Tag Archives: Awesome Women

Women Can Rock Working Together

Women Can Work Together

Women Can Rock
Working Together

Women can rock working together
especially when they’re supporting, helping,
networking & sharing expertise.



This month in Zurich, I have had the privilege of connecting with amazing groups of Women. Some of these Mums are trying their hand at being Entrepreneurs, working from home around their kids. Others are juggling between part time jobs and their business. I love supporting these start-up businesses, investing in them, promoting their pages, as I believe in sharing the love with others. It is much better to encourage and support a small business. A shout out to You – SunStyleFiles for your Blog after using Essentially Lili Products; Trees & Sun for your Handmade work; Spiritedchild for your Beeswax Wraps; Jo’s English Playgroup for promoting the products and more.

With another Awesome Mum’s Group, we have talked about what we are passionate about and what we need to get to the next level, offering what we are good at for helping the others reach their own business goals. It’s a lovely change from those types of women who have nothing better to do than to pull down, gossip about, isolate or bully those that don’t fit their mold. To those I say, ‘At least have the courage to step outside of your own comfort zone before throwing criticism at someone who has the guts to try!’

I am always pleasantly surprised when someone reaches out to help another. Introducing you to someone who is in a higher position, who is well-connected, might be an influencer, a shop-owner or even a CEO. I love saying, ‘You never know where the doors for your opportunities are, so keep knocking until the right ones open.’To those of you here who have been encouraging networkers, connecters and have assisted the opportunities to come, I send you many thanks for being the kind of person you are.This place needs more people like You!

Getting three diverse women together for the Beauty Day Event was one that seemed relatively easy enough. The owner of Lotus Natural Spa offered her premises in Wadenswil and asked Fingers & Toes and myself at Essentially Lili to join forces. How hard could it be, right?

A little bit of joint advertising, asking customers to come along for the Event to be pampered on a lovely Saturday afternoon, the bookings began to come through. In no time, the appointment slots were filled!The fun task of getting prepared for the event with products, Prosecco & nibbles and offers.

The Day of the Event, we set up quickly at Lotus Natural Spa. We gave each other space to work, to meet & greet customers, to chat privately, to have their pampering sessions down. It was lovely seeing women arrive, introduce themselves and feel confident enough to come and speak about their skincare concerns. There’s nothing nicer than wearing the colour red as a sign of Confidence & Well-Being, when I once loathed it on my irritated skin.

Sometimes all we need is to speak with someone who has already been on that hard journey; who has endured & persisted; has had high and low moments; who can empathise, sympathise and encourage you along your path. That is why I offer the Consultation sessions: to help speed along this process of what’s been tried, tested and what works if you’re willing to persevere.

Gallery: Beauty Event, Working with Trees & Sun, Women in Business, Products Ready to Try.

You can also request to join the various groups I have set up: Essentially Lili  Q&A: Taking Care of Your Skin and Essentially Lili Nutrition & Well Being. Here you can ask your questions, participate in discussions and seek / share resolutions.  I share not only what I have studied with the school in London about Nutrition and the Body, but what the other experts write too.You can also check out the previous Blogs regarding the Products, Essential Oils, their Benefits, Managing Stress, Raiding Your Fridge and some funny ones too.

Women Working Together – Coming soon:
• Another group of Awesome Women’s will be getting together, putting our knowledge, experience and love into workshops.  More details will be available shortly.
• Essentially Lili will be going on the Road again at a location near you, or at Hosted house parties.
• Please let me know if you would be interested in attending the Awesome Women’s Workshops & the Hosted House parties in the coming months.  An Event will be created for you to join in.

We have had some amazing Before & After results using the All-Natural Skincare products, which have been shared on the Reviews & Testimonials. Get yourself featured on the Happy Customers at the top of our webpage Testimonials. If you wish to be included, please send me a recent picture of yourself without makeup with your testimonial.

You can also refer to the previous Blog: Understanding Your Body for the signs before they manifest in your body, as they will need a longer time period to resolve.

Should you want help to get the long term results you want, Book a Consult Therapist and check out the variety of products available in Shop Categories.


  • Do you like to support local homegrown business?
  • Do you know an awesome group of women that work well together?
  • What kind of Events would you like to see in the future?
  • Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.comYou can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered.

    Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili