Tag Archives: prevention

Getting Ready for Summer

Sunblocks All-Good & Babo

Getting Ready for Summer

The weather is changing
& the sun will be coming out.
Are you ready?


What happened to the beginning of the year? One minute we’re putting our winter woollies on and watching the snowfall, the next, the blossoms have come and gone and April is almost finished.It’s taken me awhile to get organised with ordering my next batch of Sunblocks for the summer.But finding the right ones for me came from trial and error as far back as I can remember.

Growing up in Australia, I spent a lot of my days outside or at the beach jet-skiing with my siblings and friends.I remember the first time we went jet-skiing, we ached so much from doing it all wrong that we couldn’t move at the end of the day. We laughed so much and had such a great time.

In Australia, the sun is so strong that it’s recommended to ‘Slip Slop and Slap’ protection all the time. Applying sunscreen to my face was always a risk for me.I tried using cricketers’ zinc but found it so harsh on my face.It became so hard that I could only remove it by scrubbing my already sensitive skin. If I used creamy sunscreens, my face would become clogged and prone to breaking out in Acne.
Urgh, the dread for me trying to protect my skin without causing other problems.

For quite some time, I found sunblock that is thicker in size than a regular lip balm which is easy to apply and suits my skin just right. Look for those with SPF Factor 30+. I apply mine before going out in the sunshine. Gently massage the sunblock it your skin, particularly around the eyes, nose and face. To slow down the aging process, avoid roasting your face directly under the sun.

If you’re sharing sunblock with your immediate family, wipe the top off beforehand. This will prevent anything from one’s face being passed to yours. I don’t usually allow anyone else to use my sunblock.

Wear a hat to shade your face, or a shirt/ T-shirt whilst walking around to prevent unnecessary burning and sun damage. When the clouds are out but the weather is muggy, be aware that you can still get burnt from the UV Rays of the sun. We don’t even realise how hot the sun until after our skin is stinging, red or covered in discoloured sunspots. Of course, you could style it up like Audrey Hepburn and Sophie Loren with a classy headscarf and huge sunglasses too!

Keep yourself hydrated, preferably with water. Whilst we’re out in the sunshine swimming in the beach, lake, pool or river, we are refreshed and cooled down. When we get out to dry off, the sun draws not only the water from the surface of our skin, but that which is within. It’s important to remain hydrated, with water, fruits and other refreshing options available during the summer.

Gallery: Riaci Beach Calabria Italy & Essentially Lili all-natural skincare products that you can use for after-sun care.

After sun care is extremely important too. We often forget about taking care of our skin should be part of our daily life, as it’s the only one we’re going to get. Once we’re returned from enjoying the summer weather, beach and scenery, we start the whole age appropriate after care routine. This will ensure the skin is replenished from being outside. It will also keep that glowing tan healthy looking too.
Re-hydrating the skin is just as important as drinking water.

What we use on holidays or during the summer:
• For the Kids, we use the Natural Baby Moisturising Oil which is easy to apply and gentle enough from their faces to their feet.
• Dad uses the Hydrating Face Balm as it smells of Sandalwood and keeps his skin feeling wonderful soft.
• For me, it’s a combination of products starting with my cleansing to ensure that the sunblock has been removed. Choose from either the Cypress Cleansing Balm which is made with Beeswax, Butters and Essential Oils or the Oil based Sunflower Cleanser
• Then I use the Frankincense Face Serum with the Nourishing Face Balm to hydrate and protect my skin.
• Depending on what we bring with us, we apply either the Jazz Body Butter , the Geranium Hands & Body or the Mint Body Butter on our shoulders, arms, tummy and legs.Either one is gorgeous with its natural scent and feels lush as it melts into the skin and keeps it hydrated for such a long time.
• And don’t forget your feet especially if you’re planning to wear open shoes or sling-backs!!Peppermint Feet keeps those heels soft and helps prevent fungal infections and smelly feet. But if you’re expecting or nursing, use the Tango Twinkle Toes or the Lime Foot Repair instead.

But don’t despair if you have damaged your skin already.I made the Sun Kissed Balm to assist with sunspots and discolouration caused by the sun.This product can only be used at night time to prevent your skin becoming more sensitive to the sun.

This month I have bought extra Sunblocks. Should you wish to get some let me know so that I can do another bulk order for you.It will include a portion of the delivery cost to save you money ordering yourself.


  • What’s your favourite sunblock product?</li/>
  • Have you ever considered using Sunblock versus Sunscreen on your face?
  • Have you had any sunshine mishaps?
  • Feel free to comment and share your personal stories below.

    About Lili & Essentially Lili

    My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine. I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

    My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

    Shou ldyou need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.  We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

    See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

    We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x

Understanding Your Body

Rice Up alternative to Maccas

Understanding Your Body

Is The Key to Wellness!
Know what suits or irritates
your body to keep it functioning well.


Part of my health & wellness journey was a long and often painful process of trying to figure out what my body was telling me.Getting to the conclusion about what makes my body ‘Tick’ is actually quite empowering, as it allows me to be in control again! Allow me to elaborate further.

If you think about when you go clothes shopping and see something gorgeous in the display window and think, ‘Wow, I gotta have that’. You go inside, look around at all the other items you like, make a collection of products you want to try on and start the process of a quick ‘on/off, yes/no, definitely/maybe’ as you decide what you are going to take. Sometimes we need help from the shop assistant to make suggestions – perhaps a bigger size, or a different colour, or neither of these options.

In this instance, we use the mirror to tell us what the answer is for the clothes we are trying on. And sometimes, we ignore the mirror and we buy things anyway because we like it and just have to have it! Can you imagine buying shoes that are 2 sizes too small? I’d say Ouch to that!!

Well our bodies are exactly the same, only the mirror that reflects for us is a bit different. Our bodies tell us something isn’t right when our stomachs cramp and hurt, our skin blotches with rashes, break out or itches, or when the headaches thump. The signs are often quite loud and clear, though sometimes the symptoms take a long time to appear on the surface.

When I was a teenager and suffering with weeping, bleeding eczema from my face to thighs, my body hurt like hell from inside and out. The nights were particularly awful, as I would lay there itching and scratching whilst trying to get some sleep. I always wished the nightmare would be over in the mornings and I would be well again.

I had to do my journey the long and hard way. I had to go Cold turkey on ALL the things I liked – stop having the foods I liked to eat, the coffees with milk & sugar I liked to drink, as well as any skincare products I used which also included my stash of the cortisones.

Besides shedding excess kilos that I no longer needed to take with me to the change rooms, I learned that what I was consuming had an effect on my body, causing me to react with the itching and irritations on my skin. I understood from this journey what my body couldn’t cope with, which I still I try to avoid as much as possible.

As part of my Consult Therapist services, when I ask those who come to me to write a food diary, it really is NOT so that I can judge or criticise what you eat, but to help you narrow down what suits you quicker. I know it’s hard to imagine following something this simple from the beginning, but I can guarantee you it is worth the small sacrifice.

We often just assume that allergies and intolerances are automatically related to Dairy or Gluten products. But instead, this process with customers of mine has revealed a different fact. Intolerances are as individual as You are.

We have discovered one is intolerant to Red Wine; someone else has irritations when eating Salmon & Tuna; a different person seems to have environmental allergies we are still trying to pinpoint, whilst one other has sensitivities to Coconuts and Sugar. It surprises me too and removes the assumption that it’s always dairy or gluten products.

This is the reason I state that the Key to Wellness is to be able to understand your own body! Everyone’s Body is so Unique, that what irritates one person may not necessarily bother another.

For me personally, I know that if I eat too many Dairy products and add stress to my plate, my left hand will start to itch almost immediately. My body tells me that something isn’t right and I have to do something about it. The signs put me back in control to help prevent the irritations from happening again.

I also keep my skin hydrated especially at night time with the Essentially Lili Products as it gives my skin a chance to repair whilst I’m sleeping.

This is also the reason I will only make All Natural Skincare Products.I spent years using different medical & cosmetic brands, various strengths, and versions of steroids / Cortisone that only further damaged my skin in the long run.

So with the products I make with love for you, my goal is to help speed up the healing process with you. The products are to help your skin regenerate new healthy skin cells, repair any that are damaged, and give you not only your confidence back, but your GLOW as well.I love it when I see my customer’s happiness glowing on their faces & photos they send me. This really makes me happy too.

Our Shop Categories has a variety of products which have so many benefits as shared on previous Blogs, as well as on our Ingredients page. For example, I use Baobab Oil (Adansonia digitata) in quite a few of the facial products which contain Omega 3, 6 & 9 Fatty Acids as well as Antioxidants, Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, Vitamin C, D, E & F, proteins & minerals. The high content of Vitamins A and F are vital for skin rejuvenation and anti-aging and is contained in most of these products as well. Imagine giving your skin that every day? Well, you can with my products!

Gallery: Selection of foods that can be healthy for some or cause intolerance for others; Essentially Lili Eczema Free; Rosey Hemp Hands; Trees in Zurich, Gotta love salad & lactose-free cheese.


Have you discovered foods that don’t agree with you?
How did you find out and did you find an alternative in the meantime?

If you haven’t found out and would like help, book a Consult Therapist session so that we can begin the journey together.  Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered. Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili.