Category Archives: Travels

Makeup ingredients since Ancient times

The Ladies in Blue Knossos Palace

Makeup ingredients
since Ancient times.

From Prehistoric Minoans, Ancient Greek,
Egyptians, Roman to Queen Elizabeth I,
what have they been applying on their skin?

The fresco are the Ladies in Blue from Knossos Palace, Crete.


Whenever we travel, we always incorporate some historical locations as we believe this is a great educational lesson for our children. We can better understand the people, and just how advanced the previous generations were. In Santorini, we stopped by Akrotiri, the prehistoric home of the ancient Minoans from over 4000 BC, which was well before Pompeii was founded.Situated on the southern part of the island, near Red Beach, what started as a fishing & farming village soon became a prosperous trade destination between the Middle East and Europe.The findings from this Neolithic period are astounding. The Minoan people lived in two and three-storey houses, which had underfloor heating, hot and cold running water, balconies, ventilation and proper toilets.

It’s believed that Santorini, previously known as Strongili, meaning Round in Greek fell victim to the 1500 BC volcanic eruption. This caused giant waves to reach Crete which was located some 70 Nautical miles away, destroying the Minoan civilisation. The central part of Strongili sank into the sea, known as the Caldera, whilst subsequent earthquakes destroyed a big part of what was left of the island.What happened to Strongili has been closely associated with the legend of Atlantis. Strongili was also referred to as Ancient Thera, but under Venetian rule, the name give to the island was Santa Irini, from which the name Santorini developed.

The Minoans were also living in Crete, and traces of their civilisation were found at other various locations like Knossos Palace, Malia and Gournia, whilst discoveries including jewellery, frescoes, weapons and funeral coffins can be found at the Museums of Heraklion. At Knossos Palace we were able to see copies of the frescoes that were saved.It fascinates me how artists depicted the beauty of the people of the time.My favourite painting was the Prince of Lillies below.

Gallery of Pictures taken at Knossos Palace, Prince of Lillies Fresco Crete, Akrotiri & Red Beach Santorini Greece.

This brings me to the next part about history.

When looking at the beautiful artwork of these ancient times, it interests me what the artist is trying to capture with the final outcome. The subjects whether male or female is usually extremely handsome or beautiful, with striking features which stand out whilst others are often angelic and innocent in their appearance. In ancient times, the artist had full control of what the final painting would look like.However, what happened if the subject wasn’t happy with the result?Would the artist simply start again or amend the work?Would the artist remove facial and body ‘faults, blemishes or imperfections’ to please the person being portrayed?

Let’s look back at what the Ancient Greeks were doing in their time. Make-up was expensive so it was a luxury for the rich.Their idea of prestige and beauty was having pale porcelain skin tone, with long curly golden hair.If their skin was pale, it meant they were wealthy, as they didn’t have to work in the fields to support themselves.The women used to paint their faces with a toxic white lead that ultimately shortened their glamorous rich lives.If this wasn’t in stock, they used chalk, though this wore off quickly.The paint required a soft and even base underneath, so the women would apply creams made with honey all over their faces to keep it hydrated, adding some olive oil if they wanted to have that extra special glow. The hype around make-up was to appear natural, though it was often achieved using toxic unnatural substances. For their lips and eye-shadows, they used rich colours from red iron oxide, earth-based pigments or ochre clays, olive oil and beeswax, mixed with ground charcoal. The dark powder was also used to connect their eyebrows, creating the Unibrow for both Ancient Greek men and women! From the three Graces (Charities) called Beauty, Charm & Grace, to Aphrodite and Helen of Troy, they are some of these Greek Goddesses & strong women featured on this list: Goddesses Of Greece.

What about Cleopatra and the Ancient Egyptians? In general, men and women alike loved using cosmetics for vanity, religious rituals and after-life as well as to protect them against the desert’s sun and bites from insects, regardless of status and wealth.The eye shadow, made from dark pigment, was painted around the eyes to beautify but also to safeguard their skin from the sun’s burning heat beating down on the desert sands.Often seen in pictures of the ancient Egyptians was the bright green thick paste which came from the mineral stone, Malachite Greek: malachites lithos, ‘the mallow-green stone’. This green colour wadj has been linked to death, the power of resurrection, combined with fertility and new life.For them, there was a ‘Field of Malachite’ after death, an eternal paradise of life without pain or suffering, though in the present world, the colour petitioned the protection and healing of Horus, the god of the Sky and Sun.

