Tag Archives: Irritability

Changing Seasons

Roses of Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons

A versatile blend aiding symptoms of Menopause
include Sugar cravings, losing hair, hot sweaty flushes,
headaches, fatigue, gaining weight & irritability.


How many of you watched the Movie ‘Sex In the City’ when Samantha was showing us this phase of a woman’s life?We may have laughed as she portrayed what it’s like in the film. But the reality for many women is often quite stressful. Symptoms of Menopause include cravings for sugary foods, losing hair, hot flushes, sweats, headaches, fatigue, gaining weight, irritability, and more.

It is a difficult subject to talk about especially when you have not gone through the stages of Menopause yourself. I am sure that my body is changing as I notice my craving for certain foods increases during differing times of the month.But other than that, hot sweats and flushes have been so far kept at bay.

To find out more, I recently joined a Menopause Support Group in the UK, and I have to say, they have been the most amazing group of women. The group’s leader is always providing information, studies, tips on how to deal with the symptoms and changes that women go through.She is also studying in order to help those that are in the group.

When I started making Essentially Lili products, my dear friend asked for help regarding hot sweats and flushes. The good old symptoms of Menopause that only those enduring them would fully understand what it is like. You can imagine the challenge of making something to help with the symptoms, despite not having them myself. We agreed on the name Changing Seasons for the product, as it marked the next phase of a woman’s amazing journey in life. I took some time out, researching what could be a decent blend to help combat her symptoms.

I sent a sample of the blend abroad and waited for feedback like I had been doing with all my other first batches. It’s only with the feedback I can actually amend and improve the blends. But I found it strange that I hadn’t heard anything for some time.

Eventually I sent her a note – ‘Are you ok? Can you please let me know what happened with the Changing Seasons blend?’ Quote from our Testimonials Page:


Dear Lili. The Changing Seasons for menopause is fab. Haven’t had a flush or sweat thing all day. First time in many months. And the funny thing is I’ve been having a cough for almost 2 years. With doctor’s check, blood samples, x-Rays, scans.They can’t find the reason why. Ya’ know what? I haven’t had one single cough since I inhaled the Changing Seasons Menopause oil.I’m just thrilled with the fantastic start.I usually inhale directly from the sample or the first couple of days from a piece of paper towel. In the evening it’s best for me. I haven’t had any flushes for a week and one day – you are amazing!! We’re gonna keep using it – be sure of that Thank you so much! I.M – Denmark

26-Feb-16 … A few months later, she wrote:
I’m still very happy with Changing Seasons and don’t have flushes. Still use your inhaler every second or third day – amazing… You’ve given me my life back with the serum! I.M – Denmark

Can you imagine my happiness reading this feedback?I was just thrilled to bits for her and for the results of the blend!

The Serum is blended with Jojoba with a combination of Essential oils comprising of Rosemary, Basil, Peppermint and Geranium amongst other Oils. The Jojoba makes the serum safe for application directly onto the skin or for adding it to the bath for the ultimate chillaxing, inhalation experience. The Serum can be applied to feet at night time for penetration to the Acupressure points, onto the tip of the nose for inhalation whilst sleeping or to the wrists whilst out and about.

Changing Seasons is also available as an inhaler, so that you can carry it in your bag for whenever you need to take a breath to fight off the fatigue and headaches.

A few of the Essential Oils contained in the Changing Seasons includes: The Basil (Ocimum Basilicum) helps lack of concentration, fatigue, lethargy. Rosemary (Rosemarinus Officinalis) stimulates the body and boosts the production of red blood cells and blood flow. It helps boost memory, improves the mood, reduces inflammation & relieves pain. Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) helps with hot flushes, sweating and fatigue. The other Essential Oils also work their magic whilst being inhaled.

The other key part for women in this phase of life is Exercise and Diet. However, it does not mean you have to become a Gym Junkie or a Body Builder!

It just means to be active -some of the better exercises to do during Menopause are Strength Training & Cardio, Yoga, Meditation, Dancing, and even the stair master. Nothing too strenuous especially if you are not used to being this active.

Regarding our food, we have to ensure that we get plenty of the right kinds.Balanced diets are key – though finding alternatives to deal with allergies, intolerances and other preferences is often difficult.

The vitamin needed to help prevent osteoporosis is Vitamin D. This vitamin also helps the immune system, the nerves, and muscles. Insufficient vitamin D can cause osteoporosis or rickets which can affect children and lead to other deformities. This vitamin is fat-soluble and helps the body to absorb calcium, which is necessary for bones to grow and remain strong. Bone production and the tissues could be affected if the body does not receive enough calcium, or if the body has problems absorbing it in the diet.

Further studies are suggesting that Vitamin K2 is another key ingredient in maintaining bone health, which may be just as important in assisting the body and preventing bone fractures as we get older. Women in post-menopausal stages are at greater risk of osteoporosis, so a diet that is rich in vitamins with safe sun exposure is a good mix for prevention.

Vitamin D can be sourced in dairy products, cheese, cream, butter, fortified milk, breakfast cereals, margarine, and soy milk as well as in a supplement. However, the best source of Vitamin D is with safe exposure to a touch of sunshine – with the right kinda sunscreen, especially for those Down Under!

Check out the Gallery of Pictures – includes Cool Coloured Roses, Changing Seasons Serum & Inhaler, Peppermint Leaves, Basil & Rosemary.


  • Are you currently going through the early stages of Menopause?
  • Have you found a Women’s Support Group where you are?
  • I shouldn’t say what I will write about in the next blog because I often change my mind!!! But I will share at some point about some other amazing Vegetable Oils Tamanu & Kukui Nut. Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

    You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered. Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili