Tag Archives: Geranium

Hands Need Tender Loving Care

Hands Need Tender Loving Care

Hands Need
Tender Loving Care

In all aspects of life,
they connect us to
ourselves & each other.


Goodbye summer and hello weather changes in the Northern Hemisphere. Whilst my family and friends are gearing up for their Spring and Summer festivities in Australia, the end of their school years and a Christmas BBQs at the beach, we’re preparing ourselves for a cold one!Snow has already started to fall on the nearby peaks of Zurich Switzerland.

The heaters in our homes and shopping centres tend to do us more harm than good.Constantly taking off our warm winter woollies in order to browse the overheated shop, before putting everything back before stepping into the chilly weather. I remember doing this when visiting my cousin in London last year … it was so frustrating taking your jackets, scarves, gloves off whilst shopping on Kensington High Street, only to have carry it whilst browsing, and put it back on before leaving the store!Do you find this annoying too?

My advice to those who feel their skin drying out during the winter periods:
Stay hydrated by drinking water or herbal teas. The recommended daily intake of water is based on specific age groups:Children from 5-8 years of age should have 5 glasses or 1 litre, 9-12 years of age should have 7 glasses or 1.5 litres, and from 13+/Adults, should drink 8-10 glasses or 2 litres of water.This will help flush out toxins and keep your skin looking fabulously fresh ;
Be Gentle with your skin all the time, irrespective of what you’re doing – cleansing, shaving, moisturising. Avoid using really hot water against your hands or body as it can also dry you out, and
could make sensitive skin blotchy. It’s better to use tepid or lukewarm water, which will prevent breaking the small veins on your face ;
Wear breathable fibres like 100% cotton when staying warm.This will prevent unnecessary irritation, sweating, sticking or itching to your skin and body, which normally happens with synthetics, polyester and other non-natural garments.
Keep a bowl of water in your room at night time to allow that to be evaporated instead of the moisture contained in your skin.Ensure that your heating is also turned down whilst sleeping at night;
Leave the diffuser on with your either blend of Breathe Easy Concentrate or Blissful Minds ;
Apply your choice of Hand Creams and if necessary, wear your cotton gloves to keep them from dehydrating whilst you sleep.

Product selections:
• For Hands, choose from Geranium Hands & Body, Rosey Hemp Hands or for hands that are cracked, use Renew Balm.;
• For Children, apply Natural Baby Moisturising Oil which is gentle enough from their faces to their feet.
• For the Concentrates, choose from Kids Breathe Easy Concentrate and Adults Breathe Easy Concentrate or Blissful Minds.

These Concentrated Serums are made in a Carrier Oil, making them safe to add to the bath or diffuser. They help with Congestion, coughs and headaches.
• Ensure your body and feet are also moisturised after showering to keep the rest of your skin feeling soft.
• Other products to keep your skin hydrated can be found in the Body Eyes Feet Hands & Lips category of the webpage.There is also the Mums Pamper Pack with Tango Twinkle Toes & Geranium Hands & Body.

These Winter tips will help keep your skin feeling wonderful soft all winter long.As stated in the Newsletter, I’m discounting the Hands Products this month so that you can get your Pot of Magic and take care of your hands during winter. Your hands need Tender Loving Care.

Image: Geranium Hands & Body with Rosey Hemp Hands, Geranium Flowers & holding hands.

‘Hands & Body Butters keeping our hands soft & hydrated’

The Essential Oils contained in our all-natural Hands products include Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis Organic), Cypress (Cupressus Sempervirens), whilst the Rosey Hemp Hands contains Rose (Rosa Centifolia) Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini).
The Benefits of these concentrated essential oils include:

Geranium is non-irritating, non-toxic which is wound-healing with its antiseptic properties.It helps improve circulation whilst assisting and improving the health of your skin;
Sweet Orange is ideal for dry or problem skin types, as it’s a wonderful skin tonic that helps to decongest and removes built up toxins on the skin. Being rich in antioxidants, this promotes natural regeneration of cells, minimising the signs of ageing;
Cypress has antiseptic properties which helps to improve tone and assists in treating varicose veins, spider veins and broken capillaries;
Rose contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds which make this a fabulous ingredient especially for dry or ageing skin. It helps refine skin texture and tone whilst managing irritating skin conditions like Dermatitis and Psoriasis;
Palmarosa has skin healing and hydrating properties, which improve the condition of dehydrated skin.

These all-natural ingredients have been carefully selected when creating the products for your skin, as their benefits are so amazing, allowing for an accelerated process for regenerating and hydrating the cells.

What do I see with Touching Hands?

In the newsletter, I added a picture of a group of hands and felt there was such a strong bond and connection with those touching each other, that it was more than just about applying a product to make it feel soft and wonderful.Lately, this has resonated so strongly with me. Perhaps this is because I live so far away from those that I consider is important to me and my family.

What I see when I look at that picture:Love, Friendship, Assistance, Diversity, Inclusion, Help, Connections, Healing, Belief, Encouragement, Compassion, Faith, Hope, Family, Strength, Teamwork, Ability, Willingness, Listening, Guidance, Reassurance, Perseverance, Togetherness, Participation, Unity, Appreciation, Edification, Building, Communication, Trust, Security, Gratitude, Self-lessness, Humility, Sensations, Charitable, Confidence, Safety & Bonds. This list is by no means finished, but it’s huge when looking at only ONE picture.

So what’s the fascination with physical touch, the first sensation, and language we learn.For a mother and her baby, it strengthens the attachment, encouraging security and safety.Depending on the kind of touch that is given, it can create either positive or negative emotions.As our kids get older, touch as a sign of affection is necessary to help reassure and build up their confidence.When we share our lives with another, touch becomes an important aspect of communicating, whether it’s transmitting the feeling of comfort, or more intense sensations which can cause the heart to race from excitement. We want to make sure we’re using touch as a powerful form of communication to keep us grounded and bonded together.

However, in life lately, I have noticed that there is only a handful who are willing to reach out, grab and hang onto your hands, especially when life or situations become tough and stressful.The journey we strive on is often challenging, it can be lonely and isolating.We sometimes forget about those that helped us when we almost lost everything, or had nothing and struggled to get back up onto our feet, making it easier to reach a higher potential.I look back at some of the hardships we faced and remember with fondness those who were there, despite distance and international time zones.

To those who have been an element of strength and compassion for my family and me, we are humbled with gratitude and appreciate your words of encouragement.You helped us believe in a bigger picture that we were unable to see during that crisis, whether it was from exhaustion or fear of the unknown.

What I have also noticed and learned is how being proud, self-centred, lacking gratitude or appearing better than others just encourages narcissist behaviours which will cause rifts and ultimately break off those wonderful and beautiful relationships.The world is big enough for many characteristics, and I’d rather keep my eyes focused on the greater good in others, hoping that they too can assist those around them by lifting, building, strengthening bonds and making the life we live a better one.

Always try to be the best version of yourself and let the world see Your Own Kind of Beautiful.

Images: Caring Hands Quote by Leo Buscaglia, Connected Hands, Love One Another.

Caring Hands

‘There is nothing more beautiful than a vulnerable heart in open hands’ – Goodreads.com


  • Which of these products have you tried and how did you find it on your skin?
  • Which of the Essential Oils fascinates you the most, or is your favourite?
  • What’s the word that speaks the loudest to you on the ‘Hands’ Image? What would you add to this list?

About Lili & Essentially Lili:

My Health Studies include from 2016-2019 Diplomas in Aromatherapy, Holistic Skincare Products, Clinical Nutrition, Stress Management, Reflexology, Holistic Pain Management. I’m a Member of International College of Holistic Medicine.I’m currently studying Clinical Nutrition for Over 50s.

My aim is to help you get the results you want as I have already been on that hard journey to overcome the autoimmune disorder. If you wish to know more about Clinical Nutrition and how to kick start your health, book a private Consultation. Please send an email to info@essentiallylili.com should you need further assistance.  At Essentially Lili, the products made are all using 100% Natural Ingredients.  See the wide variety of Products available on the webpage.

Should you need help in deciding, start by reading the Reviews & Testimonials about other Customers who have enjoyed using the products.  We have had some amazing Before & After results from Clients using the All-Natural Skincare products.  Please don’t forget to write your comments and reviews on our pages to share the love with others.

See the Blog Library for previous writings about Alopecia Areata, Face Mapping, Dry Skin in Winter, Raiding Your Fridge, Keratosis Pilaris Tips, Anguish of Acne/Rosacea, How to deal with Cystic Acne & Understanding Your Body. Your feedback allows us to improve the content and information provided and products made.

We look forward to hearing from you, With Love Essentially Lili x

Essential Oils

essential oils and medical flowers herbs

Essential Oils

What I love about them is
their antiseptic anti-inflammatory
properties can rejuvenates skin cells.


I went to London for 2 weekends of blending which was attended by a group of fabulous women from all walks of life. We spent the first day inhaling, smelling, guessing, imagining and enjoying the natural fragrances of the Essential Oils variety our teacher had brought in. The range of top, middle and base notes from the Essential Oils, the way it made us feel, the smells we liked and those we didn’t enjoy as much.

Some of us left for the evening feeling invigorated, whilst some of us had to lie down from the sore head we got from of inhaling the range of Essential Oils. Ironically, when you read the benefits of Essential Oils, and their therapeutic capabilities, it’s no wonder we were feeling a mix of these emotions and symptoms. It was like an overdose of too many good things at once!

There are so many Essential Oils to choose from. There are those ‘Must Have In Your Cupboards’ like Lavender and Tea Tree Oil, others are nice to haves like Frankincense and Geranium, together with the would really love to have but they are sooooo expensive like Rose Absolute.

Essential Oils have many different properties.They are Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and wound healing. They help stimulate circulation, can help smooth fine lines, rejuvenate cells, can unblock skin cells and promote cell growth. They are refreshing, cooling and help with hot flushes, sweating, headaches and fatigue.

With my Aromatherapy Studies, I compiled a list of my Essential Oils with the benefits they have, as well as who shouldn’t be using particular oils.Not everyone can enjoy the assistance of the Essential Oils due to their age, if they are expecting or nursing, or if they are undergoing treatment for another condition.This is why I ask about allergies, intolerances and conditions before giving products to someone.

In the Newsletter, I wrote about Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) and how it’s regarded as the ‘Go To Essential Oil.’ Best known for originating in Provence, France, blends also come from Bulgaria, Croatia, England as well as other popular places. It has many wonderful properties and suitable for all ages. Lavender is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and with skin healing properties, reduces irritations and assists the healing of wounds. Lavender is also relaxing and can help de-stress the body and mind. It also has antibacterial properties, and diluted with vegetable oil, can be applied directly to the skin. It is gentle enough for youngsters and fabulous for the skin cell regeneration of those with mature skin!

My other favourite is Frankincense (Boswellia Thurifera) which I use in my Frankincense Face Serum for the over 30s. Frankincense comes from the Middle East. It is also antiseptic, astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, has regenerative and skin healing properties.Frankincense helps improve the tone of mature and damaged skin, reducing scars as well as excess oiliness. I use Frankincense in quite a few products due to the variety of benefits it provides, though the Serum is my favourite go to boost for my skin.

Tangerine (Citrus reticulate) comes from Italy and has antiseptic as well as antispasmodic properties. It is great for helping circulation, digestion, relaxes the nerves as well as being sedative, assisting with stomach and digestive and is depurative. A fabulous inclusion for Mums who are expecting and nursing as it assists whilst they take care of their feet with Tango Twinkle Toes!

Geranium Egyptian (Pelargonium graveolens) is another of those Essential Oils that can help with so many conditions. It has antiseptic, astringent and properties for skin healing. It also regulates and balances skin sebum production, particularly if you have oily and combination skin types. It helps with broken capillaries, varicose veins, improves skin elasticity and tightens the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It also helps promote blood circulation and can help balance irritability and emotions.

Geranium Egyptian works well with Carrot Seed (Daucus carota). Carrot Seed has also become a favourite of mine especially to help improve the skin’s tone, capillaries and the rejuvenation process.

Both of these Essential Oils can be found in Essentially Lili Products: Men’s Aftershave Serum, Hydrating Face Balm, theVitamin Rich Mens Face Balm and Vitamin Rich Womens Face Balm, Diamond Era Balm, Sun Kissed Balm and Changing Seasons for Menopause.

Geranium is key ingredient for Geranium Hands & Body Butter. Carrot Seed is found in Oasis Balm (for Psoriasis), Renew Balm (for Eczema), Diamond Era Serum (for Over 50s mature skin) and Sun Kissed Serum (for Sunspots).

The amazing aspect of Essential Oils is if they are treated with respect, stored away from direct sunlight and not ingested without the assistance of a Clinical Aromatherapist, they can have so many wonderful benefits for everyday living. Used with a Carrier or Vegetable Oil will prevent the strength of the Essential oils burning or irritating the skin.I will blog my favourite Vegetable Carrier oils next time.

Check out the Gallery of Pictures – includes Lavandula Angustifolia, Frankincense Face Serum, Tangerines, Carrots, Essentially Lili Range – Made With Love.


What are your favourite Essential Oils and why?
Do you know where they come from?
If you could have a magic potion made for you, what would it be for and what would you like it to include?I would love to hear your ideas!

Should you wish to Contact us for more information about our All Natural Skincare Products, please send me an email info@essentiallylili.com

You can read more About Lili here, see the range of Products on offer at Shop Categories or refer to our Blog Library for more topics covered.

Kind Regards Lili @ Essentially Lili