In the 1BC, Queen Cleopatra had an array of rainbow-coloured cosmetics made from plants, minerals and rocks from the area.She applied the bright green malachite paste on her lower eyelids to make them appear larger, whilst the deep blue eye-shadow and golden flecks from ground lapis lazuli stone were used on the upper eyelids.A concoction of black kohl, animal fat and powdered lead sulphide was used to lengthen her lashes and enhance her eyebrows.Using red iron oxide & earth-based pigments or ochre clays as rouge on her cheeks and lipstick.The Egyptian privet tree was the source for the reddish-brown dye called Henna, which was used to create gorgeous designs on her palms, as well as for painting the nails.

Impurity was associated with an unclean and stinking body, so for hygiene, the ancient Egyptians ensured they were well-groomed and cleaned, frequently washing with soaps consisting of scented oils combined with clay or ash. Due to the harsh weather conditions that the Egyptians were subjected to, their skin was often left dried out, cracked open and burnt. This made moisturising the skin a necessity, even for the workers, who received their body oils or honey as part of their wage allowances. To read more about the Female Rulers of Egypt.

Ancient Romans used makeup initially for rituals, but as time passed, applying cosmetics became a natural part of a woman’s life. The wealthy imported cosmetics from Germany and China, whilst those who couldn’t afford these bought cheaper brands, which needed to be reapplied throughout the day. Prosperous women had female slaves called Cosmetae who not only made the lotions, creams and cosmetics but applied the makeup for them as well. The ancient Romans, who had a naturally darker complexion, also wanted to have light coloured skin, so many applied toxic white lead, marl or chalk powder to make it fairer. To enhance the large eyes and long lashes, they put Kohl on sticks made from either glass, ivory, wood or bone which had been dipped in water or oil. The Kohl was incorporated with saffron, soot, ashes or toxic antimony. Date stones and charred petal roses was also used to darken their eyes. For eyeshadow, they used the green mineral malachite like the Egyptians, with blue azurite.

Other ingredients used by the ancient Romans included poppy and rose petals, or red ochre clays imported from Belgium, poisonous red lead, red chalk, alkanet, mulberry juice, wine dregs, Tyrian vermillion or crocodile dung, a well as sheep’s fat and blood for their nails…. Eeewwww! To deal with wrinkles, sun spots, freckles, acne and flaking skin, they made creams and lotions. Some of the ingredients include barley, lupine, honey, lentils, fennel mixed with oils, oregano seeds, vinegar, goose grease, basil juice, hawthorn and sulphur, often adding rose essence or myrrh. For more information about this list of Interesting Women of Ancient Rome

Gallery: Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, Helen Of Troy & Queen of England, Elizabeth I, Santorini Greece.

If you have never seen Horrible Histories you have to watch this British show which is not only hilarious but a fun way for kids to learn something about the Kings, Queens and history of the world.In no time, they’ll be singing songs about the ‘Terrible Tudors, the Kings of England and William Wallace, Scottish Rebel’. During these episodes, my kids always ask why Queen Elizabeth I, the daughter of Henry VIII to his second wife, Anne Boleyn, is made to look hideous. Elizabeth was called England’s Gloriana, the Virgin Queen, married to her country England who helped bring prosperity during her Golden Age of reign.Her ‘mask of youth’ skincare routine incorporated covering her hands, face and neck with layers of toxic white lead and vinegar whilst kohl-lined her eyes, and red paste from plant dye and beeswax made to colour her lips. She wore wigs to match her own colouring and as she aged, the wigs covered her grey hair.Queen Elizabeth, I ruled for 44 years, the once young and pretty woman became bald, frail, with black teeth that were rotten and foul-smelling, who had scars caused by pox, was battling depression and had the worst headaches. For more interesting facts about her, read here: Queen Elizabeth I.

Today with modern technology and social media, there’s a constant push for image manipulation. We have access to photoshop, airbrushing, beauty apps, image enhancers that we can use to create or enhance our mood, colour, shape, size to create what we think is a perfect image for others to see, covering up what’s real and true. This is a conversation I am constantly having with my pre-teen, about what’s really beautiful and what isn’t. Why can we not ‘Be Our Own Kind Of Beautiful’?

In the next blog, I will share what kinds of ingredients are added from the 1800’s to the 21st-century cosmetics. It will help us understand that despite the evolution of the ages, that women in particular, have been applying cosmetic treatments to not only enhance their beauty but to give the impression of nobility, purity, wealth and stature.


  • What did you find to be the most intriguing ingredient for ancient times?
  • And the worst? For me it was the crocodile dung!!
  • Feel free to comment and share your personal stories below.

About Lili & Essentially Lili

My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

Shou ldyou need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.  We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x

Gallery: Products overlooking the Caldera of Santorini.

Essentially Lili Santorini

La pentola magica

Lili Giglia Sovereign Magazine Jun19

L’arte e la scienza di sentirsi
sicuri nella propria pelle

Intervista a Lili Giglia,
fondatrice di ESSENTIALLY LILI


Tradotto da Antonella R Licausi, Catania, Sicilia.

Lili vive in Svizzera dal 2012, da quando il marito è riuscito a finalmente a convincerla che la vita in Svizzera sarebbe stata perfetta per una giovane famiglia come la loro, ha così lasciato il lavoro nel Regno Unito e con la figlia ha raggiunto il marito a Zurigo.

Analista finanziaria di grande successo, dopo aver lavorato per grandi aziende per quasi due decenni, non avrebbe mai immaginato che la sua nuova vita tra le montagne, l’aria pura e le bellezze naturali svizzere sarebbe stata l’inizio di una nuova libertà. Originaria dell’Australia, carismatica e attenta, Lili ha dovuto trovare una soluzione per mettere a frutto la sua creatività e il suo spirito imprenditoriale pur rimanendo la “regina della casa”. Questa è la sua storia, la storia di un vasetto di magia!

Come mai sei venuta a vivere in Svizzera?

Nel 1990 mi sono laureata in Economia e dai venti ai trent’anni ho lavorato per una società petrolifera in vari settori. I miei compiti riguardavano principalmente l’analisi delle finanze e delle prestazioni, oltre a un accurato servizio clienti.

Quando vivevo nel Regno Unito, ho incontrato mio marito e insieme abbiamo iniziato a pianificare il nostro trasferimento in funzione del suo posto di lavoro. Dopo il matrimonio, nel 2004, ci siamo trasferiti a Dubai, dove sono entrata in una società di logistica. È stato bello vivere a Dubai, proprio nel periodo in cui le idee e i progetti per le Palms stavano prendendo forma.

Ci siamo poi trasferiti per un breve periodo a Basilea, in Svizzera, prima che mi offrissero nuovamente un ruolo di analista contabile per un’azienda di spedizioni con sede a Sunbury on Thames (Regno Unito), dove siamo rimasti per quasi 2 anni. Successivamente, siamo tornati a Melbourne con l’intento di vivere lì dopo aver avuto la nostra prima figlia, poiché in quel periodo volevo il supporto della mia famiglia. Tuttavia, mio marito voleva tornare nel Regno Unito, siamo quindi partiti nel 2007 con nostra figlia di 9 mesi, circa 3 giorni dopo il matrimonio di mia sorella. Nel Regno Unito, sono tornata a lavorare a tempo pieno e abbiamo anche iniziato a rinnovare casa e creare il nostro giardino.

Il nostro secondo figlio è nato nel 2010 e ho vissuto per 5 anni nel Regno Unito con i bambini. Mio marito si era temporaneamente trasferito a Zurigo per un progetto di 3 anni, tornando a casa ogni due settimane, e per me è stato abbastanza impegnativo lavorare a tempo pieno e crescere 2 bambini piccoli senza alcun sostegno familiare.

