicure was to gently remove any dry skin from the heels using a foot filer, not the ‘cheese grater’ type apparatus. Rinse off and pat dry both feet.  Using the back of my thumbnail to take approximately half a 1/2 a thumbnail of Peppermint Feet apply the product to the heels, soles, toes, and tops of the feet, gently massaging in the process.   If a little bit of product was used, I was able to put my shoes on without needing to wear socks.   Too much product would just take longer to absorb into the skin in which case, socks would be needed and perhaps a lie down for maximum chillax!

It’s been over a year since I needed to have this long embarrassing pedicure take place.Now I can have a home-spa treatment every day!!

At Essentially Lili, I have often changed a blend to suit others that would otherwise be excluded from using a product.  In the case of the Peppermint Feet which is a favourite, I wanted to make something which included Pregnant & Expecting women so we named it Tango Twinkle Toes.  I think it’s lovely being pampered and included whilst expecting the arrival of your little one(s)!

For those that have stubborn dry feet, I made Lime Foot Repair which contains beeswax and helped heal the cracks, repair the damaged heels, and make that skin new again! The Beeswax works like a barrier, keeping the moisture locked in under the surface!!

This means that everyone can enjoy their home-spa treatment and as there is a product suitable for all.


Essentially Lili wants to give you the chance to pamper yourself every day, by giving away some Peppermint Feet & Tango Twinkle Toes to the best stories shared.

I want to hear about your hilarious feet stories, pampering sessions, or anything else that made you feel awkward! Sharing is Caring!

Simply fill in the rest of the following comment with your story in the comments below:
“I never forget the day I took my Super Dry Feet out to…” We will pick a winner by 26th January 2017 and notify the winner via email. Don’t forget to put your details below!

Should you wish to Contact us for more information, email info@essentiallylili.com

You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered.

Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili