Tag Archives: Skincare Routine

The Anguish of Rosacea with Acne

Bundle FFS NFB

The Anguish of
Rosacea with Acne

And trying to find
a calming solution.


Recently, I was contacted by women & men of varying ages to help them with Rosacea.

According to Wikipedia, ‘Rosacea is a long term skin condition which affects mainly the face.
The effects are on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin, usually showing redness, with pimples and swelling, that have small superficial dilated blood vessels.
The cause of Rosacea is unknown, though the risk factors are believed to be linked with family history. The signs of Rosacea can get worse when exposed to heat or cold, exercise, sunlight, spicy foods, alcohol, psychological stress, or during menopause and with the use of steroid/cortisone creams.
These steroid creams include metronidazole, doxycycline, tetracycline, brimonidine, ivermectin, isotretinoin.
Sunscreen is recommended, though we should all be using sunblock for our skin, irrespectively.
Often patients endure dermabrasion or laser surgery.’

When I have seen someone with Rosacea, it looks extremely irritated, dry, and aggravated. Those from far who have contacted me have said this condition makes them feel like others are staring at them, or that it’s very hot and irritating, that the medicated products are not working, and extremely depressing, where the woman didn’t want to leave her home anymore.

I just want to encourage you that you are not alone. There have been others that suffered the same condition and have been able to find a solution.

Part of it is being aware of what your body is telling you to avoid.
More and more people are unable to eat the kinds of foods they ate in their younger years, whether it be simple things like Pepper, Chillies, and spices.

A few tips:
• Don’t be afraid to control or give up certain foods whilst your body re-balances itself.
• Try to find alternatives to the things you loved having.
• Make sure you maintain a skincare routine that is as natural as possible. Often the products available are either suppress the conditions, or they are too harsh as they strip the necessary natural oils from our skin’s reserves. When this happens, your body will make more oils to replenish what has been lost, creating an ongoing cycle. We remove the oils, the body makes it again, we remove them and so on.
• Make sure you also drink plenty of water throughout the day.
• Be realistic about the results you are looking for. Normally I ask how long someone has had the condition – and for every year, you should give the skin 1 month to repair and re-balance.
Whilst the results often happen quickly, the time taken to repair years of damage is usually much longer. The reality is that if you have had a long-term skin condition, it will need time to repair, recover and to give you that glow back

If you are suffering with Rosacea and would like personal assistance, please book a Consult Therapist session.

Gallery:  Before & After testimonials from clients;  Vitamin Rich Face Balms to help with Acne/Rosacea; Cleansing products. 

I would always recommend cleansing your skin at night time, to ensure that the healing process commences. You can choose between the Cypress Cleansing Balm which is made with Beeswax, Butters and Essential Oils, or the Sunflower Cleanser which is oil-based and contains Lemon & Ylang Ylang essential oils.

The other products made for Rosacea with Acne are Vitamin Rich Mens Face Balm and Vitamin Rich Womens Face Balm. Don’t let yourself endure more anguish with your skin due to irritation or damage. If it’s just Acne that needs treating, Evanesce Balm with Magic Serum for those stubborn areas. For others who only have Rosacea, Nourishing Face Balm with the Frankincense Face Serum has been effective. Check out the variety of Help Skin Assistance products available on the webpage.

The best part is when someone writes me back with photos to say that their skin has changed drastically. You can read more about these on ‘Feedback, Reviews & Testimonials’.
These are Your words expressing how you feel about Your skin and the products you have been using.I really love these stories and testimonials and I can only say ‘Thank you for sharing these with us’!!
If you wish to be included on the Testimonial page, please send me a picture of yourself, preferably without makeup, and a blurb about your version of happy.


  • Has Rosacea made you feel like this?
  • What kinds of products have you used to help combat it?
  • Was yours related to the foods you ate or just a change in your body’s cycle?
  • Did it make you feel embarrassed and worried about what people would say about you?
  • Did you also suffer from Acne on the area that was irritated?
  • Have you tried the Dermabrasion or laser therapies?

You can send me a private message if you don’t want to answer on this blog.

My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine. I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com
should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body.

Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.  We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x

Treat Cystic Acne in your 30’s

Au Zurich

Treat Cystic Acne
in your 30’s

To get your skin feeling fabulous
with that all-natural glow.


You can remember your teens like it was yesterday – going through your body’s changes, hormones, studying, having that crush on that cutest boy/girl at school. Some of us had those awkward braces to wear for straightening our teeth. Does that ring a bell? Probably the worst part about our teens is the acne breakouts. Just when you think it’s all sorted, another one rears its ugly head and screams at you when you get up … ‘ GOOD MORNING I AM A NEW ZIT & I AM HERE RIGHT ON YOUR FOREHEAD, NOSE, AND CHIN FOR EVERYONE TO SEE’ … Oh-M-Gee, Totally Cringeworthy.

How did you feel during those times? Embarrassed, self-conscious, frustrated, worried about what people were going to think of you? What was the first thing you would do? Ok, 3rd thing, because the first thing was probably want to crawl back into bed and hide, the 2nd thing you wanted to do was POP IT and so the 3rd thing you wanted to do was cover it up.

But what if you’re a boy or as we say in Australia, a young fella, bloke? You can’t put on foundation or cover-up without being laughed at… or can you? Some kids were ‘lucky’ when the didn’t get so many on their faces, but they had them on their shoulders and back. During the wintertime when no-one sees them, it’s no big deal, but when the summer arrives, that hidden factor suddenly comes to the surface for everyone to see.

My parents grew up in Sicily, Italy, and were eating a lot of whole foods from the land, which was not processed or spoilt by Commercial pesticides. When we were teenagers, the association with the foods we were eating with allergies and skin problems were not linked.It’s ironic because our parents had such great skin with a natural, healthy glow about them, whilst the generation after us were showing a different story. Many were overweight and their skin was showing more spots, acne or other problems.

Whilst I write this, I want you to understand that I was one of those teens – overweight, spots, eating secretly when no-one was watching and trying to overcome not only issues like Acne but Eczema as well.

Today I have noticed that this ‘teen cycle’ is happening again for those in their ’20s, ’30s and often in the ’40s. I’m sure if you hated it then, you will be feeling even more frustrated and self-conscious as an adult with kids looking like a teenager, right?
But why is it happening? There are a number of reasons why:

The foods we eat – Sometimes what we are eating no longer agrees with our internal gut system. It’s become sluggish and is working like an old car that needs to have its oil changed.
Our bodies are changing – There’s no date for when this should start to happen to us, but it will at some stage begin.
Stress – This can be the biggest killer. Stress can mess up our minds, our relationships, our work environment and ultimately our bodies.
Skincare routine – Often we use products that are too harsh as they strip the necessary natural oils from our skin’s reserves. In doing so, the skin’s oils are taken away, causing the body to reproduce more oil to replenish what’s missing.This tends to create a vicious cycle: the body replenishes the oils – we are told to remove the excess – the body reproduces the oils – we remove them again – etc.
Hydration – Are you drinking 2 litres of water a day to keep your body replenished?
Time – Do you have unrealistic expectations and are you wanting everything to go away quickly?

Gallery: My daughter’s Art with Evanesce Balm & Magic Serum, Happy Customers Andrea & Helen, Andrea’s Products, Cool Eyes.

How to help and manage these:

Maintaining a well-balanced diet where there is a lot of healthy varieties & colours is a great way to keep your body functioning at all levels. This is particularly important if you are suffering from other ailments like Allergies and Intolerances, Hashimotos, Diabetes & even more serious conditions like Cancer. Whilst some of you can still have your indulgent ‘cheat days’, try to ensure it’s not every day.

Being aware of our body changes and what is happening from the beginning will help with the next phase of life. Whether our changes are monthly related, hormonal or the commencement of the pre-menopausal stage, our bodies will begin to adjust.
Seeking out others who have already been on that route is also a great idea – why suffer when learning from someone else’s journey can save you the hassle?

Try to de-stress and unwind to allow our minds to calm down, giving our bodies a chance to rebalance. Some love to do Yoga, Pilates, spa treatments, massage, running, hiking or just getting some rest. Whatever activity you choose to do, keep a journal nearby where you can write what’s bothering you as part of the de-stress process. </p/>

The right skincare routine is also necessary, and when you find what works for you, stick to it. Unless your body and skin tell you it’s time for a change. Start with a gentle cleansing routine, removing your makeup, washing your face and neck. Then apply a concentrated serum if you have one, or a gentle face balm to help replenish your skin. Your skin should feel soft, especially the next morning when you run the ‘back of your hand’ over your face. I still love doing this today!!!

Please keep in mind that if you have had skin problems for a longer period of time, the overnight factor will need a longer period of time to see the results.

Water is the source of life – The reality is that water is a daily necessity, as it helps our bodies get rid of toxins, helps replenish our cells, as well as keep us hydrated from within.
Remember, whilst your skincare keeps your skin moisturised, the water intake from within keeps it hydrated.

Turn back time – We all want the fairy godmother to wave her wand and make all our problems go away overnight. I know what that feels like first hand, waking up every morning to inspect how good or bad my skin looked. The reality is that if you have had a long-term skin condition, it will need time to repair, recover, and to give you that glow back.

Some of you are still shocked when I explain what my skin used to look like as a teenager, covered from face to thighs in weeping and bleeding Eczema. I have no photos of that time in my life, where I saw myself as hideous, so I kept myself indoors for 2 months, away from life.To get well, I had to do things the hard way, seeking help to get my life back on track.

I had to eliminate so many foods and drinks from my diet, to clear my body of years of toxins, caused by medicine, antibiotics, and foods.
All I wanted to be a whole lot of ‘normal’.
It didn’t happen overnight, but with persistence, patience, encouragement, goodwill, strength, a positive attitude together with love and support, I got through to the other side. This is what I always try to reassure you with – it will happen, though be kind to yourself with diligence and managing your expectations.

Should you want help to get the long term results you want, Book a Consult Therapist and also check out the variety of Help Skin Assistance products we offer.

What I have loved the most about sharing on the blogs and helping others with their skincare routines is the ‘Feedback, Reviews & Testimonials.These are Your words expressing how you feel about Your skin and the products you have been using. These Testimonials are helping others feel encouraged as they read about your experiences and giving them the hope they need to try it out too. For that I can only say ‘Thank you for sharing’. Some of you have been featured at the beginning of the Testimonials page, which is awesome. If you wish to be included, please send me a picture of yourself, preferably without makeup, and a blurb about your version of happiness.

I have also been going to various locations to meet you in person. This has been a wonderful way of connecting and talking about how to find solutions. I recently went to Thalwil (Canton Zurich), Basel, and this week I will be in Zug. You can order your products beforehand, and I will personally deliver them to you at Meetup Location. Try to come along even if it’s for a short stop to say hello.

We have also commenced a Photo Gallery of where Essentially Lili Products have been. As a family, we took a few road trips with my display jars to take pictures around Switzerland.
I have finally set up the Photo Gallery for fun on the webpage. I would love for you to take pics of yourself with an iconic feature where you live with your products and send these to me so that these can be added to the Photo Gallery. We’d love to add other global locations to the gallery too. Thank you in advance for being part of this journey.


  • What kinds of issues are you looking to resolve?
  • What have you found worked the best for you?
  • What is your favourite combination of products?
  • I look forward to hearing your stories so that we can add it to the list for improving.  Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

    You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered.

    Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili