Tag Archives: essential oils

Essential Oils Can Help With Stress

Essential Oils Help Stress

Essential Oils
can Help With Stress

Essential Oils can help with stress
related symptoms, their amazing
properties have many benefits for our health. 


Today our lives are becoming more stressful as we try to juggle the demands of our homes and work environments. Whether or not we have children added to the mix, if the home & work life is not balanced, the stress levels can overwhelm us.  Whilst we may not notice at the beginning, the effects of stress will start to take its toll on our Holistic being: our body and health, our mind and spirit.

Symptoms of stress can affect us in various ways.Some of us suffer from various kinds of Headaches or Migraines, whilst others could have stress related Digestive issues. Often our sleep is disrupted, making us irritable towards others. No-one wants to become a yukky version of themselves, especially towards our loved ones.Stress can make you feel frustrated, angry and sometimes like you have no control. Stress can cause us to have itchy skin, whilst in some cases, it can develop into more severe disorders like Eczema & Psoriasis.Let’s look into these with a little more detail:

Headache can include Migraine, Tension, Sugar, or Sinus related thumping heads.
Migraine headaches can be worsened when stressed, going through hormonal changes, suffering anxiety, or feeling deprived of sleep.These types of headaches can also make us feel nauseous.
Tension headaches can be caused by stress, bad posture, eating irregularly, withdrawing from caffeine consumption, not sleeping well, straining your eyes from prolonged computer use or watching telly.
Sugar headaches can commence when your blood sugars are too low.
Sinus headaches can commence from the season changes, pollen, congestion, making us feel stuffy. Often the symptoms can be so awful that we cannot breathe, our eyes itch and face can swell from the discomfort.

What I love about Essential Oils is that these concentrated natural blessings have so many amazing properties, and when used correctly, they can bring wonderful results.

Essential oils like Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Chamomile, and Lavender are soothing, uplifting and provide relief for these kinds of Headaches. See more about the benefits of the Essential Oils on our Ingredientspage.As the blended concoction enters our blood stream, the Essential Oils which have anti-viral, antiseptic, sedative and anti-depressant properties can relieve and calm the systems.

Blended with a carrier oil, they can be inhaled with a travel inhaler to help bring instant relief when the symptoms arise. Or they can be massaged to the chest, the temples of your head, back of your neck and tips of your nose for inhalation, or they can be added to a warm, relaxing bath to have a pampering spa session. Just be aware that some Essential Oils are unsuitable for Kids, Expecting, and Nursing Mums.

Gallery: How Essential Oils can help With Stress: Aromasticks, Ylang Ylang, Kids & Adults Breathe Easy, Herbs to Eat & Can Be Found as Essential Oils, Jasmine Flowers.

Our Blissful Minds blend was made considering that kids can get headaches too. It consists of Jasmine, Lavender, Rosemary, Frankincense & Roman Chamomile in Apricot Oil, making this product suitable for kids and Mums as well as for the bath, providing relief all year round before the symptoms become too strong.

For those who are getting headaches, fatigue and hot flushes due to the Menopausal stage of their lives, a stronger blend of Essential Oils called Changing Seasons has been made to assist. The Concentrated Serum can be used in the bath or directly onto the skin at various points, or the Inhaler can be kept in your bag to use when the symptoms arise.

For Stress that affects our digestion, we need to ensure that we watch what we eat.Cut back on those foods that aggravate your system like chilies and spices, as well as foods that are high in sugars which can cause your gut to become sluggish.Drink plenty of water to help flush out your bodies. Marjoram Essential Oil is closely related to Oregano, which is a highly concentrated source that promotes bioactive compounds. It also helps keep your heart healthy.Other Essential Oils that can assist with a sluggish digestive system are Coriander, Ginger, Nutmeg and Tarragon. Blended with a Carrier oil, these can be applied to the tummy area to bring relief. Though eating fresh in a soup would not only be a delicious alternative, but it would bring quick relief to your digestion.

Note: Only a Clinical Aromatherapist should be able to instruct ingesting Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. Please seek a professional’s assistance if you choose to ingest Essential Oils.

Stress affecting our sleep keeps our minds ticking all night, stopping us from getting the rest we need. Insomnia is when we find it hard to fall asleep, or we lay awake for too long. If this happens 3 nights per week, for 3 months or more, it would be considered as chronic.Whilst sleeping pills can be considered for a short-term solution, they can have other side effects over a longer period including feelings of drowsiness.Alternatively, natural sleep aids with little or no side effects would be better in the long run. Some of the symptoms for sleep deprivation include: • Finding it difficult to fall asleep when you lie down;
• Being unable to stay asleep throughout the night;
• Waking up too early and having trouble going back to sleep;
• Feeling low in energy, tired or fatigued when you wake up;
• Not feeling like you have had any rest when you get up;
• Feeling irritable, aggressive or moody throughout the day;
• Finding it hard to concentrate at work/school;
• Your work/school relationships can become affected by feeling cranky and overtired.

Essential Oils blended in a carrier oil can be used in the home with diffusers or Aromasticks to assist in making the mood more pleasant at home. Blending Lavender, Bergamot, Mandarin, Ylang Ylang are amongst those Essential Oils which can help your sleeping patterns with time.  Using these in an Inhaler to reduce the Anxiety levelscan also bring calmness to the mind when you are on the go.

For more information about the Congestion & Sinuses products, we make Concentrated Serums which parents have been using in the bath to help their little ones with congestion and coughs. The carrier oil makes the products safe to use in the bath, which are Kids Breathe Easy Concentrate and Adults Breathe Easy Concentrate is the stronger blend with Peppermint & Vetiver. This has helped my husband snore less at night time when I have been able to place the concentrated serum on the tip of his nose which equals Happy Wife!

The Pick Me Up (Adults & Kids) Anxiety Inhalers will be available on the webpage soon. The blend will help calm the nerves when feeling overwhelmed, anxious and stressed out.

Lastly on the list is when Stress affects our skin. Our hormones can become imbalanced as the blood flow to our skin, hair, teeth and throughout the body can be somewhat hindered. A common reaction to stress is Eczema, Acne, Hives, Psoriasis, Rosacea, gum disease and hair loss. Being aware of when our body is not reacting well is key to getting back in control.  A lot of times, controlling the foods we eat can affect our body’s recovery process.

Essentials blended with Butters and Vegetable Oils that are rich in Vitamins and healing properties are a wonderful way to bring relief and restoration to skin that has been affected by stress.In our Skin Assistance category, we have a range of products suitable for Kids to Adults for Eczema, Dry Skin, Rosacea, Psoriasis (including the scalp). We have had some amazing Before & After results using the All-Natural Skincare products, which have been shared on the Reviews & Testimonials’. Some of our Happy Customers have been featured at the beginning of the Testimonials page, which is awesome. If you wish to be included, please send me a recent picture of yourself without makeup with your testimonial.

You can also refer to the previous Blog: Understanding Your Body for the signs before they manifest in your body, as they will need a longer time period to resolve.

Note: I will be working on making a Blend this year to aid digestion as well as a balm to help with menstrual pains.Let me know if these kinds of products would interest you.

Should you want help to get the long term results you want, Book a Consult Therapist and check out the variety of Products online.


  • How has Stress affected you?
  • What signs does your body give when you are coming down with symptoms of stress?
  • What do you do to help overcome it?
  • Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com. You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered.

    Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili


Fusion of Essential Oils

Fusion of Essential Oils

Fusion of Essential Oils

That uplifted & take you
on a sensory journey to another location!

I love to experiment with the Essential Oils I have, but don’t use enough.We often hear a lot about ingredients like Lavender and Frankincense, but not necessarily others like Lemongrass or Jasmine.

Whilst making my customer’s products, I decided to make myself something new using Grapefruit White, Lemongrass and Jasmine.The Vegetable Oils selected also keep the skin hydrated, are rich in Vitamins and help conditions like varicose veins. I called it Jazz Body Butter but this could change depending on the vote from my customers.

Mine and my husband’s instant reaction was that it has an Asian fusion that smelt a lot like yummy Thai food.   He was worried about this new product being the replacement of his other favourite Mint Body Butter.  He loves how it smells like Aero Bar and using the product feels like smothering yourself in chocolate.The best part of using these body butter is that it melts onto the skin as soon as it’s in contact with your skin.

The benefits of using the Body Butters is that they contain Vegetable Oils that are rich in vitamins
A, B, C, E and Omega 6 Fatty Acids and Lecithin.
Wouldn’t you love to use a body butter that helps your skin repair as well as keep it nourished? The ingredients chosen for the 2 body butters also help with Varicose Veins which is a bonus.

I also decided to change the blend of the Hemp Hands.  It was originally made with Vanilla and Macadamia, which sounds delish like an ice-cream combo. But I wasn’t sure it was the right blend for this product.  What I love is asking my Customers what they think and what they would like to have in their products.  And just like that – out went Vanilla and Macadamia whilst n came Rose, Palmarosa and Rosemary to make the Rosey Hemp Hands products.

For Kids, I made the Natural Baby Moisturising Oil which has a gentle combination including Lavender which can be applied from face to feet. The ingredients are chosen help nourish the skin as also have the antiseptic properties for cuts and rashes they may have to overcome. The other product I have for Newborn babies is the Happy Babies Hydrosol which is made using Aloe Vera and floral Hydrolats. This product helps soothe and calm skin issues like baby rashes which are common during their early years.

Sometimes, all-natural products behave according to the weather: When it’s super cold, they can become hard, solid and difficult to apply; When it’s very hot, they can become soft and often runny. But being resourceful, we just need to think outside the box when trying to apply these!

Clean hands is a must for applying our products!Using your thumbnail to remove the balms is the other suggestion as it’s the best way to apply any of the Essentially Lili all-natural skincare products to your face, hands, feet and body!Your thumbnail allows you to apply throughout the day without needing to carry around a spatula!!

When I’m travelling in the summertime, I have found my products can become super soft from the heat. o if you are travelling by plane, keep your Essentially Lili products with your checked in luggage as it will remain cooler in the hold. I usually keep my sample pots in my carry-on luggage as it’s small enough to reapply during the flight and prevent my skin from dehydrating. When I arrive at the destination, I put my jars and sample pots into the fridge at the hotel/apartment/resort. Not only will the products re-set, but they will be lovely and cool when you need to reapply after being out in the sun all day.

When the weather is too cold, they can become solid and hard.The solution for the kid’s product is to run the bottom of the jar under warm running water to soften the Cocoa Butter and then give it a good shake. Sometimes, the product clogs the inner tube – so I suggest that you remove it, rinse it out, dry it and then re-insert it.

The best thing about all-natural products are that whilst I am making them fresh, they will not be tainted with other chemical or synthetic ingredients. Unlike commercially made products that are made to squeeze out with the same consistency, all-natural products that are untainted do what they should do ‘ naturally’.So when you receive your products, they will hopefully arrive quickly and without being stuck under a heater in the Post-Person’s delivery van which can make them look like a tsunami!

But if they do, just remember you can put your products in the fridge to re-set them!

Gallery: Jazz Body Butter, Jasmine, Peppermint Leaves, Evolution Jazz Body Butter, Rosey Hemp Hands Samples


  • If you had to choose between Peppermint and Lemongrass, which would you prefer?
  • If you had to rename Jazz Body Butter, what would you suggest?
  • Some of the choices were Asian Fusion, Fusion Body Butter, and White Jasmine which is a play on the 3 Essential oils! We would love to hear your suggestions … don’t be shy!

    Should you wish to contact us for more information about our All-Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

    You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered. Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili

Tamanu & Kukui Nut Oil

Tamanu & Kukui Nut Oils

Tamanu & Kukui Nut Oils

Tamanu Oil has a uniquely natural smell & strong colour.
It’s known for its ability to accelerate
the generation of new healthy skin.

Kukui Nut Oil has been used by the Hawaiians
for centuries to protect their skin from the
harsh sun, drying winds & salt waters.


Tamanu Oil (Calophyllum Indophyllum) is an oil that has been used in South East Asia and the Pacific islands for centuries. Powerful in smell and colour, Tamanu was known as their ‘oil of the gods’ as it was used to cure many skin problems. Tamanu oil has a certain lipid called calophyllolide which is not found in other oils.

Tamanu originates from Vanuatu in the South Pacific. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibiotic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It is ideal for those that suffer with Acne, as well as dry, scaly skin conditions, assisting with scars, stretch marks, sunburn and abrasions. For those suffering with toenail fungus, age spots, rashes, dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, you’ll be happy to know that Tamanu Oil is a treat!

It allows accelerated growth and the regeneration of healthy skin cells, which adds benefits to the Over 50s and scalp rejuvenation products. It makes a fabulous ingredient to help repair broken skin. For this reason, I have added this oil to the serums that need to help restore the skin. They include: (currently discontinued) Vitamin Rich Facial Oil, still available Diamond Era Serum and Go Molly.

Kukui Nut (Aleurites moluccans) comes from the Kukui Nut tree, which is often referred to as the candlenut tree. It grows in other parts of Polynesia, though is regarded as the State Tree of Hawaii. Kukui seeds had many purposes for the Hawaiians, though for centuries, it was mainly to protect their skin from harsh sun, drying winds and the salt waters. It is cold pressed in order to retain the highest levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Hawaiians have been using Kukui Nut Oil which is a naturally light oil that has the ability to penetrate the skin quickly. It has also been selected for treating wounds and burns, and makes an excellent choice for massaging, as it offers glide without slipping

Kukui Nut Oil is rich in essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic). A multi-ingredient skin products, Kukui Nut Oil is rich in Vitamins C, D and E is often added to the oil to act as a preservative. For this reason, Kukui Nut Oil has been included in the Sun Kissed Balm to help re-balance discolouration due to being sun kissed by the sun, giving the skin back its essential fatty acids.

In the previous blogs, More Vegetable Oils , I shared about Baobab Oil (Adansonia digitata) which contains Omega 3, 6 & 9 Fatty Acids as well as Antioxidants, Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, Vitamin C, D, E & F, proteins & minerals. The high content of Vitamins A and F are vital for skin rejuvenation and anti-aging and is contained in most of these Essentially Lili products as well.

Together the combinations of Vegetable Oils with Essential Oils have such varied benefits for treating all sorts of conditions, ailments and discomforts. I would love to hear what you have and what you love about the products I made for you and Why of course!

Check out the Gallery of Pictures – includes Baby/Kids/Youth Range of Products, Pox Potion, Essentially Lili Kids, Lili Here To Help You & The Echinacea Flower.


If you could have any product made for you, what would it be?

Should you wish to Contact us for more information about our All Natural Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered. Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili

Essential Oils

essential oils and medical flowers herbs

Essential Oils

What I love about them is
their antiseptic anti-inflammatory
properties can rejuvenates skin cells.


I went to London for 2 weekends of blending which was attended by a group of fabulous women from all walks of life. We spent the first day inhaling, smelling, guessing, imagining and enjoying the natural fragrances of the Essential Oils variety our teacher had brought in. The range of top, middle and base notes from the Essential Oils, the way it made us feel, the smells we liked and those we didn’t enjoy as much.

Some of us left for the evening feeling invigorated, whilst some of us had to lie down from the sore head we got from of inhaling the range of Essential Oils. Ironically, when you read the benefits of Essential Oils, and their therapeutic capabilities, it’s no wonder we were feeling a mix of these emotions and symptoms. It was like an overdose of too many good things at once!

There are so many Essential Oils to choose from. There are those ‘Must Have In Your Cupboards’ like Lavender and Tea Tree Oil, others are nice to haves like Frankincense and Geranium, together with the would really love to have but they are sooooo expensive like Rose Absolute.

Essential Oils have many different properties.They are Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and wound healing. They help stimulate circulation, can help smooth fine lines, rejuvenate cells, can unblock skin cells and promote cell growth. They are refreshing, cooling and help with hot flushes, sweating, headaches and fatigue.

With my Aromatherapy Studies, I compiled a list of my Essential Oils with the benefits they have, as well as who shouldn’t be using particular oils.Not everyone can enjoy the assistance of the Essential Oils due to their age, if they are expecting or nursing, or if they are undergoing treatment for another condition.This is why I ask about allergies, intolerances and conditions before giving products to someone.

In the Newsletter, I wrote about Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) and how it’s regarded as the ‘Go To Essential Oil.’ Best known for originating in Provence, France, blends also come from Bulgaria, Croatia, England as well as other popular places. It has many wonderful properties and suitable for all ages. Lavender is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and with skin healing properties, reduces irritations and assists the healing of wounds. Lavender is also relaxing and can help de-stress the body and mind. It also has antibacterial properties, and diluted with vegetable oil, can be applied directly to the skin. It is gentle enough for youngsters and fabulous for the skin cell regeneration of those with mature skin!

My other favourite is Frankincense (Boswellia Thurifera) which I use in my Frankincense Face Serum for the over 30s. Frankincense comes from the Middle East. It is also antiseptic, astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, has regenerative and skin healing properties.Frankincense helps improve the tone of mature and damaged skin, reducing scars as well as excess oiliness. I use Frankincense in quite a few products due to the variety of benefits it provides, though the Serum is my favourite go to boost for my skin.

Tangerine (Citrus reticulate) comes from Italy and has antiseptic as well as antispasmodic properties. It is great for helping circulation, digestion, relaxes the nerves as well as being sedative, assisting with stomach and digestive and is depurative. A fabulous inclusion for Mums who are expecting and nursing as it assists whilst they take care of their feet with Tango Twinkle Toes!

Geranium Egyptian (Pelargonium graveolens) is another of those Essential Oils that can help with so many conditions. It has antiseptic, astringent and properties for skin healing. It also regulates and balances skin sebum production, particularly if you have oily and combination skin types. It helps with broken capillaries, varicose veins, improves skin elasticity and tightens the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It also helps promote blood circulation and can help balance irritability and emotions.

Geranium Egyptian works well with Carrot Seed (Daucus carota). Carrot Seed has also become a favourite of mine especially to help improve the skin’s tone, capillaries and the rejuvenation process.

Both of these Essential Oils can be found in Essentially Lili Products: Men’s Aftershave Serum, Hydrating Face Balm, theVitamin Rich Mens Face Balm and Vitamin Rich Womens Face Balm, Diamond Era Balm, Sun Kissed Balm and Changing Seasons for Menopause.

Geranium is key ingredient for Geranium Hands & Body Butter. Carrot Seed is found in Oasis Balm (for Psoriasis), Renew Balm (for Eczema), Diamond Era Serum (for Over 50s mature skin) and Sun Kissed Serum (for Sunspots).

The amazing aspect of Essential Oils is if they are treated with respect, stored away from direct sunlight and not ingested without the assistance of a Clinical Aromatherapist, they can have so many wonderful benefits for everyday living. Used with a Carrier or Vegetable Oil will prevent the strength of the Essential oils burning or irritating the skin.I will blog my favourite Vegetable Carrier oils next time.

Check out the Gallery of Pictures – includes Lavandula Angustifolia, Frankincense Face Serum, Tangerines, Carrots, Essentially Lili Range – Made With Love.


What are your favourite Essential Oils and why?
Do you know where they come from?
If you could have a magic potion made for you, what would it be for and what would you like it to include?I would love to hear your ideas!

Should you wish to Contact us for more information about our All Natural Skincare Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered.

Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili