History & Genesis of these techniques:
History & Genesis of Face Mapping techniques, as used by the ancient Chinese & Ayurvedic medicine helps determine one’s health based on acne patterns.
This practise is over 3,000 years old and is otherwise known as ‘face reading or mien shiang’ which is based on the flow of energy along specific meridians throughout the body.Disturbances to this flow of energy affects the ‘Qi’, which then manifests on the face with breakouts, redness, spots, or other issues.
Face Mapping technique observes the person’s complexion, whether there is colour, dullness, breakouts, as well as checking the expression and the health of their tongue.With Ayurvedic methods focuses on the person’s body type (Dosha) whilst Chinese medicine involves manipulating the body’s meridians.When the main organs are not functioning properly, it can affect the overall health of the body.For example, increased redness, inflammation and breakouts could be the result of poor liver health and a build-up of toxins in the liver.Other digestive organs that could cause problems include the spleen, intestines, kidneys and stomach.Skin health is also subjected to diet, lack of sleep, use of medications, emotional anguish combined with high stress levels.
This process is similar to Reflexology.In the 1930’s, Eunice Ingham, a physiotherapist for Dr. Joseph Shelby Riley, became an advocate for Zone Therapy which she studied and used on her patients.She found that the feet responded well to the therapy due to their extreme sensitivity.Applying pressure to varying trigger points which corresponded to an area to the feet, her patients were able to feel less pain.This Body Mapping onto the feet became the Genesis of Reflexology.
In the early 20th Century, publishing about Zone Therapy was done by Dr. William Fitzgerald, who showed how applying pressure to certain parts corresponded to other parts of the body.Dr. Edwin Bowers, his colleague, validated this theory using dramatic demonstrations. Whilst administering pressure to the area in the hands, a sticking pin was entered onto the face, corresponding to the area being treated, without causing pain.This ‘Acupuncture’ process is closely linked to Reflexology and Face Mapping, where it assists relieving the flow of energy throughout the body.Executing pressure to the trigger points related to the various organs in the body allow for the meridians to be released.
What’s fabulous about Reflexology is an alternative therapy is that it can bring relief to so many areas, when performed correctly.
• It can help unblock tensions built up in the muscles and organs, releasing deposits, knots and other hindrances;
• It can assist the whole body’s natural flow and progression, from digestion to increased blood flow, allowing for nutrients to be circulated and carried throughout the system; and
• It can work as a natural pain killer by releasing endorphins.
Images: Face Mapping used by Traditional Chinese Medicine & Reflexology Foot Map.

Modern Uses of Face Mapping Techniques:
Today it is generally used for helping with problems like Acne, because the flare ups tend to happen in the same locations like the chin and forehead. It can also be used to treat puffiness, lines, wrinkles, redness and rashes caused by food allergies. The face is zoned out, just like the feet in Reflexology, to help indicate what could be the underlying problems for the skin:
• A stressed or poor functioning liver or imbalanced kidneys, stomach, bladder or spleen can result in breakouts, lines or wrinkles between your eyes and eyebrows, or the nose area;
• Breakouts on the forehead could be related to how the small intestine and bladder functions, in conjunction with poor digestion, stress levels and lack of sleep;
• Acne around the mouth, jaw or on the chin could be related to the stomach, large intestine and colon, as well the reproductive system being imbalanced;
• The whole digestive system, spleen and kidneys not working efficiently, or building up toxins could result in acne appearing below the lips and on the lower chin;
• Gut related problems or inflammation of the small intestines could result in breakouts near the nostrils;
• Spots or pimples around the cheekbones could be the result of immune issues, allergies, respiratory concerns or smoking;
• These could also be due to hormonal issues, stress and the reactions to our immune system.
The condition of your face and skin can determine whether or not you’re consuming plenty of vegetables, are prone to high blood pressure, drink too much coffee, don’t sleep enough or lack the vitamins required for your body to function healthily. Treating the root causes can ultimately assist with achieving an acne free life, irrespective of your age.
Science, however believes that the ancient methods are not as useful or exact for everyone.Looking closely to the skin, asking about lifestyle and the environment you work and live in will determine a better understanding for resolving issues:
• Our lifestyles are more demanding and stressful, impacting our facial skin and its appearance;
• Changes in the ingredients and how our foods are made, together with high levels of processing;
• Our gut health could require re-balancing with probiotic bacteria to help eliminate the toxins clogged in the intestines;
• Imbalanced or increased production of androgenic hormones, like testosterone, can over create excess secretion of sebum, which can drastically affect how our body reacts;
• The accumulation of sebum and bacteria inside the pores can become infected or inflamed, causing clogged skin cells, pimples or cystic acne;
• Dead skin cells can also cause blockages, creating whiteheads, blackheads and varying kinds of acne;
• Poor hygiene, sweating or not cleaning excess oils gently can affect our skin;
• Immune or allergic reactions to modern skincare, makeup and hair products can create irritations to our skin;
• We tend to sleep less or have poor sleep habits;
• Family history and genetics can determine the time process for new skin development and likelihood of acne breakouts;
• For some, the environment they are exposed to can cause the pores to become blocked and prone to acne breakouts;
• Exposure to the sun can irritate the skin for some; and
• Other health issues like diabetes and poor circulation can also have adverse effects on the skin.
Some of the above mentioned factors will have nothing to do with the results of Face Mapping and the condition of one’s internal organs.It does give an overall guide for where to begin the process for well-being, a way to promote natural health products which may not necessarily address the actual cause for the acne breakouts.
Youth Face Balm, Evanesce Balm, Magic Serum, Cleansing, Nourishing Face Balm, Frankincense Face Serum, Vitamin Rich Products & Cool Eyes.
“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes”. Quote By Sophia Loren.
In all things, common sense should be applied first and foremost. Start with the basics:
• Cleanse your face with gentle products at night time, to remove environmental pollutants from your skin;
• Remember that these can cause a build-up of dirt, accumulation of sebum which could become infected;
• Protect your skin from the sun during the day with a decent sunblock;
• If you have any skin infections, treat these with products that will soothe and balance the skin;
• To prevent transferring bacteria to other parts of your face and body, try not to touch your face and skin throughout the day, unless your hands are clean;
• Look more closely at lifestyle and diet, making changes where necessary, especially if you notice reactions or allergies to foods, drinks and other commercial products;
• Eating a more balanced healthier diet should assist in achieving the results you want;
• However, if the symptoms carry on despite good hygiene and healthy eating, it would be worth seeking the assistance of a consultant specialising in Face Mapping.
In conclusion, whilst the concept of Face Mapping has been used for a long time by the Chinese and Ayurvedic practitioners, the results may not necessarily be as black and white as believed.
A combination of poor organ functionality with lifestyle stresses, environmental and diet related issues could also be the culprits to the lack of healthy glow of your skin.Be sure to look at your overall health in a holistic way. Try to deal with stressful situations and lifestyle concerns which will ultimately make you feel better in the longer term.Take care of your skin, consume the right kinds of foods and drink water to help flush the toxins from your digestive tract.
If you are seeking Product to help resolve Acne concerns:
• I would recommend cleansing your skin only at night time, to remove pollutants and environmental build-ups in your skin.This allows the pores to be cleared and impurities removed.New skin cells are generated whilst we sleep, so cleansing in the mornings will remove these, which we don’t want to do. Cypress Cleansing Balm which is made with Beeswax, Butters and Essential Oils or the Oil based Sunflower Cleanser.
• The Frankincense Face Serum is gorgeous on the skin, and has Ylang Ylang to help combat the occasional breakout;
• However, the Magic Serum helps treat more problematic Acne prone skin;
• For Acne/Rosacea prone skin, we have Vitamin Rich Mens Face Balm and Vitamin Rich Womens Face Balm if your skin needs more tender loving care due to irritation or damage;
• For treating Acne alone, Evanesce Balm;
• For Youths who only have Acne breakouts, Youth Face Balm;
• For hydration, there are a few varying products: For men over 30, there’s the Hydrating Face Balm;
• For women over 30, there’s Nourishing Face Balm; and
• For women over 50, Diamond Era Balm.
There will be something for everyone who wants to help deal with how their skin looks and feels.
- What are your thoughts about Face Mapping?
- Did you have a Reflexology session for specific problems, and what was the outcome?
- If you had acne problems, what kind of products did you use to resolve it?
My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.
My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance. At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients. See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.
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See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.
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