Qual è stata l’ispirazione originale dietro Essentially Lili?

L’ispirazione per l’inizio della mia attività deriva dalla mia esperienza, in quanto ho sofferto di eczema dall’età di 9 anni. Mio padre mi aveva fatto visitare dai migliori dermatologi di Melbourne, per trovare la giusta dose di cortisone che tenesse sotto controllo i problemi della mia pelle. Ricordo la mia frustrazione quando, dopo 10 anni di visite specialistiche, dissi a mio padre che non sarei più andata! Mi sentivo come una cavia, i medici scattavano foto delle mie mani e della mia pelle, provando a immaginare gli effetti delle cure.

Durante l’adolescenza, ho preso diversi antibiotici e il farmaco Roaccutane, per poi avere un peggioramento. Dopo diversi mesi di utilizzo, ho avuto una grave reazione che mi ha causato gonfiore, prurito, lacrimazione, sanguinamento e un forte eczema dalla testa ai piedi. Il mio corpo era completamente infiammato dagli antibiotici, che mi avevano causato ulteriori problemi. Ho addirittura smesso di frequentare l’università per due mesi a causa dello stato in cui mi trovavo, ho pianto tantissimo per il dolore e da lì ho iniziato la mia ricerca personale per trovare un’altra soluzione. Quando mi sono ripresa un po’, sono tornata per completare la mia laurea in Economia nel 1990.

Chi soffre di malattie della pelle come l’eczema può diventare paranoico, pensando che le persone guardino, critichino e giudichino il loro aspetto. Mi è successo da bambina, e sono stata spesso isolata o esclusa, senza amici. Credevo che gli altri ragazzi non avessero mai visto prima una cosa del genere e mi ritenessero contagiosa. Perdere la fiducia in me stessa mi ha fatto interiorizzare e nascondere i miei sentimenti, e sono diventata silenziosa e timida, mentre mi nascondevo dietro il trucco e i capelli lunghi. È stato un periodo orribile della mia giovinezza, e capisco perfettamente l’angoscia emotiva di chi soffre di acne, psoriasi, rosacea o eczema.

10 Year Challenge of myself, Signature Product Nourishing Face Balm & Frankincense Face Serum, Cleansing Products, Essentially Lili Range.

Cosa ti ha portato infine a iniziare la tua attività?

Non c’è niente di male nell’essere casalinga e prendersi cura dei propri figli, ma quello che mi mancava di più era l’indipendenza economica. Avevo lavorato e viaggiato per oltre 17 anni prima di arrivare in Svizzera. Per me, che non ero abituata a stare in casa, era davvero difficile abituarmi a una vita da casalinga, soprattutto con la mia esperienza lavorativa.

Mentre pensavo a “cosa fare nella mia nuova vita a Zurigo”, avevo preso in considerazione l’idea di diventare rappresentante di un marchio, vendendo prodotti per la cura della pelle. Ma c’era per me un palese “conflitto di interessi”, non sarei mai riuscita ad essere disonesta con me stessa o con i clienti, vendendo prodotti che personalmente non avrei mai utilizzato.

A quel tempo avevo già trovato delle soluzioni per avere una pelle dall’aspetto sano, per cui ho iniziato a pensare di condividerla con gli altri. Molti possono usare senza problemi prodotti acquistati al supermercato o in farmacia, tuttavia ci sono anche molte persone come me, con una pelle estremamente reattiva agli ingredienti di origine non naturale contenuti in questi prodotti, che gliene rendono impossibile l’uso.

A marzo del 2015, ho partecipato alla Women’s Expo di Zurigo e ho potuto così trarre ispirazione, fare indagini e raccogliere informazioni. Una settimana dopo ho deciso di abbandonare l’idea di lavorare per un altro brand e di creare il mio marchio personale; che avrebbe contenuto solo ingredienti naturali al 100%. Producevo la mia crema viso da anni ormai, la mia pelle era nutrita e non soffrivo più di eczema.

Ho quindi creato un campioncino di questo prodotto e ho distribuito i prodotti a un gruppo di donne, con dei foglietti informativi fatti a mano e il mio biglietto da visita, quindi ho atteso pazientemente di sapere cosa ne pensassero.

Circa un mese dopo, una signora che soffriva di rosacea da anni mi ha mandato un messaggio e ha chiesto di incontrarmi, dicendomi “Come posso fare per avere ancora un po’ di quel vasetto di magia?” Mi ha raccontato la sua storia, di quanti soldi avesse speso comprando diversi tipi di cosmetici, sia commerciali che farmaceutici, per cercare di risolvere i suoi problemi di pelle. Niente sembrava funzionare finché non ha provato il mio balsamo viso nutriente.

Aveva usato il mio campioncino e voleva averne ancora, poiché per la prima volta dopo tanti anni un prodotto era riuscito a lenire quel rossore secco e pruriginoso che nascondeva sotto il trucco. Ecco un’altra donna come me, che nascondeva il viso sotto uno spesso strato di trucco, cercando una soluzione in prodotti che peggioravano lo stato della sua pelle. Mi ha raccontato che da anni aveva l’abitudine di alzarsi alle 5 del mattino per iniziare la sua routine di trucco e poter così nascondere il viso coperto di rosacea.

Ora con il mio prodotto, poteva usare meno trucco. Io ho deciso di smettere del tutto di usare fondotinta, applicando solo i miei prodotti per la cura della pelle, e non l’ho più usato dal 2015! Ho buttato tutti i trucchi di marchi commerciali, fondotinta, rossetti, alcuni mai aperti ma scaduti, tutti contenenti parabeni. Valevano un sacco di soldi, ma la mia pelle stava molto meglio senza.

Ho capito che questo sarebbe stato il mio nuovo percorso, una ricerca per aiutare gli altri a sentirsi sicuri di sé e della propria bellezza, e a prendersi cura di se in modo olistico.

Informazioni su Lili & Essentially Lili– I miei studi sulla salute includono da2016-2019 Diplomi in Aromaterapia, Prodotti Olistici per la cura della pelle, Nutrizione Clinica, Gestione dello Stress, Riflessologia, Gestione del Dolore Olistico, Membro del Collegio Internazionale di Medicina Olistica.

Puoi leggere di più Se desideri saperne di più sulla Nutrizione Clinica e su come iniziare la tua salute, prenota una Consulenza privata. Il mio obiettivo è quello di aiutarti a ottenere i risultati desiderati poiché sono già stata in quel difficile viaggio per superare il disordine autoimmune. Invia un’email a se hai bisogno di ulteriore assistenza.

Blog Library includono : Angoscia di Acne / Rosacea, Grooming maschile, Come trattare con l’acne cistica, Capire il proprio corpo, la perseveranza è la chiave, comprendere il proprio corpo, Prodotti di Essentially Lili, oli essenziali, e Gestione dello Stress e amp; Cos’e’ nel frigo.

Il tuo feedback ci consente di migliorare. Non vediamo l’ora di ascoltarti, con cordiali saluti, Lili.

Getting Ready for Summer

Sunblocks All-Good & Babo

Getting Ready for Summer

The weather is changing
& the sun will be coming out.
Are you ready?


What happened to the beginning of the year? One minute we’re putting our winter woollies on and watching the snowfall, the next, the blossoms have come and gone and April is almost finished.It’s taken me awhile to get organised with ordering my next batch of Sunblocks for the summer.But finding the right ones for me came from trial and error as far back as I can remember.

Growing up in Australia, I spent a lot of my days outside or at the beach jet-skiing with my siblings and friends.I remember the first time we went jet-skiing, we ached so much from doing it all wrong that we couldn’t move at the end of the day. We laughed so much and had such a great time.

In Australia, the sun is so strong that it’s recommended to ‘Slip Slop and Slap’ protection all the time. Applying sunscreen to my face was always a risk for me.I tried using cricketers’ zinc but found it so harsh on my face.It became so hard that I could only remove it by scrubbing my already sensitive skin. If I used creamy sunscreens, my face would become clogged and prone to breaking out in Acne.
Urgh, the dread for me trying to protect my skin without causing other problems.

For quite some time, I found sunblock that is thicker in size than a regular lip balm which is easy to apply and suits my skin just right. Look for those with SPF Factor 30+. I apply mine before going out in the sunshine. Gently massage the sunblock it your skin, particularly around the eyes, nose and face. To slow down the aging process, avoid roasting your face directly under the sun.

If you’re sharing sunblock with your immediate family, wipe the top off beforehand. This will prevent anything from one’s face being passed to yours. I don’t usually allow anyone else to use my sunblock.

Wear a hat to shade your face, or a shirt/ T-shirt whilst walking around to prevent unnecessary burning and sun damage. When the clouds are out but the weather is muggy, be aware that you can still get burnt from the UV Rays of the sun. We don’t even realise how hot the sun until after our skin is stinging, red or covered in discoloured sunspots. Of course, you could style it up like Audrey Hepburn and Sophie Loren with a classy headscarf and huge sunglasses too!

Keep yourself hydrated, preferably with water. Whilst we’re out in the sunshine swimming in the beach, lake, pool or river, we are refreshed and cooled down. When we get out to dry off, the sun draws not only the water from the surface of our skin, but that which is within. It’s important to remain hydrated, with water, fruits and other refreshing options available during the summer.

Gallery: Riaci Beach Calabria Italy & Essentially Lili all-natural skincare products that you can use for after-sun care.

After sun care is extremely important too. We often forget about taking care of our skin should be part of our daily life, as it’s the only one we’re going to get. Once we’re returned from enjoying the summer weather, beach and scenery, we start the whole age appropriate after care routine. This will ensure the skin is replenished from being outside. It will also keep that glowing tan healthy looking too.
Re-hydrating the skin is just as important as drinking water.

What we use on holidays or during the summer:
• For the Kids, we use the Natural Baby Moisturising Oil which is easy to apply and gentle enough from their faces to their feet.
• Dad uses the Hydrating Face Balm as it smells of Sandalwood and keeps his skin feeling wonderful soft.
• For me, it’s a combination of products starting with my cleansing to ensure that the sunblock has been removed. Choose from either the Cypress Cleansing Balm which is made with Beeswax, Butters and Essential Oils or the Oil based Sunflower Cleanser
• Then I use the Frankincense Face Serum with the Nourishing Face Balm to hydrate and protect my skin.
• Depending on what we bring with us, we apply either the Jazz Body Butter , the Geranium Hands & Body or the Mint Body Butter on our shoulders, arms, tummy and legs.Either one is gorgeous with its natural scent and feels lush as it melts into the skin and keeps it hydrated for such a long time.
• And don’t forget your feet especially if you’re planning to wear open shoes or sling-backs!!Peppermint Feet keeps those heels soft and helps prevent fungal infections and smelly feet. But if you’re expecting or nursing, use the Tango Twinkle Toes or the Lime Foot Repair instead.

But don’t despair if you have damaged your skin already.I made the Sun Kissed Balm to assist with sunspots and discolouration caused by the sun.This product can only be used at night time to prevent your skin becoming more sensitive to the sun.

This month I have bought extra Sunblocks. Should you wish to get some let me know so that I can do another bulk order for you.It will include a portion of the delivery cost to save you money ordering yourself.


  • What’s your favourite sunblock product?</li/>
  • Have you ever considered using Sunblock versus Sunscreen on your face?
  • Have you had any sunshine mishaps?
  • Feel free to comment and share your personal stories below.

    About Lili & Essentially Lili

    My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine. I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

    My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

    Shou ldyou need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.  We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

    See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

    We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x

We All Want Pampering Fun

Sophia Loren Sorrento

We All Want Pampering Fun

Pampering fun – travelling, shopping, spa treatments & massages are all part of loving oneself!


Ask any woman what she loves to do and I bet you being pampered is on the top. Whether it’s traveling, going out shopping, buying something that makes her look great, feel wonderful about herself and smells amazing.

Ask any man what he loves to do – get a shave and haircut with head massage, have a deep tissue massage, manicure & pedicure together with a session at the gym. For kids, it’s going on holidays and getting new stuff!!!  Well, at least that’s my kids!!

We all love that massage to relax and release tension in our bodies especially if it’s done by someone who knows how to do it well.  We love having our feet pedicured and maintained for the spring and summer seasons.  If we are not sensitive to the heat, we definitely love sessions in the steam room and having facials. Relaxing spa baths, swimming at the beach, and eating great food are all what I would include in pampering treatments.

This April, we recently ventured for a short Spring break with the family to the Central part of Italy. We flew into Naples, took a bus drive along the windy roads to Sorrento and had an even more crazy coastal drive to Amalfi & back to Positano.  We walked up to the crater of Mt. Vesuvius and then explored the ruins excavated at Pompeii.  The kids swam at Amalfi and Sorrento Beaches, where we explored the many tiny cobbled streets filled with a variety of stores.

Caught the fast trains to Naples and onwards to glorious Rome. Here we spent our last days exploring the Colosseum, Vatican Museum & St Peter’s Basilica.  We had a Melbourne reunion with my friend at Trevi, where we threw 3 Coins in the Fountain, making our wishes.  We did lots of walking, enjoying the sunshine and eating sooo much food, OMG!!  You really need to be on a diet beforehand so that you have space for all the yummy food & gelato that is available in Italy.

On every trip we make, we always bring our pampering products with us. On this trip, it included Mozz Off for mosquitoes in case the kids were bitten by those bugs.  We had sunblock & caps to ensure no-one burnt their faces in the averaging 25 deg heat.  We had our moisturising balms to keep our skin hydrated all day, Lime Foot Repair to keep the feet soft and free from cracking; the Cypress Cleansing Balm to remove any dirt and pollution in the evenings, as well as Green clay for a session of pampering during the trip.  It was also wonderful seeing our kids apply their own Natural Baby Moisturising Oil at the end of each day to keep their skin hydrated!  All of us had something to take care of our skin, as well as drinking plenty of water to keep our bodies hydrated from within.

The Lime Foot Repair has kept my feet the softest they have ever been, considering how bad they were before I started making all-natural skincare products. I have been applying it to where I managed to get blisters from my new hiking shoes, which were rubbing on the tops of my toes. With only 2 applications the signs of the blisters are almost completely gone!

With Mother’s Day approaching on Sunday 13th of May, you can ensure you get your loved ones something to help pamper themselves. You can create your own package of goodies to from the range of Essentially Lili all-natural products.

Please check the ingredients first. You can order your Pot of Magic before the 10th of May to ensure it arrives in time for Mother’s Day.

And remember, for maintaining your glow:
* Rinse your face with warm water only in the mornings. Gently pat it dry before applying your face balm. Do not cleanse in the mornings as you could remove any new cells that were generated whilst you were getting your beauty sleep!
* You should only cleanse gently at night time to remove any dirt and pollution from your skin.
* Some Serums & Balms contain Essential Oils that will make your skin sensitive to the sun. These should only be applied at night time.
* Applying a little of the balms as often as needed helps prevent your skin from drying out and cracking.
* Kids should also keep their skin hydrated, especially after being in the sun.
* In all things, apply common sense – drink water, wear sun hats, sun block, if something doesn’t agree with you, stop eating /drinking it, and find alternatives!

I will be updating the Photo Gallery with our products at these various locations. If you would like to add yours, please send them in.

Gallery: We All Want to Have Pampering Fun: Amalfi Beach, Doing a Green Clay Mask, Yellow Products made from Lemons at Sorrento, Products amongst the Mosaics of Pompeii, Trevi Fountain, Rome.


  • What do you love about pampering yourself?
  • What’s your favourite way to -self-love-pamper?
  • You can read more About Lili here and check out the variety of Help Skin Assistance products available on the webpage.

    The other Essentially Lili’s Blogs can also be found on our webpage or you can send an email to should you need further assistance.

    Always love to hear from you, Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili